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DCENT Web SDK Integration Guide


version date modification
v0.6.2-beta 2019. 04. 07 First version of D'CENT Web SDK connector release
v0.7.0-beta 2019. 05. 07 add KLAYTN transaction function
v0.8.0 2020. 06. 05 add 'getSignedMessage' function
v0.9.0 2020. 06. 22 add interface for BITCOIN transaction
v0.10.0 2020. 09. 28 add interface for Ripple full transaction
v0.10.1 2020. 11. 30 modify description for Ripple full transaction
v0.10.3 2021. 03. 15 add XDC transaction function
v0.10.4 2021. 05. 06 add Select address function
v0.10.5 2021. 12. 23 support sign data function
v0.11.0 2022. 03. 08 add interface for Hedera transaction
v0.11.2 2022. 04. 21 modify getEthereumSignedTransaction interface for EIP-2718
v0.12.0 2023. 02. 15 add Tron & Stellar transaction transaction functions
v0.12.1 2023. 05. 03 add support coin group for syncAccount
v0.13.0 2023. 05. 16 add Tezos & Vechain & Near & Havah transaction function
v0.13.1 2023. 05. 17 Fixed fee display issue
v0.14.0 2023. 05. 25 add Polkadot & Comsmos & Coreum & Near Token
v0.14.1 2023. 05. 25 Fix Polkadot decimals
v0.14.2 2023. 11. 20 add Algorand transaction function
v0.15.0 2023. 12. 18 add Parachain(Astar) transaction function


D'CENT Web SDK allows your web application to quickly create an wallet application using D'CENT dongle. This guide explains how to install DCENT Web SDK and use the SDK for your web wallet application.

2. Architecture

The figure below is a D'CENT Web SDK structure.

When the functions is called, if the D'CENT Bridge Service is not running as a popup, the popup window is automatically opened internally and a request to process the function is transmitted.


D'CENT Web SDK includes:

  • doc : Integration guide and API documentation of DCENT Web SDK.
  • src : DCENT Web SDK library file.


Developers can develop wallet application using our web sdk. Install the dcent-web-connector from npm repository.

const DcentWebConnector = require('dcent-web-connector')

Developer can access api through window.DcentWebConnector object or DcentWebConnector object.




All API functions return a Promise. When function processing is completed, it is resolved. If an error occurs, it is rejected. In either case, respond with a JSON object.

Returned JSON object type

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "request_from": "",
        "status": ""
    "body": {
        "command" : "",
        "parameter" : {}

Common Errors

If D'CENT wallet isn't connected via USB, you'll get the following error:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "request_from": "wam",
        "status": "error"
    "body": {
        "error": {
            "code": "no_device",
            "message": "D'CENT Biometric Wallet is not connected"

If the bridge service popup window is closed while calling a function and waiting, the following error occurs:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "request_from": "dcent-web",
        "status": "error"
    "body": {
        "error": {
            "code": "pop-up_closed",
            "message": "Pop-up windows has been closed"

When executing a function that requires user authentication, an error occurs if the user cancels the authentication. The following shows the user cancel error in the Ethereum signed Transaction.

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "request_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "error"
    "body": {
        "command": "transaction",
        "error": {
            "code": "user_cancel",
            "message": "user cancel"

DcentWebConnector initialize

dcent-web-connector provides functions for using D'CENT Biometric Wallet.

var result
    result = await
    result = e

info() returns :

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "request_from": "",
        "status": ""
    "body": {
        "command" : "",
        "parameter" : {
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "isUsbAttached": "true | false"

When the function is called from your web application, if D'CENT Bridge Service is not running as a pop-up, dcent-web-connector will automatically open a pop-up window and send a function request

Set TimeOut Time

Sets the maximum time the function will run. Once set the timeout Time, it is valid until the value is set again. The default value is 60 seconds.

You can set the timeout time by calling setTimeOutMs () as shown below.

  try {
    await DcentWebConnector.setTimeOutMs(60000) // 60 sec, The default value is 60 seconds.
  } catch (e) {

All functions except setTimeOutMs function are called and then respond with JSON Object as below when timeout occurs.

    "header": {
      "version": "1.0",
      "response_from": "dcent-web",
      "status": "error"
    "body": {
      "error": {
        "code": "time_out",
        "message": "The function execution time has expired"

Close pop-up window

dcent-web-connector will automatically open a pop-up window and send a function request. After each request to device is ended, it is recommended to close popup for enhancing user experience.

var result
    result = await  
    result = e
// close pop-up window of D'CENT Bridge Service

Set Device Connection Listener

Set listener for device connection state. Before processing a functions request, dcent-web-connector check the device connection state. If the state is changed, the device connection listener will be called.

// device connection listener ( callback )
function connectionListener(state) {
    if (state === DcentWebConnector.state.CONNECTED) {
        console.log('DCENT is Connected');  
    } else if (state === DcentWebConnector.state.DISCONNECTED) {
        console.log('DCENT is Disconnected');  
try {
    // set the device connection listener
} catch(e) {  

Get Device Info

You can get connected device information using getDeviceInfo() function.

