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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

1.0.1 - Fixes & optimization (KSP 1.3.0)

05 Nov 19:05
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  • Added: Health modules in parts now have names depending on their functions
  • Added: Health module action names (on right click) are now "Enable..." or "Disable..." instead of just "Toggle..."
  • Added: Accident events' chance now depend on stupidity: more stupid kerbals have more bad stuff happening to them
  • Fixed: NRE on some tourist and rescue contracts
  • Fixed: Panic attacks were ridiculously long
  • Fixed: DFWrapper log spam
  • Fixed: Radiation level of frozen (with DeepFreeze) kerbals didn't change
  • Fixed: Command seats had RadShield capacity when TakeCommand was installed
  • Improved performance with some caching, code cleanup and optimized compilation

1.0.0 Full release

06 Oct 08:27
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Kerbal Health is now out of beta and considered stable (hopefully). This is a major update, so you should visit all your crewed vessels after updating to refresh mod data. And better backup your persistent file, just in case!

  • Added: Radiation effects that permanently reduce kerbals' maximum HP (see readme or wiki for more details)
  • Added: RadiationShielding resource that can be added to most crew pods and some other parts for additional protection
  • Added: Detailed view in Health Monitor displays more stats including individual factors for loaded kerbals
  • Added: Support for kerbals freezing with DeepFreeze
  • Added: Support for radioactive and shielding parts in stock, MKS, Deadly Reentry, Kerbal Atomics, KSP-IE, SpaceY, etc.
  • Added: Difficulty presets (Hard difficulty recommended)
  • Added: Health Monitor splits into pages when you have many kerbals
  • Changed: EC consumption of all health modules reduced by 50%
  • Changed: EVA factor now reduces health by 10 HP/day (down from 30)
  • Changed: Sicknesses are now more rare, but they last longer and have longer incubation
  • Changed: Marginal health change renamed to Recuperation (for positive) and Decay (for negative)
  • Changed: Notifications are no longer shown for events with kerbals not on missions (prevents message spam)
  • Fixed: Kerbals on EVA no longer feel crowdedness
  • Fixed: Health Monitor didn't update correctly when kerbals were added or removed
  • Fixed: Incorrect calculation of science lab and some other parts' effects in Health Report
  • Fixed: Renaming kerbals shouldn't reset their stats now (hopefully)
  • Some small UI improvements, code cleanup, and performance tweaks
  • Compiled for KSP 1.3.1

1.0.0 Pre-release #3: KSP 1.3.0 compatibility release

06 Oct 10:26
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This is a backport of v1.0.0 to KSP 1.3.0. Please note that all subsequent updates will only be available for KSP 1.3.1.

1.0.0 Pre-release #2

28 Sep 20:42
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1.0.0 Pre-release #2 Pre-release

This is the second pre-relase of planned 1.0.0. It is intended for testing, bug hunting, and balancing feedback. A few more features are planned for addition before the full release (e.g. individual planet radiation configuration and DeepFreeze compatibility).

  • Added: Resource shielding system, where certain resources (currently Water, WasteWater, Lead, and RadiationShielding) on your vessel improve its shielding rating. Shielding resources can be added or modified in KerbalHealth.cfg.
  • Added: New resource RadiationShielding, which can be added to most crewed parts (except cockpits and cupolas), to heat shields and to construction panels to improve their shielding.
  • Added: When you have many kerbals, the Health Monitor's list is now split into pages.
  • Added: Part actions for enabling and disabling health modules, which can be added to Action Groups.
  • Changed: Radiation when landed or flying low on atmospheric bodies is now different from when flying high; on non-atmospheric bodies, being landed doesn't affect radiation. Atmospheric moons still have higher radiation level than planets.
  • Changed: Notifications are no longer shown for events with kerbals not on missions (prevents message spam), so check their health before sending to stars! Can be disabled in the Settings.
  • Changed: Heat shields and panels now provide 2x Shielding.
  • Fixed: Scrollbar incorrectly shown in Health Monitor
  • Fixed: Health Monitor didn't update correctly when kerbals were added or removed
  • Fixed: Renaming kerbals shouldn't reset their stats now (hopefully)
  • Some code cleanup and optimization

1.0.0 Pre-release

25 Sep 10:15
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1.0.0 Pre-release Pre-release

This is an open beta version of Kerbal Health 1.0. The complete change log will be published with the full release. Main highlights are:

  • Added: Radiation effects that permanently reduce kerbals' maximum HP, depend on the location and presence of radioactive parts (reactors and atomic engines), and can be reduced by shielding the vessel with heat shields and panels
  • Added: Detailed view in Health Monitor displays more stats including individual factors for loaded kerbals
  • Added: Support for Deadly Reentry, Kerbal Atomics, KSP-IE, SpaceY
  • Added: Difficulty presets (Hard difficulty recommended)
  • Changed: EC consumption of all health modules reduced by 50%
  • Many more changes and fixes

Please report any issues and share suggestions in the corresponding tab on Github or in the forum topic. Don't forget to attach the output log and/or persistent file.

0.6.5 Bug fixes

01 Aug 13:58
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  • Added: A setting to disable sickness mechanics altogether (note that it doesn't magically cure your kebals, but instead prevents any sickness-related events from triggering and eliminates sickness' effects)
  • Fixed: Marginal health change didn't calculate for unloaded vessels
  • Fixed: NRE when kerbals went on EVA
  • Fixed: Setting Contagion Period to 0 didn't prevent contagion
  • Small UI fixes and improvements

0.6.4 Alerts + more supported mods

07 Jul 07:15
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  • Added: Low health alert will warn you when kerbal's HP falls below a certain level (defined in the settings, 0 to disable)
  • Added: Support for FASA (thanks to AlekM)
  • Added: Support for B9 Aerospace (thanks to fabioita)

0.6.3 Improved Health Report

14 Jun 17:55
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  • Added: You can now select, which factors to include in the Health Report calculations
  • Added: Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KPBS) compatibility
  • Changed: Cupola EC consumption changed to 2 per kerbal (for marginal health bonus only)
  • Fixed: If exhaustion start level is set to 0 in the Settings, exhaustion should not occur
  • Fixed: Potential error with calculating min/max limits for factor multipliers in complex vessels

0.6.2 Adjustments

08 Jun 14:25
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  • Added: Day length and home world should now be compatible with universe-changing mods
  • Added: Time unwarp when things happen (such as exhaustion) to kerbals on a mission
  • Changed: Increased EC consumption for most stock parts
  • Changed: Science Lab now only affects its own crew
  • Changed: A medic can heal 2 sick kerbals without penalties (2x better than a Scientist)
  • Changed: Death HP level is now fixed at 0, but you can now disable death in Settings
  • Fixed: Bug with curing sickness at KSC

0.5.3 Last KSP 1.2.2-compatible release

28 May 09:12
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An unsupported release for KSP 1.2.2 of v0.6.1 (with commit 32db16e).