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This repo hosts the code for the Fast Trainable Projection (FTP) project.


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Fast Trainable Projection (FTP)

This repo implements the DomainNet robust finetuning experiments in the paper Fast Trainable Projection for Robust Fine-Tuning (NeurIPS23).


FTP learns per-layer projection constraints to encourage a fine-tuned model to stay close to its pre-trained initialization. It can be integrated into existing optimizers such as Adam and SGD, and used as drop-in replacement of them for better robust fine-tuning. In this repo, we provide the implementation of AdamP (Adam + FTP) and SGDP (SGD + FTP) in util/

Create conda environment

  • The environment uses Ubuntu 18.04, Pytorch 1.7 supported on CUDA 11.x and python 3.8.
cd FTP
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ftp

Download DomainNet

  • The script downloads the two pre-trained models under the /datasets/domainnet directory. Please change DATA_DIR in if you wish to download the data to a different folder.
. ./datasets/

Download Pre-trained Models (CLIP-ResNet50 and MoCoV3-ResNet50)

  • The script downloads the two pre-trained models under the "./pre_trained/" directory. Please change MODEL_DIR in if you wish to download the models to a different folder.
. ./datasets/


  • We used 4 RTX2080Ti gpus with 11G VRAM each. To fit the training script on smaller number of gpus, you can modify the --gpu_per_node flag in the launch script.

Launch Script

  • Fine-tuning CLIP ResNet50 with SGDP (SGD + FTP) (100% data)
python --arch clip_resnet50 --id FTP_clip --opt sgdp --lr 1e-2 --data_dir /datasets/domainnet --percent 100 --epoch 50 --gpu_per_node 4 --load_pretrained ./pre_trained/ --batch_size 64 
  • Fine-tuning CLIP ResNet50 with AdamP (Adam + FTP) (100% data)
python --arch clip_resnet50 --id FTP_clip --opt adamp --lr 1e-4 --data_dir /datasets/domainnet --percent 100 --epoch 50 --gpu_per_node 4 --load_pretrained ./pre_trained/ --batch_size 64 
  • Fine-tuning CLIP ResNet50 with SGDP (10% data)
python --arch clip_resnet50 --id FTP_clip_10 --opt sgdp --lr 1e-1 --data_dir /datasets/domainnet --percent 10 --epoch 150 --gpu_per_node 4 --load_pretrained ./pre_trained/ --batch_size 64 
  • Fine-tuning MoCoV3 ResNet50 with SGDP (100% data)
python --arch resnet50 --id FTP_moco --opt sgdp --lr 1e-2 --data_dir /datasets/domainnet --percent 100 --epoch 50 --gpu_per_node 4 --load_pretrained ./pre_trained/mocov3_resnet50_pretrain.tar --batch_size 64 

Use Adamp/SGDP in Your Project

  • AdamP (SGDP) is the Adam (SGD) variant with built-in FTP. It can easily intergrated into you project for robust fine-tuning of a pre-trained model. Make sure you have copied util/ into your own directory. Here is an example how you would incoroprate the AdamP optimizer into your project.
from FTP import AdamP
# Initalize optimizer parameters
optimizer_params = {
   "weight_decay": 0.0,
   "k": 1, 
   "exclude_set": {'module.head.weight','module.head.bias'}

# Cache pre-trained model weights 
params_to_opt = [x[1] for x in model.named_parameters() if x[1].requires_grad]
params_to_opt_name = [x[0] for x in model.named_parameters() if x[1].requires_grad]
params_anchor = copy.deepcopy(params_to_opt)
param_group = [{'params':params_to_opt,
               'pre': params_anchor, 
               'name': params_to_opt_name}]
optimizer = AdamP(param_group,**optimizer_params)
  • The only special parameters in AdamP are k and exclude_set. k (a scalar between 0 and 1) controls the strength of regularization with 1 being the default and the strongest. exclude_set specifies which layers to exclude from projection constraints. Normally, it is recommened to exlcude layers with no corresponding pre-trained inialization such as the last linear layer.


This repo hosts the code for the Fast Trainable Projection (FTP) project.







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