// Get connected device information
var result
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getDeviceInfo()
    result = e

getDeviceInfo() returns :

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "device",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "get_info",
        "parameter": {
            "device_id": "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234",
            "fw_version": "",
            "ksm_version": "",
            "state": "secure",
            "coin_list": [
                    "name": "BITCOIN"
                    "name": "ETHEREUM"
                    "name": "ERC20"
                    "name": "RSK"
                    "name": "RRC20"
                    "name": "RIPPLE"
                    "name": "MONACOIN"
                    "name": "EOS"
                    "name": "KLAYTN"
            "fingerprint": {
                "max": 2,
                "enrolled": 1
            "label": "My D'CENT"
  • deviceId : device unique identifier
  • label : label of the device
  • fw_Version : firmware version of the device
  • ksm_Version : KSM(software running on SE) version of the device
  • coin_List : the list of coin which the device supported (Refer to

Set Device Label

If you want to change the label of device, you can do it using setLabel() fucntion.

var result
    result = await DcentWebConnector.setLabel("IoTrust")
    result = e

After execute above code, you can see the modified label on your device when reboot the device.

Add & Sync Account

As of firmware version 2.9.2 or later, the D'CENT biometric wallet device does not support updating the balance.

You can add account using syncAccount() function. You can create an account by specifying the coin type and key path of the account you want to add. If you want to add token type coin account, you must specify the coin name as the first 14 digits of contract address.

let account_infos = [{
    coin_group: DcentWebConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
    coin_name: DcentWebConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
    label: 'ETHEREUM_1', // account label
    balance: '0 ETH', // {String} balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
    address_path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.

var result
    // Ethereum account will be created.
    result = await DcentWebConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
    result = e

syncAccount() method can be used also for updating account. If the account of the specified key path is already exist, the syncAccount() method do not create account just sync the account information. For example, if you want to change the label of account or modify the balance, you can use the syncAccount() method.

let account_infos = [{
    coin_group: DcentWebConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
    coin_name: DcentWebConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
    label: 'ETH_1', // account label
    balance: '1 ETH', // {String} balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
    address_path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.

// This Ethereum account is already created.
// So the Ethereum account label and balance will be just modified.
var result
    // Ethereum account will be updated.
    result = await DcentWebConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
    result = e


address_path follows the BIP44 rules.

m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index

Accounts are distinguished by account in address_path.

let account_infos = [{
    coin_group: DcentWebConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
    coin_name: DcentWebConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
    label: 'ETH_2', // account label
    balance: '0 ETH', // balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
    address_path: "m/44'/60'/1'/0/0" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.

var result
    // A New Ethereum account is created.
    result = await DcentWebConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
    result = e

Retrieve Account

You can retrieve account list of connected device using getAccountInfo() function.

var result
    // A New Ethereum account is created.
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getAccountInfo()
    result = e

Returned account object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "coin",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "get_account_info",
        "parameter": {
            "account": [
                    "coin_group": "ETHEREUM",
                    "coin_name": "ETHEREUM",
                    "label": "eth_1",
                    "address_path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
  • label : label of account
  • coinGroup : coin group name of account
  • coinName : coin name of account
  • addressPath : address path of account

Get Address

You can get address of account using getAddress() function.

var coinType = DcentWebConnector.coinType.ETHEREUM
var keyPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" // key path of the account

var result
    // Get Ethereum Address corresponding to keyPath
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getAddress(coinType, keyPath)
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "get_address",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "0x354609C4c9a15d4265cF6D94010568D5Cf4d0c1B",
            "pubkey": "0x"

The address string format is depend on the coin type.

For some coin type(ex. TEZOS), include pubkey as a property of the response parameter.

For ss58 addresses used by the Substrate ecosystems such as Astar, prefix is added. The value of prefix is the prefix for each network defined in ss58-registry.

var coinType = DcentWebConnector.coinType.PARA
var keyPath = "m/44'/810'/0'/0/0" // key path of the Astar's account
var prefix = 5 // The address prefix of Astar

var result
    // Get the address corresponding to keyPath & prefix
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getAddress(coinType, keyPath, prefix)
    result = e

Please note that Astar EVM features an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible runtime environment, so it is the same as getting the address of ETHEREUM account.

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "para",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "get_address",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "YzsEz5dG8TDqG49pGaejLrFoD4oeNTEX7yWt4qcCV4TA9LB"


You can get xpub using getXPUB() function. The BIP32 key path must be at least 2 depth or more.

var keyPath = "m/44'/0'" // key path of the account

var result
    // Get extended public key corresponding to keyPath
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getXPUB(keyPath)
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "coin",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "xpub",
        "parameter": {
            "public_key": "xpub6Bp87egy.....EdAH4sMeqY3"

The public_key is xpub value.

