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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

1.6.8: Hot fix

22 Jan 22:26
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  • Fixed freezes on some radstorms (the problem was due to an error in handling numeric strings)

1.6.7: RemoteTech support

20 Jan 12:28
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Added: Support for RemoteTech's connected state, at last (as requested by Syczek)

1.6.6: Quirks improvements and fixes

14 Jan 15:06
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  • Added: Detailed quirk information (click ? next to the list of kerbal's quirks in Health Monitor)
  • Added: Agoraphobic and Carefree quirks
  • Changed: Kerbals now have a chance to acquire quirks when they first appear in game (i.e. at level 0). When you load your save for the first time after updating, the existing kerbals may acquire quirks (including bad ones), so be careful.
  • Changed: Max number of quirks is now 5 by default instead of 2. Only affects new games.
  • Changed: EVA factor now drains 18 HP/day instead of 8
  • Updated: BDB patch
  • Improved: Some optimization and refactoring
  • Fixed: Some factors weren't correctly affected by quirks, conditions etc.
  • Fixed: Unstable quirk didn't affect panic attack chance
  • Fixed: Syntax error in the MKS patch
  • Fixed: CLS-related NRE
  • Fixed: Minor memory leaks due to not releasing some event handlers

1.6.5: Training fixes

17 Feb 10:14
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  • Fixed: Training was sometimes taking place for wrong parts.
  • Fixed: Some parts info in existing saves wasn't correctly updated, which caused incorrect stress- and training-related behaviour.
  • Fixed: GitHub repository branch contained outdated source (no gameplay effect).

1.6.4: Improvement to the training mechanics

20 Jan 20:00
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This release marks 6 years since Kerbal Health, my first game mod ever, was published. It's been a ride! I want to thank everyone who enjoyed this mod, criticized it (in a civil manner), provided ideas and other feedback and especially helped with pull requests. With KSP2 around the corner, I don't know if I'm going to do any more significant releases of Kerbal Health, but I do plan to issue fixes and rebuilds when necessary.

  • Changed: Made the training system more consistent on vessels that utilize multiple parts of multiple types. It is now assumed that kerbals use parts (and therefore experience stress) in the proportion of the number of parts of a type on the vessel. So if you have 3 labs and 1 Hitchhiker, stress from labs will weigh 3x more than from the Hitchhiker.
  • Unfortunately, this change required some tweaks to the save files. So it is recommended that you visit every crewed vessel after loading the game to update the relevant values. Downgrading to Kerbal Health 1.6.3 and lower is also not guaranteed.

1.6.3: Training overhaul + events fixes

25 Dec 15:39
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  • Changed: In-flight training now works differently: kerbals now always gradually increase their training level for the vessels they are in, without a hard cap but with diminishing returns, so that they never actually reach 100%. The speed of training depends on the kerbal's stupidity (the higher, the slower), current situation (more challenging locations yield more training, and being on the ground on Kerbin stops training) and the current training level. See more details in readme.
  • Changed: KSC training caps have been reduced. Based on the Astronaut Level facility, they've been reduced to 30%, 50% and 60% for levels 1 to 3 (from 40%, 60% and 75%, respectively).
  • Changed: EVA now also requires training, which currently can only be done in flight.
  • Changed: EVA health factor reduced from 10 to 8 HP/day to compensate for the above change.
  • Changed: Default Stupidity factor for training speed is now 50%
  • Improved: Training Info UI
  • Fixed: Events would almost never happen. Also event checks are conducted much more often now, which is especially important for probable events.

1.6.2: Optimization and fixes

20 Oct 07:35
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  • Various under-the-hood optimizations (caching of some frequently used values, switching from double to float fields, using more efficient loops etc.)
  • Added: Showing conditions the kerbal had before they died of poor health
  • Fixed: Incorrect calculation of training levels in Editor
  • Fixed: Missing localization of Training Complete message
  • Fixed: NRE when CLS is missing

1.6.1 - Hot fix

04 Feb 05:50
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  • Fixed: Error when loading pre-1.6 versions of Kerbal Health with kerbals on assignment, which caused their health, radiation and other stats to reset

