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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

0.6.1 Sickness overhaul + hot fix

26 May 19:23
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  • Added: Kerbals on missions can catch infection from their crewmates
  • Added: Incubation period when the kerbal is contagious but shows no signs of the sickness
  • Added: Scientists and Medics help cure sickness much sooner (when enough are present)
  • Added: Kerbals have temporary immunity from sickness after recovering from it
  • Added: Mobile Processing Lab halves effects of sickness
  • Changed: Events settings are now defined through average periods/duration instead of daily chance (should be more convenient)
  • Changed: Part module info is again displayed even if KH is disabled
  • Fixed: Freeze on loading screen

0.6.0 KSP 1.3 + sickness

26 May 02:54
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  • KSP 1.3.0 release (not compatible with 1.2.*)
  • Added: Sickness mechanics. Kerbals can now become sick (randomly, mean time to happen = 100 days) and start losing health (5 HP/day). This condition goes on its own (MTTH = 10 days).
  • Added: Update interval now varies depending on time warp, to provide best accuracy and performance
  • Added: You can now specify a custom resource to be used by ModuleKerbalHealth (needs testing, see wiki for details)
  • Changed: Crowded factor now drains -5 HP/day for a cramped vessel (was -6)
  • Changed: Home factor adds +2 HP/day (instead of +5) and only works at altitude 18 km; Home factor now affects kerbals on EVA
  • Changed: Feel Bad event renamed to Accident
  • Changed: Stock Cupola now affects 2 kerbals instead of one
  • Changed: Min/max values for some factors in Difficulty Settings
  • Fixed: Bugs with unloaded/unpacked kerbals and kerbals on EVA (hopefully, need test!)
  • Fixed: Part module info is not displayed any more when Kerbal Health is disabled

Note: As of releasing this version, ModuleManager hasn't been updated for KSP 1.3.0. Therefore, Kerbal Health modules won't work (e.g. Cupola and Hitchhiker) and changes to them couldn't be tested.

0.6.0 Pre-release #2 for KSP 1.2.9

08 Apr 16:34
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  • Added: Min Update Interval setting
  • Changed: Health is now updated once every 10 game seconds, but not more than once per (real-life) second at high time warp. Should be better for performance.
  • Changed: Rewrote much of internal health processing. Hopefully, it will fix (or at least make fixable) bugs with unloaded vessels. Needs more testing though.

0.6.0 Pre-release

18 Mar 18:24
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0.6.0 Pre-release Pre-release
  • Updated for KSP 1.2.9 (1.3.0 pre-release)
  • Small coding style improvements

0.5.2 Hot fix

12 Mar 10:11
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  • Fixed: Error due to (unfinished) DeepFreeze integration
  • Fixed: Health modules don't consume EC any more when the mod is disabled
  • Tiny UI change (Health Monitor header)

0.5.1 Bug fixes & improvements

10 Mar 21:49
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  • Added: Health Monitor now shows estimated daily HP change
  • Changed: Default events' chances increased up to 10x (but still quite rare)
  • Fixed: Issue #29 when Kerbal Health installed mid-game
  • Fixed: Issue #30 when health modules didn't consume EC under time warp
  • Fixed: Issue when kerbals recovered from KSC didn't have their health updated correctly
  • Small performance and code style improvements

0.5.0 Random Events and much more!

03 Mar 20:12
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  • Added: events system, which activates rare, but potentially dangerous health events with your kerbals. It can be disabled or fine-tuned in the settings. See readme or wiki for more.
  • Added: support for Blizzy's Toolbar mod (not included).
  • Added: option to disable the mod
  • Added: option to show game messages (clickable buttons) instead of on-screen messages (default on)
  • Changed: EVA factor down from -50 to -30, Home factor up from +1 to +5
  • Fixed: issue of KSP 1.2.2 with floating-point and percentage parameters
  • Fixed: NRE on game exit
  • Fixed: some minor and potential issues

0.4.7 Bug fix

01 Mar 16:57
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Fixed: issues with kerbals in unfocused vessels

0.4.6 Bug fixes & tweaks

13 Feb 07:42
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  • Added: Kerbal Health button in Tracking Station
  • Changed: Overpopulation factor renamed to Crowded
  • Fixed: actual and potential issues related to EVA
  • Other fixes and redundant code removal

0.4.5 Bug fixes & visual tweaks

08 Feb 18:51
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  • Added: Health Monitor and Health Report windows' positions are saved when you close them
  • Added: CKAN support (hopefully)
  • Changed: AppLauncher icon is a bit neater
  • Fixed #20: tourists not tracked
  • Fixed #23: external seat issue (incompatibility with TakeCommand)
  • Fixed: one potential incompatibility with USI-LS