Select Address

Show you address list and you can select an address using selectAddress() function.

var result
    // Get extended public key corresponding to keyPath
    let addresses = [
            address: '0x1234567812345678123456781234567812345678',
            path: `m'/44'/60'/0'/0/0`
            address: '0xabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcdabcd',
            path: `m'/44'/8217'/0'/0/0`
    result = await DcentWebConnector.selectAddress(addresses)
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "bridge",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "select_address",
        "parameter": {
            "selected_index": 0,
            "selected_address": {
                "address": "0x1234567812345678123456781234567812345678",
                "path": "m'/44'/60'/0'/0/0"

The 'selectedIndex' is index of addresses array.

Ethereum Signed Message

You can get a signature value to sign a user message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input message is prefixed with 'Ethereum sign message' and then hashed and signed.

var message = 'This is a message!'
var result
try {
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getEthereumSignedMessage(message, "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0");
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "msg_sign",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "0x54b9c508aC61Eaf2CD8F9cA510ec3897CfB09382",
            "sign": "0x0d935339......06a6291b"

Signed Data

You can get a signature value to sign message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input data is consist of EIP-712 palyload and version(V3 and V4, 'V1' is not supported)

// V4 example
var message = {
    version: 'V4',
    payload: {
       domain: { ... },
       message: { ... },
       primaryType: { ... }
       types: { EIP712Domain: { ... }, ...}

var key =  "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
var result
try {
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getSignedData(key, message);
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "sign_data",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "0x54b9c508aC61Eaf2CD8F9cA510ec3897CfB09382",
            "sign": "0x0d935339......06a6291b"

Signed Message

You can get a signature value to sign a user message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input message is prefixed depending on the coin type and then hashed and signed.

var message = 'This is a message!'
var key =  "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
var result
try {
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getSignedMessage( DcentWebConnector.coinType.ETHEREUM, key, message);
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "msg_sign",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "0x54b9c508aC61Eaf2CD8F9cA510ec3897CfB09382",
            "sign": "0x0d935339......06a6291b"

Signed Data

You can get a signature value to sign a user data with that private key With a given key path (BIP32).

var data = '0x10111213141516171819'
var key =  "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"
var result
try {
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getSignedData( key, data);
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object has:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ethereum",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "sign_data",
        "parameter": {
            "address": "0x54b9c508aC61Eaf2CD8F9cA510ec3897CfB09382",
            "sign": "0x0d935339......06a6291b"

Sign Transaction

The D'CENT Web SDK provides functions for signing transaction of coins.


  • This fuction for :

    • RSK
  • Parameters :

    • coinType
    • nonce
    • gasPrice
    • gasLimit
    • to (address)
    • value
    • data
    • key path for signing
    • chain ID
    • txType:number EIP 2718 TransactionType(optional)
    • typeOptions:Object {'accessList': [], 'maxPriorityFeePerGas': '0x0', 'maxFeePerGas': '0x0'}
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "ethereum",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "sign_v": "0x78",
                "sign_r": "0xf9e4c3ed......9557ad37",
                "sign_s": "0x697a2abf......b76c4cb2",
                "signed": "f86c0884......b76c4cb2"


  • This fuction for :

    • ERC20
    • RRC20
  • Parameters :

    • coinType
    • nonce
    • gasPrice
    • gasLimit
    • key path for signing
    • chain ID
    • contract information :
      // example
        name: 'OmiseGO',
        address: '0xd26114cd6EE289AccF82350c8d8487fedB8A0C07',
        to: '0x354609C4c9a15d4265cF6D94010568D5Cf4d0c1B',
        decimals: 18,
        value: '100000000000000000',
        symbol: 'OMG'
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "erc20",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed": "0xf8a91584......cc79c29a",
                "sign": {
                    "sign_v": "0x26",
                    "sign_r": "0x33930787......d4456f53",
                    "sign_s": "0x708126c7......cc79c29a"


  • This fuction for :

    • KLAYTN
  • Parameters :

    • coinType
    • nonce
    • gasPrice
    • gasLimit
    • to (address)
    • value
    • data
    • key path for signing
    • chain ID
    • Transaction type
    • from (address)
    • fee ratio
    • contract information :
      // example
        name: 'COSM',
        decimals: 18,
        symbol: 'COSM'
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "klaytn",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "sign_v": "0x4055",
                "sign_r": "0x5b1a8134......697ce449",
                "sign_s": "0x6aea20f1......9eb816fb"

For broadcast the sign value, you must encoding the parameter values using RLP. Klaytn provides 'caver-js' library. You can make raw transaction for broadcasting using 'caver-js'. (


  • This fuction for :

  • Parameters :

    • transaction: this value generated by getBitcoinTransactionObject()
  • Useage:

