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Punch Chowder

Punch Chowder Social Media

Punch Chowder is a Full Stack Web App created to serve all 70 HD episodes of Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and help the purposefully-neglected critically-acclaimed show reach a new audience.

The site is 100% ad free, and designed for ease of use, so users of all ages can quickly access the episodes!

Punch Chowder Site Walkthrough


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fan Site - Punch Chowder


Users are able to:

  • Select from First Season or Second Season episodes of Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Select individual episodes from a list of available episodes
  • Watch HD unedited videos of episodes of Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hosted on Google Drive
  • Navigate to previous or next episode from the Watch page
  • Access secret area if a correct password is entered
    • Secret area reveals my credit for creating this website
    • Wrong entries lead to an Access Denied page
  • 404 errors are handled with a custom page

Future Features

  • Additional buttons on the Secrets page that lead to show specific merchandise I've created
  • Secure user accounts
  • Comments connected to each episode
  • Better site-wide responsiveness

Technical Milestones

  • Embedding videos hosted on Google Drive
  • Changing the source of an iFrame based on successful API call
  • Building the database of information needed to serve episodes
  • Animated Slide Drawer with site links

Technologies Used

  • Node.js & Express.js For the HTTP backend server
  • React.js For the front-end/client interface of my app
  • PostgreSQL As my relation database management system
  • pg-promise For interfacing with my database in my backend code
  • express-sslify For HTTPS redirect
  • CSS3

Local Setup

NOTE: This repo has been configured for deployment on Heroku, but can be run locally after a few adjustments.

You must install Node.js as well as PostgreSQL in your computer.

You can check for these dependencies with node -v and psql -v. If your shell/terminal doesn't complain and you see version numbers you are good to go.

  1. Clone this repo into a folder of your choice:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies for the Node/Express Server:

    cd backend && npm install
  3. Install dependencies for the React App (client folder):

    cd ../frontend && npm install
  4. Create database and seed sample data. While inside the root directory, open the seed.sql file and:

    • Change

      DROP TABLE IF exists episodes;
    • to

      DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS punchchowder;  
      CREATE DATABASE punchchowder;  
      \c punchchowder;
    • Then seed the new database from the backend/database folder:

      cd ../backend/database  
      psql -f seed.sql

Make sure PostgreSQL is running!

  1. To launch the Node/Express server, inside the backend folder run:

    cd ..
    npm start
  2. Before you can launch the React App, you must target your local server within the three components that use this connection for axios calls. In the frontend => src => components folder, open the SeasonOne.jsx file within the SeasonOne folder.

    • On line 14, change

    • to

  3. Next, from the components folder, open SeasonTwo.jsx within the SeasonTwo folder.

    • On line 14, change

    • to

  4. Finally, from the components folder, open Watch.jsx within the Watch folder.

    • On line 18, change

    • to

  5. To launch the React App, inside the frontend folder, and preferably in another terminal window run:

    npm start
  6. A new browser tab should have been opened and the App should be running. If that is not the case check the terminals output for errors, if you are unable to troubleshoot the problem, I would be happy to address issues so open one

Please check out my other work at

Douglas MacKrell

Before you leave, please take note:

You're the best! Thank you for visiting!

Please give this project a star and be sure to check out my YouTube Channel!