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Marek Vajgl edited this page Apr 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

vPilot volume read-out

The app shows the current volume set for vPilot in Volume Mixer. Unfortunately, there is no API automatically informing that the vPilot's volume has changed in Volume Mixer, so this value is read out automatically in the predefined interval. You can adjust the interval via AppVPilot.ReadVolumeTimerInterval. The default value is 250ms, but you can significantly increase the value to decrease CPU usage but increase the delay of value update in the app. This does not affect how volume change is propagated to vPilot.

Volume Multiplicating Transformation

As seen by tests, the real output volume of vPilot changes very slightly for the range of the output values between 30 % - 100 %; here, the output is almost the same. For lower values, the output becomes more quiet, and for 0%, the output is muted.

Therefore the mapping can be adjusted by multiplier - see appVPilot.VolumeMultiplier. The multiplication factor defines, how the final value is adjusted (multiplied) before set to vPilot Volume Mixer. Example: Multiplicator value 0.25 causes the 100 % FS2020 COM volume be transformed to 25% vPilot volume. You can adjust the multiplier at your wish, to "disable" the behavior set the multiplier to 1.