    // generate Bitcoin Transaction object
    let transaction = DcentWebConnector.getBitcoinTransactionObject(DcentWebConnector.coinType.BITCOIN)
    // Set input parameter(previous tx) in Bitcoin Transaction object
    transaction = DcentWebConnector.addBitcoinTransactionInput(transaction,
        '0100000001e297417c46........293fce63b88ac00000000', //  full of previous tx data
        1, // index of previous tx output to be sent
        DcentWebConnector.bitcoinTxType.p2pkh, // bitcoin tx type for this UTXO
        "m/44'/0'/0'/1/0") // signing key path
    transaction = DcentWebConnector.addBitcoinTransactionInput(transaction,
    // Set output parameter(spending information) in Bitcoin Transaction object
    transaction = DcentWebConnector.addBitcoinTransactionOutput(transaction,
            DcentWebConnector.bitcoinTxType.p2pkh, // transaction type or this field can indicate output as a “change”
            '10000', // amount of coin to spend. Satoshi unit.
            ['1traqiFvydVk2hWdCj3WGRJbe4CGtfyHA']) // Base58Check encoded address of the receiver.
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getBitcoinSignedTransaction(transaction)
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "erc20",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed": "0100000002233ee1fbcf.....71e088ac00000000"


  • This fuction for :

    • XRP(Ripple)
  • Parameters :

    • transaction: this value conforms JSON format of Transaction Types in XRP Doc.
    • key: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/144'/0'/0/0").
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.1.4 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.4.0. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    const transactionJson = {
        "TransactionType": "AccountSet", // or use defined value `DcentWebConnector.xrpTxType.AccountSet`
        "Account": "rfQrsnD8ywrgSX457qshpBTDru7EDnM2Lb",
        "Fee": "10",
        "Sequence": 34,
        "MessageKey": "02000000000000000000000000415F8315C9948AD91E2CCE5B8583A36DA431FB61",
        "Flags": 2147483648, // if exist then D'Cent check that `tfFullyCanonicalSig` is set?
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getXrpSignedTransaction(transactionJson, "m/44'/144'/0'/0/0");  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "ripple",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "get_sign",
            "parameter": {
                "sign": "3045022100e81c9e2...8e373e30b8f5e0a33eb094ffc7c8d009ad71fd7581b6b89ef9",
                "pubkey": "02c65f2a496909123973282c47edbd0e760bb44bb0d87ec1b30115b2ce3072c766",
                "accountId": "462a5a061ebe03fb52e5bca443233bcc6d0e9699"
  • Send a Multi-Signed Transaction

    • Reference the XRP Doc
    • Multi-signing a Transaction
      1. First, prepare by referring to Set Up Multi-Signing (You can get address of account using getAddress() function.)
      2. Get signature
    // You can use xrp library for encoding
    //const api = require('ripple-binary-codec')
    //const addrs = require('ripple-address-codec')
    const transactionJson = {
        "TransactionType": "Payment",
        "Account": "rfQrsnD8ywrgSX457qshpBTDru7EDnM2Lb",
        "Fee": "30", // normal cost * (1 + N)
        "Sequence": 45,
        "Amount": "1234567",
        "Flags": 2147483648,
        "Destination": "rJZMdVmbqFPi5oMyzGKJhHW9mNHwpiYKpS",
        "SigningPubKey": "", // Must be blank
    var result
    var signer = {}
    try {
        // Keypath is SignerEntry's key path
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getXrpSignedTransaction(transactionJson, "m/44'/144'/1'/0/0");
        signer = {
            "Account": "rBV2LGGm5XAc5KbL7hBaPnLnUJ5aTQzVj9", // addrs.encodeAccountID(Buffer.from(result.accountId,'hex'))
            "SigningPubKey": result.pubkey,
            "TxnSignature": result.sign
    } catch (e) {
        result = e

For broadcast the sign transaction, you must reconstruct transaction include TxnSignature & SigningPubKey for normal (single-signature) or Signers array for multi-signed-transaction


  • This fuction for :

    • Hedera(HTS)
  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Hedera Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/3030'/0'").
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: hedera or hts token's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.2.1 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.19.3. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    const _buf2hex = (buffer) => { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
    return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('')
    const client = HederaSDK.Client.forMainnet()
    const nodeList = client._network.getNodeAccountIdsForExecute()
    const validStart = Timestamp.generate()
    const fromAccountId = AccountId.fromString('accountIdString')
    const txId = new TransactionId(fromAccountId, validStart)
    const tx = new HederaSDK.TransferTransaction()
    // when you transfer hbar
    tx.addHbarTransfer(fromAccountId, HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars('-' + amountTinybar))
    tx.addHbarTransfer('toAccountIdString', HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars(amountTinybar))
    // or you can transfer token like this.
    tx.addTokenTransfer(contractAddress, fromAccountId, HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars('-' + amountTinybar))
    tx.addTokenTransfer(contractAddress, 'toAccountIdString', HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars(amountTinybar))
    tx.setNodeAccountIds([nodeList[nodeList.length - 1]])
    const bodyBytes = tx._signedTransactions[0].bodyBytes
    const unsignedTx = _buf2hex(bodyBytes)
    const transactionJson = {
        unsignedTx: unsignedTx,
        path: `m/44'/3030'/0'`,
        symobl: HBAR,
        decimals: 8
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getHederaSignedTransaction(transactionJson)
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "hedera",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d",
                "pubkey": "0x9a5c753d02038e512c06867556324b37181c9c1fc19c21c27752c520e8f0d822"


This is a function used to perform the hedera_signMessage method specified in the HIP-820.
You can get a signature value to sign a user message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32).

