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Conhics - High-performance console renderer for the windows terminal

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Conhics is a library created to make high-frequency updates to the console without delay. Instead of using Console.Writeline Conhics directly accesses the console buffer and thereby enables for extremely high-speed updates. This allows for creating real-time games in the console without lag and/or delay.



  • Conhics has now renamed the window class to screen
  • New event system introduced
  • Window.GetLastKey() has been removed in favor of the new event system

Library methods


void Screen.Setup(string title,  
    int consoleWidth = 120, int consoleHeight = 30,   
    short charWidth = 8, short charHeight = 16, 
    bool activeEventCapture = true

The purpose of the setup command is to retrieve handles from the windows API which will later make it possible to directly manage the buffer. The setup has to be called before all other Conhcis commands as the library depends on this method. Most of the parameters of the method are pretty self-explanatory, title is the title of the console window, consoleWidth and consoleHeight are the dimensions of the console in columns and rows (not pixels). The attributes charWidth and charHeight define the size of each character displayed in the console, the smaller each character is the more unreadable it becomes however it allows for much more variety it gives more elements to work with. The attribute activeEventCapture decides whether or not Conhics should listen for keystrokes on a separate thread. This will allow the user of the library to fetch the last hit key.
Note: Conhics overrides the default Console.ReadKey() which means that unexpected behavior will arise if this method is called, this is the reason that complementary methods are provided via activeEventCapture


void Screen.Print(char character, int x, int y, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White);
void Screen.Print(string text, int x, int y, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White);

The print command is what is used to make changes to the console. Print either takes a character or a text and adds it to the entered coordinate (Note that the windows console has (0,0) in the top left corner). It is also possible to color each individual print with the windows object ConsoleColor. However what is important to note is that Print does NOT render anything to the screen, instead, everything is cached in memory until the Screen.Flush() command is called.


void Screen.Flush();

Flush gathers everything that has been inputted with Screen.Print() and renders it to the screen. Flush is therefore needed to get results showing.


void Screen.Clear();

Clear cleans the internal cache. Clear does NOT render the screen blank. To clear the console it is, therefore, necessary to call Screen.Clear() followed by Screen.Flush() to render the changes.


char Screen.GetPos(int x, int y);

Retrieves the character present at the targeted location on the screen.


string Screen.Input(string displayText, int x, int y, bool enforceInput);

The input method is very similar to the normal Console.ReadLine but with some extras attached to it. First, the parameter displayText is used to present text before the actual input such as Name:. The method then requires a position to start the input from which is decided with the x and y. Last the argument enforceInput is used to prevent users from returning empty strings. If this setting is true the method requires the user to input at least one character before it returns.


Conhics has its own event system enabling advanced user interaction. By using this event system it is possible to fetch both keyboard and mouse events and use their properties. To get access to this feature make sure that the variable activeEventCapture in Setup() is set to true. Then include the event system like this:

using Conhics.Input

All Conhics events are possible to fetch multiple times using their corresponding properties. However, if an event is considered used and therefore is not expected again it is possible to call the method ClearLastInput which will set the property to null. This will prevent an event from bubbling up multiple times.

Keyboard events

To get the latest keyboard event use the Keyboard's class property named Input. This is a nullable KeyboardInput object which exposes the following attributes:

/// Whether or not the key is pressed.
public readonly bool KeyDown;
/// The amount of times the key was repeated through being held down since the last <see cref="KeyboardInput"/> instance.
public readonly ushort KeyRepeatCount;

/// The virtual-key code of the key pressed. Virtual-key codes: <see cref="!:"/>.
public readonly ushort VirtualKeyCode;

/// Equal to virtual key code but with a cast to console key.
public readonly ConsoleKey ConsoleKey;

/// The Unicode character of the key that was pressed.
public readonly char Character;

/// The current keyboard state.
public readonly KeyboardStates State;

Mouse events

Mouse events are handled in the Mouse class which similarly to Keyboard has a nullable Input property. This property has the following attributes.

/// The X position of the mouse from the left.
public readonly short X;

/// The Y position of the mouse from the top.
public readonly short Y;

/// The mouse button that was pressed.
public readonly MouseButtons Button;

/// The mouse event that occurred.
public readonly MouseEvents Event;

/// The mouse scroll wheel direction.
public readonly MouseWheelDirections MouseWheelDirection;



static void Main(string[] args) {
    Screen.Print('X', 5, 5, ConsoleColor.Cyan);

Snake game

using Conhics;
using Conhics.Input;

struct Position {
    public int x;
    public int y;

enum Direction {
    UP = 0,
    RIGHT = 1,
    DOWN = 2,
    LEFT = 3

static void Main(string[] args) {

    Direction direction = Direction.UP;

    // Setup Conhics
    Screen.Setup("Snake game");
    // Take the name of the user
    string username = Screen.Input("Name", 10, 10, true);
    // Start position
    int x = 0;
    int y = 4;

    List<Position> snake = new List<Position>();

    // Gameloop
    while (true) {
        // Clear the screen after every iteration
        // Print out the snake
        for (int i = 0; i < snake.Count; i++) {
            Screen.Print('█', snake[i].x * 2, snake[i].y, ConsoleColor.Green);
            Screen.Print('█', snake[i].x * 2 + 1, snake[i].y);
        // Render the screen

        // Ask conhics for the last hit key
        var key = Screen.GetLastKey();

        if (key != null) {
            // Change direction
            switch (key.Value.Key) {
                case ConsoleKey.UpArrow:
                    if (direction == Direction.DOWN) break;
                    direction = Direction.UP;
                case ConsoleKey.RightArrow:
                    if (direction == Direction.LEFT) break;
                    direction = Direction.RIGHT;
                case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow:
                    if (direction == Direction.RIGHT) break;
                    direction = Direction.LEFT;
                case ConsoleKey.DownArrow:
                    if (direction == Direction.UP) break;
                    direction = Direction.DOWN;

        // Move
        switch (direction) {
            case Direction.UP:
                if (y == 0)
                    y = WinBuf.BufferHeight - 2;
            case Direction.RIGHT:
                if (x == WinBuf.BufferWidth / 2 - 1)
                    x = 0;
            case Direction.DOWN:
                if (y == WinBuf.BufferHeight - 1)
                    y = 0;
            case Direction.LEFT:
                if (x == 0)
                    x = WinBuf.BufferWidth / 2 - 1;

        snake.Add(new Position { x = x, y = y });
        if (snake.Count > 10)


Conhics - High-performance console renderer for the windows terminal





