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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

Kind: Bug ⚠️
Kind: Bug :warning:
Kind: Critical 💥
Kind: Critical :boom:
Kind: Discussion 💬
Kind: Discussion :speech_balloon:
Kind: Enhancement 🌟
Kind: Enhancement :star2:
Kind: Help Wanted 🙋
Kind: Help Wanted :raising_hand:
Kind: Important 🥇
Kind: Important :1st_place_medal:
Kind: Question ❓
Kind: Question :question:
Kind: Refactor 🔃
Kind: Refactor :arrows_clockwise:
Kind: Support ℹ️
Kind: Support :information_source:
Level: Beginner (1)
Level: Beginner (1)
Level: Difficult (4)
Level: Difficult (4)
Level: Hard (5)
Level: Hard (5)
Level: Intermediate (3)
Level: Intermediate (3)
Level: Moderate (2)
Level: Moderate (2)
Plugin: C#
Plugin: C#
Issues related to the parsing and presentation of C# projects.
Plugin: C++
Plugin: C++
Issues related to the parsing and presentation of C++ projects.
Plugin: Git
Plugin: Git
Issues with the "Version control navigation" (Git) plugin.
Plugin: Haskell
Plugin: Haskell
Issues related to the parsing and presentation of Haskell projects.
Plugin: Java
Plugin: Java
Issues related to the Java parsing and navigation service.
Plugin: Metrics
Plugin: Metrics
Issues related to the code metrics plugin.
Plugin: Python
Plugin: Python
Issues related to the parsing and presentation of Python projects.
Plugin: Search
Plugin: Search
Issues related to the full-text search (Lucene) plugin.
Plugin: YAML
Plugin: YAML
Issues related to the YAML (Kubernetes) plugin.
Status: At risk 🚨
Status: At risk :rotating_light:
Issue or PR which got stuck and progress in work is at risk.
Status: Duplicate 👥
Status: Duplicate :busts_in_silhouette:
Status: Invalid ✖️
Status: Invalid :heavy_multiplication_x:
Issues that are not applicable to the project due to being outdated or overstrecthing.
Status: Ready-OnHold ✅
Status: Ready-OnHold :white_check_mark:
Patches that are done code-wise but depend on other patches to be merged first.
Status: WIP 👷
Status: WIP :construction_worker:
Issue or PR under development - feel free to review, though!
Status: Won't Fix ⛔
Status: Won't Fix :no_entry:
Issues that are deemed unfixable or unnecessary to fix. Reason should be in the closing comment.
Target: Authentication
Target: Authentication
Issues related to authentication and authorization.