  • Parameters :

    • unsignedMsg: the UTF-8 encoded message with a prefix appended to it.
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/3030'/0'").
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.5 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.30.3. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    function stringToHexString (str) {
      const buf = Buffer.from(str.toString(), 'utf8')
      return buf.toString('hex')
    var message = `This is hedera_signMessage's message`
    var unsignedMsg = stringToHexString("\x19Hedera Signed Message:\n" + message.length + message)
    const transactionJson = {
        unsignedMsg: unsignedMsg,
        path: `m/44'/3030'/0'`
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getHederaSignedMessage(transactionJson)
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object has:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "hedera",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "sign_msg",
            "parameter": {
              "sign_msg": "0x6fb261a69f45f58d5dc33297a7db0fd80cbbd90137a2597ff870a374ecbd2cb99d22bac9a28e91a84902a6b5b0a4316a9c7d4e7ae242f2e2172d57d2a9b7530c",
              "pubkey": "0x97ee5dbe1b00e35ac9674cdc9915503108acae33d9dc2aa2247e69d4e456c594"


  • This fuction for :

    • Stellar(XLM)
  • Parameters :

    • transactionJson: this value conforms JSON format of Transaction Types in Stellar Docs
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.4.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.20.0. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    const _buf2hex = (buffer) => { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
        return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
    const server = new StellarSdk.Server('')
    const account = await server.loadAccount(address)
    // Operation
    const operationXdr = StellarSdk.Operation.createAccount({
        destination: toAddr,
        startingBalance: amount
    // Builder
    const transactionBuilder = new StellarSdk.TransactionBuilder(account, { 
        fee: StellarSdk.BASE_FEE,
        networkPassphrase: StellarSdk.Networks.TESTNET
    const unsignedTx = _buf2hex(transactionBuilder.signatureBase())
    const transactionJson = {
        unsignedTx: unsignedTx,
        fee: StellarSdk.BASE_FEE
        path: `m/44'/148'/0'`,
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getStellarSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "stellar",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x9b1cb82eb924178980b1d35f99ae24142d25ba08efabd1dfe7f4741028d03f3fe80770b395176b9d49381d98660e2746d38986b4e31af738524ca0936a7aa901",
                "pubkey": "0x283957814f67abe6eda79128d3d54655a1ec8c595aece2c12f0848461a4ef659"


  • This fuction for :

    • Tron(TRX)
    • Tron Token(TRC, call getTrcTokenSignedTransaction())
  • Parameters :

    • transactionJson: this value conforms JSON format of Transaction Types in Tron Docs
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.4.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.3.0. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    const decode58Check = require('@tronscan/client/src/utils/crypto').decode58Check
    const { Transaction } = require('@tronscan/client/src/protocol/core/Tron_pb')
    const googleProtobufAnyPb = require('google-protobuf/google/protobuf/any_pb.js')
    const _buf2hex = (buffer) => { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
        return Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
    const baseURL = ''
    // get node info
    const command = '/wallet/getnodeinfo'
    const reponse = await axios.get(baseURL + command)
    let dataInfo =
    let arrBlcokInfo = dataInfo.block.split(',')
    const nodeInfo = {
        number: arrBlcokInfo[0].split(':')[1],
        hash: arrBlcokInfo[1].split(':')[1],
    let transferContract = new TronscanSdk.TransferContract()
    let anyValue = new googleProtobufAnyPb.Any();
    anyValue.pack(transferContract.serializeBinary(), 'protocol.' + typeName)
    let contract = new Transaction.Contract();
    const refBlockHash = Buffer.from(nodeInfo.hash, 'hex').slice(8, 16).toString('base64');
    const blockNumber = Number(nodeInfo.number);
    const refBlockBytes = getBlockBytes(blockNumber).toString('base64');
    let raw = new Transaction.raw()
    raw.setExpiration( + (100 * 60 * 60 * 1000)) // 10 hours
    if (contractType === Transaction.Contract.ContractType.TRIGGERSMARTCONTRACT) {
        raw.setFeeLimit(50 * 1000000) // transfer fee limit
    let transaction = new Transaction();
    const unsignedTx = _buf2hex(raw.serializeBinary())
    const transactionJson = {
        unsignedTx: unsignedTx,
        fee: fee
        path: `m/44'/195'/0'/0/0`,
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getTronSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

    • The property of the response's parameter, the pubkey is deprecated.
        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "tron",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x35544659743d463715380a2f66205ac9c38feb04033c29a5d415f8b009f566664a1972ac8be256308ec9b38a726f02eec103fc74963d7caf783cd55f1d7610d900",
                "pubkey": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"


  • This fuction for :

