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Releases: GarwelGarwel/KerbalHealth

0.4.4 New health factors, USI-LS support

01 Feb 11:28
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  • Added: Connected (+0.5 HP/day when having connection to home), EVA (-50 HP/day when on EVA) and Home (+1 HP/day when under 25 km on Kerbin) factors
  • Added: USI-LS support patch (only affects Observation Cupola)
  • Changed: Assigned factor is now -0.5 HP/day by default
  • Changed: Improved performance and garbage creation

0.4.3 Microgravity & MKS patch

29 Jan 15:35
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  • Added: Microgravity factor (-0.5 HP/day) for orbital and suborbital flights and under 0.1 g environments (including Minmus)
  • Added: MKS support patch. Disabling USI-LS' habitation is recommended. I'll appreciate feedback on balancing
  • Changed: Overpopulation factor slightly reduced (from -7 to -6 HP/day) to compensate for Microgravity
  • Changed: EC consumption for health modules in stock parts doubled; cupola now gives 0.5x Overpopulation effect for 1 kerbal
  • Performance optimizations and small GUI enhancements

0.4.2 Factor multipliers & more

27 Jan 20:22
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  • Added: Factor multipliers for parts. Parts can now change (reduce or increase) the effect of specific health factors, for all crew or for a limited number of kerbals. See more in wiki
  • Added: Badass kerbals never suffer from Loneliness. Jeb can do it all single-handedly!
  • Added: Support for multiple part modules per part. Modders, rejoice!
  • Added: KSP AVC support
  • Changed: Not Alone factor is now called Loneliness and has opposite effect (naturally); LivingSpace factor is promptly renamed Overpopulation
  • Changed: Hitchhiker and crew cabins (mk1, mk2, mk3) now only give 0.5 multiplier to Overpopulation; Cupola also gives +1% marginal health bonus (and therefore is essential for making closed-loop stations)
  • Changed: Reduced amount of logging when debug mode is off (now default)

0.4.1 Rebalance & Parts Expansion

25 Jan 20:28
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  • Added: Parts now provide marginal health change (see readme on Github for more info)
  • Added: Part modules consume EC (at flat rate or per kerbal affected)
  • Added: Part modules can be switched on and off in flight
  • Added: Part module details now displayed in Editor
  • Added: Crew cabins (mk1, mk2, mk3) now provide bonuses to health
  • Changed: Health Monitor and Health Report windows updated for marginal health change support
  • Changed: All health factors rebalanced, all parts' effects and EC consumption changed

0.4.0 Beta

24 Jan 20:34
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The mod is now in Beta! It is open to the public, but still far from being a finished product. Things will continue to change, but most systems are now in place.

  • ModuleManager now required!
  • Added: Part module ModuleKerbalHealth
  • Added: Cupola and Hitchhiker provide health bonus (+1 HP/day for whole vessel crew and +3 for part crew only, respectively)
  • Added: In-game settings
  • Fixed: Support for kerbals on EVA
  • Fixed: Game load issue

0.3.0 Health Report added

23 Jan 14:01
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  • Added: Health Report in editor. Shows daily HP change and estimated time till next condition (usually Exhaustion). Note that it uses current kerbals' HP.
  • Added: Not Alone factor. Kerbals lose 2 HP less per day when travelling with crewmates.
  • Changed: KSC health recovery speed lowered 10 times to 10 HP/day. So a kerbal will need to rest for approximately the same amount of time he/she had been on a mission to fully recover their health.
  • Fixed: Occasional NRE when exiting with Alt+F4 (hopefully).

0.2.0 Health Monitor added

22 Jan 19:54
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  • Added: Health Monitor window in KSC and in flight. It displays kerbals' health (% and raw points), condition and time left until next condition (exhaustion, death or recovery)
  • Changed: living space effect halved, so a kerbal can survive 10-15 days (depending on the level) in a crammed vessel.
  • Fixed: #10 health persistence across reverts issue (thanks schrema)

First Alpha

20 Jan 18:27
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First Alpha Pre-release

This is an early alpha release. It may (and actually should) contain possibly game-breaking bugs. It will be changed significantly and probably in a non-backward-compatible way. It is intended for debugging and development purposes only. Please DO NOT use it on your main playthrough you invested 200 hours into! Please DO report bugs (with a must output log) and suggest improvements.


  • Every kerbal, including Tourists, has Health Points (HP)
  • HP increase with kerbals' level. A 5-level kerbal is 50% "healthier" than a newbie
  • Kerbals' HP are updated (currently once a second, including in background and in timewarp)
  • Health decreases when on a mission in proportion to crew/capacity ratio. A kerbal in a full vessel loses all his/her health in 5-7.5 days (depending on the level)
  • If a kerbal's health is under 20%, he/she becomes a tourist
  • If a kerbal's health falls to 0, he/she dies!
  • In KSC, kerbals gradually recover their health
  • Press red cross button to see kerbals' health status (name, % of max health, HP, time to next phase)