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What this project is

It contains all logic for scraping and preprocessing our music data.

Getting started

We use virtualenv to keep our dependencies clean. We use python3 and pip3 to install and run this project.

sudo pip install virtualenv # If you didn't install it
virtualenv -p python3 /your/path/to/the/virtual/env
source  /your/path/to/the/virtual/env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt  # Install dependencies
# Work on the project
# If you install something new and want to update requirements.txt
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
deactivate # Exit the virtual environment


We currently scrape the Midkar dataset. To call the scraper, run python3 It sleeps for 0.5 seconds every request because we are polite scrapers!

Clustering / Track Segmentation

Now that we scraped the dataset, it's time to find "beats" or "phrases" of music within a MIDI track. We use a sliding window algorithm to break a track up into multiple tracks. Run python3 to cluster a single MIDI track given a melody track id. This needs to be fixed in the future to cluster multiple MIDI tracks with melody track id labels. Dumps all pickled clusters into preprocess/midkar/pickle and isolated melody MIDI into preprocess/midkar/melody.

Cluster Analysis

After clustering, the script will read from the folder containing pickled files and convert them all into MIDI files at output/midkar.


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