    • TEZOS(XTZ)
    • TEZOS Token(XTZ_FA)
  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Tezos Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/1729'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: tezos or tezos token's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.23.1 or higher is required.
      • testnet: version 2.24.1 or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import { TezosToolkit, Estimate } from '@taquito/taquito'
    import * as tezosUtils from '@taquito/utils'
    import { Tzip12Module, tzip12 } from '@taquito/tzip12'
    import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
    const Tezos = new TezosToolkit('https://YOUR_PREFERRED_RPC_URL');
    const TezosContext = Tezos._context
    const BlockHash = await TezosContext.readProvider.getBlockHash('head~2')
    const BlockProto = await TezosContext.readProvider.getNextProtocol('head')
    const counter = Number(await TezosContext.readProvider.getCounter(account.recvAddress, 'head'))
    let ops = []
        kind: 'transaction',
        amount: DcentWebConnector.unitConverter(amount, decimals).num.toString(),
        destination: toAddr,
        counter: (counter + 1 + index).toString(),
        source: recvAddress,
    const prepared = {
        opOb: {
          branch: BlockHash,
          contents: ops,
          protocol: BlockProto
        counter: counter
    const forgedBytes = await Tezos.estimate.forge(prepared)
    const sigHash = '03' + forgedBytes.opbytes
    const transactionJson = {
        coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.TEZOS,
        sigHash: sigHash,
        path: `m/44'/1729'/0'/0/0`,
        decimals, // 6,
        fee: fee,
        symbol: 'XTZ',
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getTezosSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "tezos",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Vechain Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/818'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: vechain or vechain token's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.23.2. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import { thorify } from 'thorify'
    import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
    const Web3 = require("web3");		// Recommend using require() instead of import here
    const web3 = thorify(new Web3(), 'http://localhost:8669')
    let clauses = {
        from: recvAddress,
        to: toAddr,
        value: DcentWebConnector.unitConverter(amount, decimals).num.toString(),
    let rawData = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(clauses, VechainConfig.DummyKey)
    rawData = rawData.rawTransaction.substr(0, rawData.rawTransaction.length - 134).slice(2)
    let rawBuf = Buffer.from(rawData, 'hex')
    let length  = rawData.length / 2
    let adjustedRaw = ''  
    let size = 0
    if (rawBuf[0] < 0xc0) {
      adjustedRaw = null
    if (rawBuf[0] <= 0xf7) {
      adjustedRaw = rawData.slice(2)
    } else if (rawBuf[0] <= 0xff) {
      switch (rawBuf[0] - 0xf7) {
        case 1: 
          size = 1
        case 2:
          size = 2
          adjustedRaw = null
      adjustedRaw = rawData.slice(2 + (size * 2))
    } else {
      adjustedRaw = null  
    length = adjustedRaw.length / 2
    if (length < 56) {
      adjustedRaw = (0xc0 + length).toString(16) + adjustedRaw
    } else if (length < 256) {  
      adjustedRaw = '0xf8' + (length).toString(16) + adjustedRaw
    } else {
      adjustedRaw = '0xf9' + (length).toString(16) + adjustedRaw
    const transactionJson = {
        coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.VECHAIN,
        sigHash: adjustedRaw.slice(2),
        path: `m/44'/818'/0'/0/0`,
        decimals, // 18
        fee: fee, 
        symbol: 'VET',
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getVechainSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "vechain",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

    • NEAR(NEAR)
    • NEAR Token
  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Near Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/397'/0'").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: near or near token's decimals.
    • optionParam: hexadecimal value of the token method type is used only in near token.
      • '02' : Function call(ft_transfer)
      • '04' : Stake (The method will be supported later.)
      • '08' : Delegate (The method will be supported later)
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
      • near token: version 1.5.1 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.24.0. or higher is required.
      • near token: version 2.27.1 or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    const {connect, utils, providers} = require('near-api-js')
    const nearTransaction = require('near-api-js/lib/transaction')
    const nearSerialize = require('borsh')
    const connectionConfig = {
      networkId: "mainnet",
      nodeUrl: "",
    const nearConnection = await connect(connectionConfig);
    let nonceOfAccessKey = await nearConnection.connection.provider.query({
        request_type: 'view_access_key_list',
        account_id: address,
        finality: 'final'
    const blockHash = await nearConnection.connection.provider.block({ finality: 'final' }).then(block => {
        const encodedBlockHash = block.header.hash
        return Buffer.from(bs58Lib.decode(encodedBlockHash))
    const nonce = ++nonceOfAccessKey;
    const publicKey = utils.PublicKey.from(bs58Lib.encode(Buffer.from(address, 'hex')))
    var actions = [nearTransaction.transfer(utils.parseNearAmount(BigNumber(amount).toString(10)).replace(',', ''))];
    let transaction = new nearTransaction.SignedTransaction({
        transaction: {
          signerId: address,
          publicKey: publicKey,
          nonce: nonce,
          receiverId: toAddr,
          actions: actions,
          blockHash: blockHash 
        signature: new nearTransaction.Signature({ 
          keyType: transaction.publicKey.keyType,
    let unsignedTx = nearSerialize.serialize(nearTransaction.SCHEMA, transaction)
    const transactionJson = {
        coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.NEAR,
        sigHash: unsignedTx.toString('hex'),
        path: `m/44'/397'/0'`,
        decimals, // 24
        symbol: 'NEAR',
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getNearSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "near",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

