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Pull requests that update Github_actions code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
prio: critical
prio: critical
Critical priority issue
prio: important
prio: important
Important priority issue
prio: low
prio: low
Low priority issue
scope: AA
scope: AA
Analytics Assistant
scope: AM
scope: AM
Asset Management
scope: architecture
scope: architecture
architecture in general
scope: ci
scope: ci
CI/CD related
scope: common
scope: common
common core packages
scope: core
scope: core
DIVA core related in general
scope: DA
scope: DA
DSC Adapter
scope: deployment
scope: deployment
local/docker deployment
scope: DLA
scope: DLA
DIVA Lake Adapter
scope: docker
scope: docker
scope: EE
scope: EE
Event Emitter
scope: elasticsearch
scope: elasticsearch
elasticsearch specific features/bugs
scope: EM
scope: EM
Entity Management
scope: ESC
scope: ESC
Elasticsearch Connector
scope: faas
scope: faas
workflow FaaS
scope: gateway
scope: gateway
scope: HA
scope: HA
History Assistant
scope: misc
scope: misc
other miscellaneous things
scope: NC
scope: NC
Neo4j Connector
scope: PA
scope: PA
Profiling Assistant
scope: profiling
scope: profiling
profiling related in general
scope: REM
scope: REM
Review Management
scope: RM
scope: RM
Resource Management
scope: SA
scope: SA
Search Assistant
scope: schemata
scope: schemata
JSON or AsyncAPI schemas