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Timothy Los edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 1 revision


The FYS API is a powerful tool for accessing and managing data in the FYS platform. This documentation provides an overview of the FYS API and guides you through the process of integrating it into your applications.


Before making any API calls, you need to authenticate yourself using the appropriate credentials. The FYS API supports the following authentication methods:


To authenticate requests using an API key, include the API key in the request headers. The API key provides a simple and secure way to authenticate your requests. You can obtain an API key from the FYS platform by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your FYS account.
  2. Navigate to the API settings or developer settings section.
  3. Generate an API key or retrieve an existing API key.
  4. Copy the API key.

Once you have obtained the API key, include it in the request headers as follows:

Authorization: Bearer {your_api_key}

Replace {your_api_key} with the actual API key you obtained.

Note: Keep your API key confidential and secure. Do not share it publicly or expose it in your code repositories.

JWT Token

If the FYS API requires JWT token-based authentication, you need to obtain a valid JWT token. The process for obtaining a JWT token may vary depending on your application and the specific requirements of the FYS platform. Follow the documentation or guidelines provided by the FYS API to obtain a valid JWT token.

Once you have obtained a JWT token, include it in the request headers as follows:

Authorization: Bearer {your_jwt_token}

Replace {your_jwt_token} with the actual JWT token you obtained.

Note: JWT tokens typically have an expiration time. Make sure to refresh the token before it expires to avoid authentication failures.

Make sure to include the appropriate authentication credentials in your API requests to authenticate yourself and access the desired resources from the FYS API.

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