    • HAVAH(HTS)
    • HAVAH Token(HSP20)
  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Hevah(ICON) Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/858'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: havah or havah token's decimals.
    • optionParam: hexadecimal value of the havah method type is used only in havah token.
      • '01' : Token Transfer
      • '02' : Token Deposit
      • '03' : Token Message
      • '04': Token Deploy (The method will be supported later)
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.26.0. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import IconService from 'icon-sdk-js'
    const { IconBuilder, IconAmount, IconConverter, IconUtil } = IconService
    const httpProvider = new HttpProvider('');
    const iconService = new IconService(httpProvider);
    // networkId of node 1:mainnet, 2~:etc
    const networkId = new BigNumber("3"); // input node’s networkld
    const version = new BigNumber("3"); // version
    // Recommended icx transfer step limit :
    // use 'default' step cost in the response of getStepCosts API
    const stepLimit = await this.getDefaultStepCost(); // Please refer to the above description.
    // Timestamp is used to prevent the identical transactions. Only current time is required (Standard unit : us)
    // If the timestamp is considerably different from the current time, the transaction will be rejected.
    const timestamp = (new Date()).getTime() * 1000;
    const value = IconAmount.of(Number(amount), IconAmount.Unit.ICX).toLoop()
    // Enter transaction information
    const { IcxTransactionBuilder } = IconBuilder
    const icxTransactionBuilder = new IcxTransactionBuilder();
    const transaction = icxTransactionBuilder
    const rawData = Buffer.from(IconUtil.generateHashKey(IconConverter.toRawTransaction(tx))).toString('hex')
    const sigHash = rawData
    const transactionJson = {
        coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.HAVAH,
        sigHash: sigHash,
        path: `m/44'/858'/0'/0/0`,
        decimals: IconAmount.Unit.ICX,
        symbol: 'HVH',
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getHavahSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "havah",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Polkadot Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/354'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: polkadot's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.19.1 or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import { ApiPromise, HttpProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
    const httpProvider = new HttpProvider('');
    const api = await ApiPromise({ provider: httpProvider });
    // Wait until we are ready and connected
    await api.isReady;
    const blockNumber = await api.rpc.chain.getHeader()
    const blockHash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockNumber.number.toHex())
    // create SignerPayload
    const signerPayload = api.createType('SignerPayload', {
      genesisHash: api.genesisHash,
      runtimeVersion: api.runtimeVersion,
      version: api.extrinsicVersion,
      blockHash: blockHash,
      blockNumber: blockNumber.number,
      era: api.createType('ExtrinsicEra', {
        current: blockNumber.number,
        period: 50
      address: to,
      method: api.tx.balances.transfer(to, amount).method,
    const sigHash = signerPayload.toRaw().data
    const transactionJson = {
      coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.POLKADOT,
      sigHash: sigHash,
      path: `m/44'/354'/0'/0/0`,
      decimals, // 10
      symbol: 'DOT',
    var result
    try {
      result = await DcentWebConnector.getPolKadotSignedTransaction(transactionJson);
    } catch (e) {
      result = e
  • Returned response object:

      "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "polkadot",
        "status": "success"
      "body": {
        "command": "transaction",
        "parameter": {
        "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Cosmos Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/118'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: cosmos or coreum's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.21.0 or higher is required.
      • COREUM: 2.25.0 or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import message from "@cosmostation/cosmosjs/src/messages/proto";
    // signDoc = (1)txBody + (2)authInfo
    // ---------------------------------- (1)txBody ----------------------------------
    const pubKeyAny = new{
          type_url: '/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey',
          value: Buffer.from('0a21ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 'hex') //temp value
    const msgSend = new{
      from_address: recAddress,
      to_address: toAddress,
      amount: [{ denom: "uatom", amount: String(100000) }]        // 6 decimal places (1000000 uatom = 1 ATOM)
    const msgSendAny = new{
      type_url: "/",
    const txBody = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody({ messages: [msgSendAny], memo: "" });
    // --------------------------------- (2)authInfo ---------------------------------
    const signerInfo = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignerInfo({
      public_key: pubKeyAny,
      mode_info: { single: { mode: message.cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1.SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT } },
      sequence // nonce
    const feeValue = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Fee({
      amount: [{ denom: "uatom", amount: String(5000) }],
      gas_limit: 200000
    const authInfo = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.AuthInfo({ signer_infos: [signerInfo], fee: feeValue });
    const bodyBytes = message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody.encode(txBody).finish()
    const authInfoBytes = message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.AuthInfo.encode(authInfo).finish()
    const signDoc = new message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDoc({
      body_bytes: bodyBytes,
      auth_info_bytes: authInfoBytes,
    let signMessage = message.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.SignDoc.encode(signDoc).finish()
    const sigHash = Buffer.from(signMessage).toString('hex')
    const transactionJson = {
      coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.COSMOS, // or COREUM
      sigHash: sigHash,
      path: `m/44'/118'/0'/0/0`, // (COREUM -> m/44'/990'/0'/0/0)
      decimals, // 6
      symbol: 'ATOM', // (COREUM -> CORE)
    var result
    try {
      result = await DcentWebConnector.getCosmomsSignedTransaction(transactionJson);
    } catch (e) {
      result = e
  • Returned response object:

