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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

1.5.6 - Bug fixes

21 Nov 09:29
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.12.2
  • Changed: Updated SSPX config
  • Fixed: Factor multipliers (e.g. artificial gravity effects) weren't saved and therefore didn't apply if the vessel wasn't loaded
  • Fixed: Error in KSP 1.12.2 when another mod (such as Ship Manifest) uses CLSInterfaces.dll
  • Fixed: Some edge cases for loaded but packed vessels (hopefully)
  • A bit of optimization of the health update loop

1.5.5 - Engine radiation & CLS fixes

07 Jun 20:13
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  • Added: Nuclear engines now emit radiation in proportion to their thrust. It can get really high (e.g. more than 15M banana doses per day for the NERV engine) but it's fortunately short lived
  • Changed: All health modules now show "Health Module" in Editor's part info instead of their type to hopefully reduce confusion
  • Fixed: NRE for kerbals in loaded but inactive vessels when Connected Living Space integration is active
  • Fixed: Non-stock antennas didn't apply health effects and spammed log with Connected Living Space integration

1.5.4 - Connected Living Space integration

25 May 21:18
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  • Added: Integration with Connected Living Space. When enabled, your kerbals will only benefit from the parts they have access to (e.g. living space and bonuses). Shielding and part-emitted radiation are an exception (as well as some special parts like broadband antennas): they are affect the whole vessel. It may make your game a bit harder and will force you to think better how to connect your parts together. You can disable this feature in the settings.
  • Added: Kerbals now have a chance (100% by default) to have their lifetime radiation dose completely erased when they discover an anomaly. Note that it works only for one kerbal per anomaly
  • Changed: KerbalHealthModule configs now support affectsAllCLSSpaces value, which makes the part module ignore Connected Living Space compartments (i.e. work as previously in the game). At the same time, partCrewOnly value has been deprecated as it was barely used. MKS medical bays now affect only one kerbal.
  • Changed: Shelter Exposure is no longer displayed in Health Report when Kerbalism radiation is enabled as it has no use there
  • Fixed: Mod settings should now correctly reset when switching between difficulty levels
  • Various optimization and bug fixes

1.5.3 - Kerbalism fix

12 Apr 20:08
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  • Fixed: Kerbalism integration
  • Reduced amount of logging in Debug mode

1.5.2 - More rebalancing & fixes

05 Apr 07:19
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.11.2. Should be compatible with KSP versions 1.8 up (not tested)
  • Changed: New rebalance pass for parts' living space, shielding and more (affects stock and most mods)
  • Added: Patches for Far Future Technologies, KRE, Near Future Launch Vehicles, Rational Resources, Rational Resources Parts
  • Changed: Kerbal Health's icon is now green out of respect for the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Changed: Replaced in-game settings for min levels of the Astronaut Complex and R&D building for decontamination with a single checkbox that lets you disable this check altogether. Actual needed levels can still be set via config files (can be used by mods that increase number of upgrades)
  • Changed: Small UI improvements and log spam reduction in Debug mode
  • Fixed: Decontamination was broken some releases ago
  • Fixed: Details for wrong kerbals were sometimes displayed on Health Monitor's pages beyond the first one
  • Thanks to @LouisB3 for PRs!

1.5.1 - Hot fix

26 Oct 06:01
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Fixed: Incorrect exposure calculation for unloaded vessels and inconsistencies between flight and editor calculations (many thanks to gulegule for finding and testing this)

1.5 - Parts rebalance, Kerbalism integration, optimization & more

22 Oct 06:45
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.10.1. Should work with KSP 1.8+
  • Changed: Completely rebalanced all crewed parts. Command pods now provide slightly less living space; habs (e.g. Hitchhiker) have two configurations to choose from, Living Quarters (for LivingSpace) and Lounge (for Confinement bonus); Confinement bonus doesn't require ElectricCharge anymore; broadband antennas instead of labs now give bonus to Connected, and much more. Be careful when updating: ongoing missions may be affected (I haven't checked it)
  • Changed: Rewrote the health update system from scratch. It is now more stable and easier to maintain. Many bugs have been fixed, but new ones were probably introduced; hence the need to test this version out
  • Changed: Loneliness factor has been strengthened to -2 from -1 HP/day (badass kerbals are still immune)
  • Added: Extended integration with Kerbalism including the option to use Kerbalism's radiation values (taking into consideration radiation belts, solar storms etc.) and disabling of most duplicate Kerbalism's mechanics
  • Added: You can now see in Health Monitor all health factors affecting the kerbal even when he/she is not loaded
  • Changed: Default health update interval reduced from 30 to 10 seconds (only affects new games)
  • Changed: Various small UI improvements
  • Fixed: Recently added kerbals weren't displayed in Health Report
  • Fixed: Activating or deactivating the health module in the Editor didn't update the Health Report immediately
  • Fixed: Localization fixes

1.5 Pre-release - Parts rebalance, Kerbalism integration and more

20 Sep 18:54
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.10.1. Should work with KSP 1.8+
  • Changed: Completely rebalanced all crewed parts. Command pods now provide slightly less living space; habs (e.g. Hitchhiker) have two configurations to choose from, Living Quarters (for LivingSpace) and Lounge (for Confinement bonus); Confinement bonus doesn't require ElectricCharge anymore; broadband antennas instead of labs now give bonus to Connected, and much more. Be careful when updating: ongoing missions may be affected (I haven't checked it)
  • Changed: Rewrote the health update system from scratch. It is now more stable and easier to maintain. Many bugs have been fixed, but new ones were probably introduced; hence the need to test this version out
  • Added: Extended integration with Kerbalism including the option to use Kerbalism's radiation values (taking into consideration radiation belts, solar storms etc.) and disabling of most duplicate Kerbalism's mechanics
  • Added: You can now see in Health Monitor all health factors affecting the kerbal even when he/she is not loaded
  • Fixed: Actiavting or deactivating the health module in the Editor didn't update the Health Report immediately

1.4.6 - Hot fix

08 Sep 20:01
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.10.1
  • Fixed: Freezing the game when you had kerbals with quirks
  • Fixed: Stress factor calculations could corrupt health level
  • Fixed: Possible NRE for kerbals frozen with DeepFreeze

1.4.5 - More fixes

08 Sep 06:32
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.10.1. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8+
  • Fixed: NRE on rollout of a new vessel
  • Fixed: When launching kerbal in an external seat, he/she didn't count as being on EVA
  • Fixed: NRE, game freezing and sometimes death of kerbals in some loading situations
  • Fixed: Localized some missing strings
  • Minor code improvement and optimization