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Emre Kumaş edited this page Mar 12, 2018 · 1 revision

This C project is built to schedule exams (in universities for example). It takes a text input file which contains name and lessons for every single person.

The program analyses the input file and determine an appropriate exam scheduling so for every person no exam will be overlapping. A common problem in universities since no person can enter two exams at the same time.

It uses graph coloring algorithm. Simply after reading the input file, it creates vertexes for every lesson. Then it makes edges between vertexes based on every single persons lessons. So if a vertex have an edge between another vertex then these vertexes won't be in the same exam program because they will be overlapping. After creating edges, the program outputs an adjacency matrix to show the relations between lessons. Based on this adjacency matrix the program visits every vertex using the DFS algorithm and colors every vertex appropriately. Then based on those colors, it creates exam programs.

If you are reading this file, most probably you know how to compile this C program and execute it. But if you don't know it, visit this page to learn how to run it.

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