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This document explains how to set up the embedded computer (Zotac) and the laptop (Toughbook) :

  • Copy (or create a link : ln -s ~/ros_ws/src/ZodiacAuto/zodiac_launchers/scripts/ ~/ in the home directory of the Zotac (/home/zodiac)
  • Copy (or create a link : ln -s ~/ros_ws/src/ZodiacAuto/mux_serial/ ~/ in the home directory of the Zotac (/home/zodiac)
  • Build and copy str2str (or create a link : ln -s ~/ros_ws/src/ZodiacAuto/RTKLIB/app/str2str/gcc/str2str ~/str2str) in the home directory of the Zotac (/home/zodiac)
  • Check ROS_IP, ROS_WS, RTK_RTCM_SERVER_IP, RTK_RTCM_SERVER_PORT in, run catkin_make clean && catkin_make in ROS workspace (~/ros_ws)
  • Check the devices .yaml and .launch files, create udev rules to match the required serial port names, add respawn options in launch files if needed, check if you need to tweak serial.Serial(..., rtscts=True, dsrdtr=True) in some nodes due to a problem with virtual serial ports in Python 2.7, etc.
  • In "Startup Applications" (gnome-session-properties) on the Zotac, add :
    • bash -c "sleep 5; cd ~ && . ~/ rtkpassword"
  • In Startup Applications (gnome-session-properties) on the Toughbook, add :
    • bash -c "sleep 10; sudo socat -d -d PTY,raw,echo=0,link=/dev/ttyVUSB0,mode=666 tcp: & (sleep 5 ; opencpn)"
  • From zodiac_launchers/scripts, copy README.txt as well as the on the Desktop of the Toughbook (/home/user/Desktop)

zodiac_launchers/scripts/README.txt should be read once you want to launch the automatization of the system.