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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

1.4.4 - Bug fixes

02 Jul 21:09
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.10 (should be compatible with KSP 1.8+)
  • Fixed: Kerbalism MM patch errors
  • Fixed: Kerbalism was using incorrect amount of EC in background
  • Fixed: Missing loading of MicrogravityFactor setting from a config file
  • Fixed: Potential issues with radstorms hitting vessels in Sun's orbit incorrectly
  • Code refactoring and minor optimization

1.4.3 - Fixes & improvements

25 May 11:29
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.9.1. Compatible with KSP 1.8+
  • Added: Option to reset settings to their default values
  • Added: Third party mods can now change default settings (see wiki)
  • Added: Setting for bonus provided to training speed by part familiarity (default is 50%)
  • Added: Initial compatibility with Kerbalism. See readme for details
  • Added: Notification when about to launch kerbals who are not trained for the current vessel
  • Changed: Rebalanced radiation emission by all parts (mostly increased)
  • Changed: SSPX 3.75 m lab now affects up to 6 kerbals
  • Fixed: Radiation Shielding is not drainable by KSP 1.9's drain valve
  • Fixed: Sick Bay module title is now displayed correctly
  • Fixed: Trained and Health Modules check boxes now retain their state when closing and opening Health Report
  • Code style and refactoring pass
  • Many localization fixes (English only)

1.4.2 - Hot fix #2

11 Feb 06:21
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.8.1
  • Fixed: NRE/freeze when rescuing a kerbal

1.4.1 - Hot fix

10 Feb 20:34
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  • Added: Show health module title(s) for EC usage data to help distinguish between multiple health modules
  • Changed: No longer showing part's persistent id in PAW
  • Fixed: Reset and Train buttons' labels in Health Report were swapped
  • Fixed: Annual solar weather summary didn't display on high timewarp

1.4 - Massive update: training, radstorms, localization and more!

08 Feb 10:35
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Note: Be careful updating an existing game, if you have important ongoing manned missions. Some configs have changed and new mechanics are in place, which may negatively affect your kerbals' chances of survival! Check out the readme, wiki and the game settings.

  • Compiled for KSP 1.8.1. Not compatible with KSP1.7.3 and before!
  • Added: Stress management mechanics. Stress factor (previously known as Assigned) can be reduced by upgrading your Astronauts' Complex and/or training kerbals for specific vessels (the latter is disabled by default if you are updating from previous versions). Training time depends on the number and complexity of parts and kerbal's familiarity with them
  • Added: Solar radiation storms (radstorms). They are relatively rare (on average once per 820 days), but can be extremely powerful, especially for kerbals in the interplanetary space. However, if your vessel has a shelter (which is any set of parts with maximum shielding, where your entire crew can fit, the kerbals are considered to go there automatically. See readme for more details.
  • Added: Localization (big thanks to tinygrox). Only English and Chinese (an incomplete translation) are supported now, but feel free to submit localized files. Please note that I don't offer any support for localization.
  • Added: Compatibility patches for Near Future Exploration, Near Future Spacecraft, Probes Before Crew, ReStock+
  • Added: Kerbals' traits and experience levels are now indicated in the Health Monitor and Health Report
  • Changed: Tweaked living space amount (mostly reduced by a tiny bit) and some parts' features for nearly all mods
  • Changed: Nominal Solar Radiation was reduced from 5000 to 2500, Galactic Cosmic Radiation from 15000 to 12500 to compensate for radstorms
  • Changed: Default high-orbit magnetosphere coefficient increased from 30% to 40%
  • Changed: Radiation now (usually very slowly) reduces HP, not just max HP
  • Changed: Training and Decontamination duration now scale with day length
  • Changed: Health is now updated every 30 seconds by default, up from 10 (for new games only)
  • Changed: Most settings are now independent of difficulty level; the difference is that some more complex systems are disabled for easier levels
  • Changed: Blizzy's Toolbar Button setting is replaced with AppLauncher Button
  • Changed: UI tweaks in Health Monitor, Health Report and Training Info windows
  • Changed: Nerfed quirks that affect Stress
  • Changed: KerbalHealth.cfg structure. All configs are now kept within KERBALHEALTH_CONFIG node. It will affect any custom Kerbal Health configs! (attention modders!)
  • Changed: Reduced debug log spam
  • Fixed: Stock Mk2 Landing Cabin was missing a config
  • Fixed: Display of balance HP in Health Report and health restoration ETA in Health Monitor
  • Fixed: Corruption of Kerbal Health data in some cases
  • Fixed: Exposure didn't reset after recovering a kerbal (purely aesthetic thing) + a few other small bugs
  • Fixed: NRE when returning from EVA
  • Too many various small changes to remember