      "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "cosmos",
        "status": "success"
      "body": {
        "command": "transaction",
        "parameter": {
        "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d",
        "pubkey": "0x0202903dcb31139bf92e096c3ec85fb9a94ab7dbf02d6234ded604d15ee9650480"


  • This fuction for :

  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Algorand Developer Transaction Reference Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/283'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: havah or havah token's decimals.
    • optionParam: hexadecimal value of the havah method type is used only in havah token.
      • '00' : ALGORAND Transfer
      • '01' : ALGORAND ASSET Transfer
      • '03' : ALGORAND APP Contract call
      • '04' : ALGORAND APP OPTIN
      • '05' : ALGORAND ASSET FT Create
      • '06' : ALGORAND ASSET NFT Create
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.0 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.29.1. or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import algosdk from 'algosdk'
    const algodClient = new algosdk.Algodv2('', '', '')
    const indexerClient = new algosdk.Indexer('', '', '')
    // An account for Algorand should keep cost for maintaining the account.
    const balanceInfo = await algodClient.accountInformation(walletAddress).do()
    const blanace = balanceInfo.amount.toString()
    const maintenance = balaceInfo['min-balance'].toString()
    // Make a transaction
    const suggestedParams = await algodClient.getTransactionParams().do()
    const tx = algosdk.makePaymentTxnWithSuggestedParamsFromObject({
      from: walletAddress,
      to: someWhere,
      amount: value,  // Unit is microAlgos
      memo: new Uint8Array(Buffer.from('Something what you want', 'hex')) || undefined
    // Create JSON-formatted data for getting a signature
    const unsignedRawData = Uint8ArrayToHex(tx.bytesToSign())
    const sigHash = rawData
    const transactionJson = {
        coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.ALGORAND,
        sigHash: unsignedRawData,
        path: `m/44'/283'/0'/0/0`,
        decimals: 6,  // for ALGORAND
        fee: tx.fee,
        symbol: 'ALGO',
        optionParams: '00'
    var result
    try {
        result = await DcentWebConnector.getAlgorandSignedTransaction(transactionJson);  
    } catch (e) {
        result = e
  • Returned response object:

        "header": {
            "version": "1.0",
            "response_from": "algorand",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "command": "transaction",
            "parameter": {
                "signed_tx": "31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d"


  • This fuction for :

    • Parachain - Astar(ASTR)
    • Parachain Asset- Astar Asset(XC20)
  • Parameters :

    • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Polkadot Docs
    • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/810'/0'/0/0").
    • fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
    • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • decimals: Parachain's decimals.
    • RPCUrl: Network RPC endpoints.
    • fee symbol: fee's symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
    • fee decimals: fee's decimals.
  • Requirements:

    • D'CENT Bridge version 1.5.3 or higher is required.
    • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.30.1 or higher is required.
  • Useage:

    import { ApiPromise, HttpProvider } from '@polkadot/api'
    const httpProvider = new HttpProvider('');
    const api = await ApiPromise({ provider: httpProvider });
    // Wait until we are ready and connected
    await api.isReady;
    const blockNumber = await api.rpc.chain.getHeader();
    const blockHash = await api.rpc.chain.getBlockHash(blockNumber.number.toHex());
    // create SignerPayload
    const signerPayload = api.createType('SignerPayload', {
      genesisHash: api.genesisHash,
      runtimeVersion: api.runtimeVersion,
      version: api.extrinsicVersion,
      blockHash: blockHash,
      blockNumber: blockNumber.number,
      era: api.createType('ExtrinsicEra', {
        current: blockNumber.number,
        period: 50
      address: to,
      method: api.tx.balances.transfer(to, amount).method, // For tokens, method: api.tx.assets.transfer(contract, to, amount).method,
    const sigHash = signerPayload.toRaw().data;
    const transactionJson = {
      coinType: DcentWebConnector.coinType.PARA,
      sigHash: sigHash,
      path: `m/44'/810'/0'/0/0`,
      decimals, // 18
      symbol: 'ASTR',
      RPCUrl: '',
      feeSymbol: 'ASTR',
      feeDecimals, // 18
    var result;
    try {
      result = await DcentWebConnector.getParachainSignedTransaction(transactionJson);
    } catch (e) {
      result = e;
  • Returned response object:

      "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "para",
        "status": "success"
      "body": {
        "command": "transaction",
        "parameter": {
          "signed_tx": "0x00263b3ed036c74d15d875c7246abe73404c82763f3300316eb782cafdf5bd93f4f47f0fe34d823f9d07f8db7b2cb81051e58a1e58993c70888916c0ef6c3c910f"

    Please note that for Astar EVM transactions, you can use the getEthereumSignedTransaction() and getTokenSignedTransaction() methods with the chain ID set to 592.

Please Refer to the index.html to learn more about how to use the SDK APIs. There is an Web project using our Web SDK.