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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

1.2.0 Pre-release

04 Jun 12:56
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1.2.0 Pre-release Pre-release

This is a pre-release version, which is intended for testing and bug reporting. If you plan to use it in your main save, make a backup!

  • Added: Health quirks—individual features of kerbals so that they react to health factors differently. The full list of quirks will be available in the wiki and it is 100% editable; quirks can be changed, added or removed manually or with MM patches. Quirks may be assigned semi-randomly (depending on kerbals' Stupidity and Courage) when a kerbal levels up. Everything is adjustable (or can be disabled) in the Settings, as usual.
  • Added: Support patches for SSTU, Malemute, Tundra (thanks @Maffif ), RLA Reborn
  • Added: UI is now colorful (I welcome suggestions about the color scheme)
  • Added: Health decay is now displayed in Details view
  • Changed: Radiation now increases gradually as you get farther from a celestial body (due to occlusion); body radiation shielding has been deprecated
  • Changed: Serious under-the-hood changes that will allow for new features and performance improvements in the future
  • Fixed: Blurry toolbar icon
  • Fixed: Date/time displayed incorrectly for periods over 1 year
  • Fixed: Panic Attack time was displayed incorrectly
  • Fixed: Exposure was not calculated correctly on game load
  • Fixed: NRE when renaming kerbals
  • Fixed: Potential NRE when kerbal currently viewed in Health Monitor is killed/removed
  • Fixed: NRE related to Sickness in some crew configurations

1.1.2 - KSP 1.4 & Making History update

14 Mar 07:13
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  • Recompiled for KSP 1.4.1
  • Added: Config for Command Pod Mk.1-3 from KSP 1.4
  • Added: Configs for parts introduced by Making History Expansion
  • Added: Radiation shielding to Structural Fuselage
  • Fixed: Radiation shielding added to Deadly Reentry 0.625m Heat Shield, for real this time

1.1.1 - Last release for KSP 1.3.1

07 Mar 08:05
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Download this version if you use KSP 1.3.1.

  • Fixed: NRE when calculating Connected factor in some cases
  • Fixed: NRE when renaming unregistered kerbals (should fix incompatibility with GPP)
  • Fixed: Issues with kerbals marked as Missing (e.g. in rescue contracts)
  • Fixed: Deadly Reentry's 0.625 m heat shield didn't have radiation shielding (thanks eightiesboi)
  • Fixed: Bug in Health Report, which sometimes caused incorrect figures to be displayed

1.1.1 Bug fix pre-release #2

02 Mar 15:47
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This is a second beta for v1.1.1. It is untested, so use at your own risk. It also contains some parts (including UI elements) of the upcoming quirks system, but they don't affect gameplay yet.

  • Fixed: NRE when renaming unregistered kerbals (incompatibility with GPP)
  • Fixed: Bug in Health Report, which sometimes caused incorrect figures to be displayed
  • Fixed: Radiation was still calculated for missing kerbals

1.1.1 - Bug fix pre-release

01 Feb 05:52
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I haven't had the time to test these fixes, but hopefully they work. If nothing bad is reported within a few days, it will become a release.

  • Fixed: NRE when calculating Connected factor in some cases
  • Fixed: Issues with kerbals marked as Missing (e.g. in rescue contracts)
  • Fixed: Deadly Reentry's 0.625 m heat shield didn't have radiation shielding (thanks eightiesboi)

1.1.0 - New Crowded mechanics and rebalance

20 Jan 08:23
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  • Added: (Almost) every crewable part now provides Living Space, which is used to calculate Crowded factor instead of seats number. Generally, heavier and more expensive parts tend to provide more space, but factor multipliers and Recuperation are also taken into account.
  • Added: Recuperation now has crew cap and can't go higher than the highest Recuperation value among your parts. E.g. a Cupola provides 1% Recuperation for 2 crew => 4 Cupolas give 1% Recup for 8 crew (not 4%!).
  • Added: Support patches for Atomic Age, FTmN, FTmn-New, RSCapsuledyne from Spacetux Recycled Parts (thanks linuxgurugamer for these), BDB, and DSEV mods
  • Added: Recuperation is now shown in Health Report
  • Added: Some parts (stocks as well as from mods) now provide bonuses to Loneliness and Connected factors
  • Changed: Base Crowded factor value is -3 instead of -5. It should be applied automatically when the mod is updated, but you should load every crewed vessel to update cache
  • Changed: EVA radiation exposure is was lowered to 500% from 1000% (to 200% from 300% on moderate difficulty)
  • Changed: Health modules can only be enabled or disabled if they consume resources (EC). Therefore alwaysActive keyword has been deprecated
  • Changed: All parts' values have been rebalanced
  • Fixed: Cupola and some cockpits had RadShield when they shouldn't have (thanks Fraz86 for pointing out)
  • Significantly improved performance for vessels with a lot of crew

1.1.0 Pre-release #2

11 Jan 13:15
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1.1.0 Pre-release #2 Pre-release

This is a beta version of v1.1.0.

  • Added: Living Space and RadShield values for stock cockpits
  • Changed: Living Space has been lowered for most parts from pre-release 1
  • Changed: Crowded factor default base value is now -3 instead of -5; a message will warn you to change it manually in an ongoing game
  • Fixed: Cupola and some cockpits still had RadShield capacity when they shouldn't have (thanks Fraz86 for pointing out)

1.1.0 Pre-release

02 Jan 15:38
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1.1.0 Pre-release Pre-release
  • Added: (Almost) every crewable part now provides Living Space, which is used to calculate Crowded factor instead of seats number. Generally, heavier and more expensive parts tend to provide more space, but factor multipliers and Recuperation are also taken into account.
  • Added: Recuperation now has crew cap and can't go higher than the highest Recuperation value among your parts. E.g. a Cupola provides 1% Recuperation for 2 crew => 4 Cupolas give 1% Recup for 8 crew (not 4%!).
  • Added: Support patches for Atomic Age, FTmN, FTmn-New, RSCapsuledyne (thanks linuxgurugamer for these), and DSEV mods
  • Added: Recuperation is now shown in Health Report
  • Added: Some parts (stocks as well as from mods) now provide bonuses to Loneliness and Connected factors
  • Changed: Health modules can only be enabled or disabled if they consume resources (EC). Therefore alwaysActive keyword has been deprecated
  • Changed: All parts' values have been rebalanced
  • Significantly improved performance for vessels with a lot of crew

1.0.2 - More bug fixes

13 Dec 07:25
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  • Added: Health modules now reactivate automatically when enough EC is available
  • Changed: DeepFreeze CRY-0300R freezer can't hold any RadShield resource
  • Fixed: Radiation readings in Health Monitor weren't updated for non-available kerbals
  • Fixed: Sick Tourists would never cure at KSC if no Scientist was present
  • Fixed: Exception when kerbal died or went missing
  • Possibly fixed: Issues with calculating part effects after undocking (needs testing)

1.0.1 - Fixes & optimization (KSP 1.3.1)

05 Nov 19:06
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  • Added: Health modules in parts now have names depending on their functions
  • Added: Health module action names (on right click) are now "Enable..." or "Disable..." instead of just "Toggle..."
  • Added: Accident events' chance now depend on stupidity: more stupid kerbals have more bad stuff happening to them
  • Fixed: NRE on some tourist and rescue contracts
  • Fixed: Panic attacks were ridiculously long
  • Fixed: Command seats had RadShield capacity when TakeCommand was installed
  • Fixed: DFWrapper log spam
  • Fixed: Radiation level of frozen (with DeepFreeze) kerbals didn't change
  • Improved performance with some caching, code cleanup and optimized compilation