1.6 - Overhaul of stress, training exhaustion + many other changes

03 Feb 07:39
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.12.3. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8+
  • Streamlining of training mechanics. Instead of training for individual parts, kerbals now train for part types (such as Mk1 Command Pod). The new system is more straightforward, intuitive and compact. All training-related UI has received an uplift.
  • Training caps (based on the level of the Astrounaut Complex) have been nerfed. Training times have changed. Training at KSC and in flight now takes the same time.
  • There is a new way to reduce Stress: it is now divided by the number of crewmates of the same profession on the vessel. For example, if you have one Pilot on the vessel with Stress taking 0.8 HP/day, you can add another Pilot to reduce Stress to 0.4 HP/day. Of course, you'll have to provide that other crew member with living space etc. But, in theory at least, you can now reduce Stress to tiny amounts if you are ready to have a large crew. It also gives you a gameplay reason to have multiple crew members of a specific profession.
  • Tourists have a slightly different mechanic: their Stress is reduced by the number of professional crew members on the vessel. If the Tourist is alone, they experience 100% Stress; if there is 1 crew member, it falls to 50%, for 2 crew members, it falls to 33%, and so on.
  • Exhaustion is now semi-random instead of automatic. When the crew member's health falls below 20%, they now have a chance of turning into a Tourist. The mean time to happen (MTTH) starts at 6 hours and reduces as health gets lower. So you probably have a few additional hours to evacuate your kerbal(s) before they give up work. Recovering after exhaustion works similarly when health goes above 20%.
  • Connected factor (which gave you +0.5 HP/day for having a connection to home) has been replaced with Isolation factor (which takes away 0.5 HP/day for not having such a connection). All related bonuses were removed.
  • Confinement factor was reduced from a base of -3 HP/day to -2 HP/day to compensate for the previous point.
  • Many parts' Living Space has been updated (usually with slight nerfs) and Recuperation increased. SSPXr and some other mods now have Recuperation parts.
  • Mod's settings have been overhauled: instead of setting manually each factor's HP per day, you now change their relative effects between 0 and 200%.
  • A setting to allow Decontamination when not at KSC has been added (off by default) as well as a setting for minimum required health.
  • Many other small and not-so-small changes and bug fixes.

Notes for updating a current game:

  • The familiar parts (ones your kerbals have been fully trained for) should be retained. But ongoing training progress will be lost.
  • It is recommended that you return home and recover all your kerbals before updating. Changes in balance and loss of training progress may affect your missions.
  • Settings for factors and some other things will be reset, so you should check them and tweak if necessary.
  • Due to KSP's limitations, you should load all your manned vessels at least once after updating the mod to ensure their data is correct.
  • Downgrading to pre-1.6 Kerbal Health is not supported.

1.6 Pre-release - Stress overhaul, changes to exhaustion, factors, settings and more

29 Jan 20:39
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This is a beta pre-release for the upcoming Kerbal Health 1.6. It is not backward-compatible with previous versions and, being a beta, may have bugs. Make sure to backup your save! Please report all encountered issues.

  • Compiled for KSP 1.12.2. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8+
  • Streamlining of training mechanics. Instead of training for individual parts, kerbals now train for part types (such as Mk1 Command Pod). The new system is more straightforward, intuitive and compact. All training-related UI has received an uplift.
  • Training caps (based on the level of the Astrounaut Complex) have been nerfed. Training times have changed. Training at KSC and in flight now takes the same time.
  • There is a new way to reduce Stress: it is now divided by the number of crewmates of the same profession on the vessel. For example, if you have one Pilot on the vessel with Stress taking 0.8 HP/day, you can add another Pilot to reduce Stress to 0.4 HP/day. Of course, you'll have to provide that other crew member with living space etc. But, in theory at least, you can now reduce Stress to tiny amounts if you are ready to have a large crew. It also gives you a gameplay reason to have multiple crew members of a specific profession.
  • Tourists have a slightly different mechanic: their Stress is reduced by the number of professional crew members on the vessel. If the Tourist is alone, they experience 100% Stress; if there is 1 crew member, it falls to 50%, for 2 crew members, it falls to 33%, and so on.
  • Exhaustion is now semi-random instead of automatic. When the crew member's health falls below 20%, they now have a chance of turning into a Tourist. The mean time to happen (MTTH) starts at 6 hours and reduces as health gets lower. So you probably have a few additional hours to evacuate your kerbal(s) before they give up work. Recovering after exhaustion works similarly when health goes avobe 20%.
  • Connected factor (which gave you +0.5 HP/day for having a connection to home) has been replaced with Isolation (which takes away 0.5 HP/day for not having such a connection). All related bonuses were removed.
  • Confinement factor was reduced from a base of -3 HP/day to -2 HP/day to compensate for the previous point.
  • Many parts' Living Space has been updated (usually with slight nerfs) and Recuperation increased. SSPXr and some other mods now have Recuperation parts.
  • Mod's settings have been overhauled: instead of setting manually each factor's HP per day, you now change their relative effects between 0 and 200%.
  • A setting to allow Decontamination when not at KSC has been added (off by default) as well as a setting for minimum required health.
  • Many other small and not-so-small changes and bug fixes.

A few words on updating Kerbal Health in an ongoing game. It is possible, and the mod will do its best to pick up your old settings (such as familiar part types from the old training system). But due to KSP's limitations and the nature of some updates, you should (1) check your settings, especially if you've tweaked them; (2) load all your manned vessels at least once to update their data. It is recommended that you return and recover all your kerbals before updating to ensure your vessels don't suddenly become unsuitable for the missions.