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Louis-Axel Ambroise edited this page Nov 22, 2020 · 12 revisions


Local Instance

FasTnT EPCIS repository can be setup on your local machine very easily.


FasTnT EPCIS relies on .NET 5 and PostgreSQL 9.5 or newer. You'll need to create a new user/database for the EPCIS repository on your PostgreSQL server.


Setup FasTnT EPCIS repository is as easy as following these 2 steps:

  1. Clone the solution or download the latest release code, and open a terminal on the root folder;
  2. Start the repository with the command $dotnet run -p src\FasTnT.Host\FasTnT.Host.csproj --urls "http://localhost:5102/" --ConnectionStrings:FasTnT.Database "{your connectionstring}";

That's it! You have a properly working EPCIS 1.2 repository running locally.


To ensure the correct implementation of the EPCIS specification, the code base contains both unit and integration tests that you can run at any time.

To properly run integration tests, you need to setup a new database in PostgreSQL and configure the connection string in the user secrets: $dotnet user-secrets set ConnectionStrings:FasTnT.Database "{your test connectionstring}" -p test\FasTnT.IntegrationTests\FasTnT.IntegrationTests.csproj;

If you don't setup this connection string, running the integration tests will end up with inconclusive result (not failed), and only unit tests will run.

Then you can run the tests using the command: $dotnet test FasTnT.sln

Microsoft Azure

It is also simple to deploy the repository in the Microsoft Azure cloud, an ARM template was created in order to do so. The deployment on Azure can only be done directly by following this link

As of september 2020, you can run an instance of FasTnT EPCIS on Microsoft Azure cloud from around 25€ per month.

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