1.4 Pre-release #1

20 Jan 19:49
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1.4 Pre-release #1 Pre-release

This is the first beta of Kerbal Health 1.4. It is intended mostly for testing purposes. More changes are coming in future betas and the full release. Please backup your persistent.sfs before updating!

  • KSP 1.7.3 and earlier
  • Changed: Assigned factor is now called Stress, and has been increased from 1 HP/day to 2 HP/day by default
  • Added: Stress management mechanics. Stress can be reduced by upgrading your Astronauts' Complex and training kerbals for specific vessels in order to reduce Stress (the latter is disabled by default if you are updating from previous versions). See readme for details!
  • Changed: All health factors are now either their standard value or 0, depending on difficulty level
  • Changed: Nerfed quirks that affect Stress
  • Changed: KerbalHealth.cfg structure. It will affect any custom Kerbal Health configs!
  • Changed: Reduced debug log spam
  • Fixed: Display of balance HP in Health Report and health restoration ETA in Health Monitor
  • Fixed: Corruption of Kerbal Health data in some cases
  • Fixed: NRE when returning from EVA

1.3.8 - KSP 1.8 release

18 Oct 16:31
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.8 "Moar Boosters". Not compatible with KSP 1.7.3 and below

1.4 Pre-release #2

04 Feb 19:39
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1.4 Pre-release #2 Pre-release

This is the second and, hopefully, last pre-release of Kerbal Health 1.4. Please check change log for pre-release 1 to see all changes since the stable release.

  • KSP 1.7.3 or earlier
  • Added: Solar radiation storms (radstorms). They are relatively rare (on average once 820 days), but can be extremely powerful, especially for kerbals in the interplanetary space. However, if your vessel has a shelter (which is any set of parts with maximum shielding, where your entire crew can fit, the kerbals are considered to go there automatically. See readme for more details.
  • Added: Localization (big thanks to tinygrox). Only English and Chinese (an incomplete translation) are supported now, but feel free to submit localized files. Please note that I don't offer any support for localization.
  • Added: All crewable parts now have training complexity, which depends on their features (e.g., simple habs have 50%, command modules and labs 100% and some very complex things 150%)
  • Changed: Nominal Solar Radiation was reduced from 5000 to 2500, Galactic Cosmic Radiation from 15000 to 12500 to compensate for radstorms
  • Changed: Default high-orbit magnetosphere coefficient increased from 30% to 40%
  • Changed: Radiation now (usually very slowly) reduces HP, not just max HP
  • Changed: Training and Decontamination duration now scale with day length
  • Changed: Health is now updated every 30 seconds, up from 10
  • Changed: Tweaked living space amount (mostly reduced by a tiny bit) and some parts' features
  • Changed: Most settings are now independent of difficulty level; the difference is that some more complex systems are disabled for easier levels
  • Changed: Blizzy's Toolbar Button setting is replaced with AppLauncher Button
  • Changed: UI tweaks in Health Monitor, Health Report and Training Info windows
  • Fixed: Exposure didn't reset after recovering a kerbal (purely aesthetic thing) + a few other small bugs

1.3.7 - Quick fix

16 Jul 20:53
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  • Added: Support for Dynamic Battery Storage (will work when that mod is updated)
  • Fixed: Serious issue #89 with incorrect location of kerbals introduced in v1.3.6

1.3.6 - KSP 1.7+ update and harder default settings

14 Jul 09:31
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  • Compiled for KSP 1.7.3
  • Added: Support for Crew R&R, Sin Phi Heavy Industries and new KSP-IE parts
  • Added: Messages look a bit nicer now
  • Changed: Microgravity factor increased from 0.5 to 1; KSC factor reduced from 5 to 4; these only affect new games on harder difficulty settings
  • Changed: Assigned factor is now active in Easy mode by default (only affects new games)
  • Fixed: Low health alarm now follows your settings for unwarping time
  • Fixed: No more misleading "version update" message on new game start