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Integrates RedHen Contact with End HIV OK platform.

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EHOK Contact

Integrates RedHen Contact with End HIV OK platform.

Design considerations

The base module ehok_contact should work without needing any other End HIV OK Platform components.

Required modules

Name Purpose
address Provides address field
gender Provides gender field
geofield Provides geofield field
languagefield Provides languagefield field
link Provides link (URL) field
media Provides Media entity and field
name Provides name field
options Provides options field
redhen_contact Provides RedHen Contact entity
taxonomy Provides Taxonomy entity and field
telephone Provides telephone field
text Provides text field.

Fields types

  • Address
  • Gender
  • Geofield
  • Language field
  • Link
  • Media
  • Name field
  • Options
  • Taxonomy
  • Telephone
  • Text
  • Office hours

Contact types

  • Business owner
  • Community member
  • Healthcare provider
  • Patient


Label Machine-name Type Widget Formatter Help
Legal name name_legal name name name
Preferred name name_preferred textfield plain_text plain_text

Business owner

Community member

Healthcare provider



  • Medical specialty

  • Occupation



  • How old are you? (1)
    • 0-19
    • 20-39
    • 40-60
    • 61+
    • Prefer not to answer


  • Do you identify as having a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act?

    • Yes, Cognitive
    • Yes, Emotional
    • Yes, Hearing
    • Yes, Mental
    • Yes, Physical
    • Yes, Visual
    • Yes, Self Identify: _________________
    • No
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Does your disability affect how you work? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Prefer not to answer


  • What is your education level?
    • Some high school
    • Some college/technical training
    • Completed college
    • Completed master's degree
    • Completed Ph.D
    • Prefer not to answer

Gender identity

  • Do you consider yourself to be transgender? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Questioning
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Do you consider yourself to be gender non-conforming, gender diverse, gender variant, or gender expansive? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Questioning
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Are you intersex? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't know
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Where do you identify on the gender spectrum (check all that apply)?

    • Woman
    • Demi-girl
    • Man
    • Demi-boy
    • Non-binary
    • Demi-non-binary
    • Genderqueer
    • Genderflux
    • Genderfluid
    • Demi-fluid
    • Demi-gender
    • Bigender
    • Trigender
    • Multigender/polygender
    • Pangender/omnigender
    • Maxigender
    • Aporagender
    • Intergender
    • Maverique
    • Gender confusion/Gender f*ck
    • Gender indifferent
    • Graygender
    • Agender/genderless
    • Demi-agender
    • Genderless
    • Gender neutral
    • Neutrois
    • Androgynous
    • Androgyne
    • Self Identify: _________________
    • Prefer not to answer


  • Choose the language(s) you speak and work with and identify your proficiency [|v] [|v] (list of all languages, including indigenous languages) (fluency levels) add as many as appropriate.

Romantic orientation

  • What is your romantic orientation (check all that apply)?
    • Straight
    • Questioning
    • Gay
    • Manromantic/androromantic
    • Lesbian
    • Womanromantic/gyneromantic
    • Queer
    • Poly
    • Aromantic
    • Grayromantic
    • Demiromantic
    • Biromantic
    • Bicurious
    • Triromantic
    • Panromatic
    • Omniromantic
    • Fluid/abroromantic
    • Aroflux
    • Autoromantic
    • Androgyneromantic
    • Self Identify: _________________
    • Prefer not to answer


  • Please choose your country of residence.
    • Dropdown of Countries |v|
    • Prefer not to answer

Which word best describes the area where you live and work? (1)

  • Rural
  • Suburban
  • Urban
  • Prefer not to answer


  • Do you identify as a person of color? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Prefer not to answer
  • With which racial background(s) do you identify? (check all that apply)

    • Asian
    • Black
    • Latino
    • Native American
    • Pacific Islander
    • White
    • Self Identify: _________________
    • Prefer not to answer

Religious identification

  • Do you practice, worship, or observe a particular religion (or agnostic/atheist theology)? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Do you identify as a minority because of your religion (or lack thereof)? (1)

    • Yes
    • No
    • N/A
    • Prefer not to answer

Socioeconomic class

  • Thinking about your childhood, which socio-economic class did you identify with? (1)

    • Working class
    • Lower-middle class
    • Upper-middle class
    • Upper class
    • Prefer not to answer
  • Thinking about your current situation, which socio-economic class do you identify with? (1)

    • Working class
    • Lower-middle class
    • Upper-middle class
    • Upper class
    • Prefer not to answer

Sexual orientation

  • What is your sexual orientation (check all that apply)?
    • Straight
    • Questioning
    • Gay
    • Masexual/androsexual
    • Lesbian
    • Womasexual/gynesexual
    • Queer
    • Poly
    • Asexual
    • Graysexual
    • Demisexual
    • Bisexual
    • Bicurious
    • Trisexual
    • Pansexual
    • Omnisexual
    • Fluid/abrosexual
    • Aceflux
    • Autosexual
    • Androgynesexual
    • Self Identify: _________________
    • Prefer not to answer


Integrates RedHen Contact with End HIV OK platform.







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