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Engin1980 edited this page May 16, 2024 · 7 revisions

The app is able to play sounds at the specific occasions:

  • when the volume of the active COM radio is maxed,
  • when the active COM radio is muted,
  • when the active COM radio has changed,
  • when the active frequency of the active COM radio has changed.

Every sound can be adjusted in the relevant section of the configuration file:

  "Sounds": {
    "MaxVolumeFile": ".\\sounds\\high.mp3",
    "MaxVolumeFileVolume": 0.5,
    "MinVolumeFile": ".\\sounds\\low.mp3",
    "MinVolumeFileVolume": 0.5,
    "FrequencyChangedFile": ".\\sounds\\freqSwitch.mp3",
    "FrequencyChangedFileVolume": 0.5,
    "ComChangedFile": ".\\sounds\\comSwitch.mp3",
    "ComChangedFileVolume": 0.5

For every file holds:

  • if the file is empty (value is set to the null), the sound will be skipped and not used
  • you can adjust the volume of the sound using the ...Volume key of the respective sound file. The supported values are 0..1.

Moreover, when volume is muted, the app can play "MinVolumeFile" in the fixed interval. This can be adjusted using the configuration file and the section: "RepeatIntervalOfMinVolumeAlert": 30

The value is in seconds. The negative or zero values disables the functionality.