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Window-SCC solutions

This is one of the code repositories of the paper On Querying Connected Components in Large Temporal Graphs (SIGMOD 2023).

The repository includes three solutions to solve the window-SCC queries: D-online, D-baseline and RES-index.

How to use it (you need to run the scripts on a Linux platform):

  • Run to generate graph data automatically, which would download datasets from SNAP and KONECT and process the data into graph.txt:
  • Run to generate query data automatically, which would write queries into query.txt:
  • Run the following command to run the solutions:
sh $1

where $1 is Online, Baseline or RES, corresponding to D-online, D-baseline, RES-index solutions, respectively.

The output is in the file output.txt.

Very large dataset: amazon-review

The amazon review dataset is so large that it is too slow to process it with our Python program. To use the dataset, you need to download it manually:

wget -c ""

Note that you may need to download manually on the website if you fail to execute the command above.

Then process it by:

g++ amazon_handler.cpp -o amazon_handler -O3
./amazon_handler ./all_csv_files.csv $1 $2

where $1 is the output directory, $2 is the number of edges you want to extract.

Index update

Run the following command to simulate an index update process:

sh $1 update

where $1 corresponds to the solution (Baseline or RES).

Then input the fraction of timestamps to update. For example, if the fraction is 0.2, the program would firstly construct an index with edges in [0, 0.8*tmax]. When the index construction is finished, it starts to update the index with remaining edges in [0.8*tmax, tmax].

Index scalability test (Subgraph construction)

Build different sizes of subgraphs to test the scalability of indices:

sh $1 subgraph

where $1 corresponds to the solution (Baseline or RES).

Then input the fraction of timestamps in the subgraph. For example, if the fraction is 0.8, then the constructed temporal graph would only involve edges in [0, 0.8*tmax].


  • System: ubuntu-20.04.1
  • Compiler: gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~20.04.1) 9.4.0, Python 3.8.8 (>= 3.5) with packages tqdm and pathlib
  • Memory: 128G
  • CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPU @ 2.40GHz

Running examples

We provided examples about how to derive the experimental data presented in the paper.

Figure 14 shows the query efficiency when the length of query time windows is fixed at 0.8*tmax. For example, to test the query efficiency of D-online algorithm under the FK(flickr) dataset:

> sh
Downloading datasets...
Fetching from
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 162k/162k [00:00<00:00, 217kB/s]
Fetching from
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 125M/125M [00:38<00:00, 3.40MB/s]
Fetching from
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 363k/363k [00:00<00:00, 375kB/s]
Fetching from
100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1.61M/1.61M [02:22<00:00, 11.8kB/s]
Fetching from
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 337k/337k [00:32<00:00, 10.7kB/s]
Extracting datasets... done
0. naive
1. flickr-growth
2. dblp-cite
3. email-Eu-core-temporal
4. CollegeMsg
5. soc-sign-bitcoinotc
Select a graph dataset (0-5): 1
Copying dataset to "graph.txt"... done
Normalizing the graph... done
> sh
Enter the number of queries to be generated: 1000
Enter the length of the query windows (0 < x < 1): 0.8
> ulimit -s 1024000000
> sh Online
make: 'main' is up to date.
Building graph...
Build graph success in 7179261μs (7s)
n = 2302926, m = 33140017, tmax = 133, size = 265120136 bytes
Running online search...
Average: 4438485μs (4s)
Online search completed in 4440462497μs (1h 14min 0s)
Program finished in 4447656291μs (1h 14min 7s)

Table 7 shows the scalability of indices. For example, to test the scalability with f=0.25 of D-baseline index under the FK (flickr) dataset:

> sh
Extracting datasets... done
0. naive
1. flickr-growth
2. dblp-cite
3. email-Eu-core-temporal
4. CollegeMsg
5. soc-sign-bitcoinotc
Select a graph dataset (0-5): 1
Copying dataset to "graph.txt"... done
Normalizing the graph... done
> ulimit -s 1024000000
> sh Baseline subgraph
make: 'main' is up to date.
Subgraph mode enabled. Please input the fraction of timestamps in the subgraph (0 < x < 1): 0.25
Building graph...
Build graph success in 7160551μs (7s)
n = 2302926, m = 33140017, tmax = 33, size = 265120136 bytes
Running baseline...
Constructing the index structure...
Index construction completed in 142855509μs (2min 22s)
Index cost 626395872 bytes

Table 5 shows the average index update time of each edge in [0.8*tmax, tmax]. For example, to test the average index update time of D-baseline index under the FK (flickr) dataset:

> sh
Extracting datasets... done
0. naive
1. flickr-growth
2. dblp-cite
3. email-Eu-core-temporal
4. CollegeMsg
5. soc-sign-bitcoinotc
Select a graph dataset (0-5): 1
Copying dataset to "graph.txt"... done
Normalizing the graph... done
> ulimit -s 1024000000
> sh Baseline update
make: 'main' is up to date.
Update mode enabled. Please input the fraction of timestamps to update (0 < x < 1): 0.2
Building graph...
Build graph success in 7172339μs (7s)
n = 2302926, m = 33140017, tmax = 133, size = 265120136 bytes
Running baseline...
Constructing the index structure...
Index construction completed in 1219283557μs (20min 19s)
Updating the index structure...
Number of edges to be updated: 2227748
Index update completed in 626815298μs (10min 26s)
Index cost 2468736672 bytes

Why do I fail to execute the program with the instruction?

If you fail to execute the step:


This may be caused by several reasons:

(1) User's environment is incompatible with the program, and our automatic dependency solver crashes;

Possible solutions: check whether your Python interpreter is installed correctly, and is newer than version 3.5; run the aforementioned command again; or install the dependencies manually by:

pip install tqdm pathlib

(2) User's Internet condition is poor and fails to download the datasets from KONECT and SNAP websites;

Possible solutions: check your Internet; run the aforementioned command again; or download the datasets manually by:

mkdir datasets
cd datasets
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
wget -c ""
cd ..

If you fail to execute the step:

sh $1

This may be caused by several reasons:

(1) Users' environment is incompatible with the program;

Possible solutions: install or update your gcc and g++ compiler;

(2) User replaces $1 with wrong parameters;

Possible solutions: check the parameter format in the former of this README file;

(3) Since our solutions involve some recursive procedures, there may not be enough stack memory (segmentation fault);

Possible solutions: execute ulimit -s 1024000000 to enlarge the stack memory.


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