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# Authored by: r_panov on 07/14/2018           
# 'momentary masters of a fraction of a dot' - Carl Sagan' 

# The SubNetr (subnetter) tool was create for system administrators, pen-testers, or users who want to better
# understand the subnet they are in.
# This tool will display subnet size, host, range, class, arp cache, and much more.

# This project is coded in python3 and requires the following packages:
# subprocess   --> installation: pip3 install subprocess
# netaddr      --> installation: pip3 install netaddr
# colorama     --> installation: pip3 install colorama

# Download and run SubNet from command line:
# git clone
# $python3 -h

# Later versions of this project will be ported to different environments, but for now is only 
# capable of being run linux/Mac OSx environments.

# Please feel free to give advice, ideas, and opinions on how it can be improved!

# Thanks.