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Build100.6.3 #29

name: Post Releases to Telegram
types: [ published ]
workflow_dispatch: # Allow manual triggering
name: Post Releases to Telegram
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Extract Version Name and Version Code
run: |
# Extract versionName and versionCode from build.gradle
VERSION_NAME=$(cat app/build.gradle | grep -oP 'versionName "\K[^"]*')
VERSION_CODE=$(cat app/build.gradle | grep -oP 'versionCode \K\d+')
# Make the version name sentence case
VERSION_NAME=$(echo "$VERSION_NAME" | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) $i=toupper(substr($i,1,1)) tolower(substr($i,2));}1')
echo "Version Name: $VERSION_NAME"
echo "Version Code: $VERSION_CODE"
# Set these values as environment variables for later steps
- name: Set Tag
run: |
TAG=$(echo ${{ env.VERSION_NAME }} | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
echo "TAG=${TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "Tag: ${TAG}" # Print tag to console
- name: Wipe out the app directory
run: |
# Remove the app directory if it exists
if [ -d app ]; then
rm -rf app
- name: Fetch latest release
id: get_release
run: |
echo "Fetching latest release from $GITHUB_REPOSITORY..."
latest_release=$(curl -s "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/releases/latest")
first_apk_url=$(echo "$latest_release" | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url')
second_apk_url=$(echo "$latest_release" | jq -r '.assets[1].browser_download_url')
echo "First APK URL: $first_apk_url"
echo "Second APK URL: $second_apk_url"
# Set the apk_urls environment variable
echo "apk_urls=$first_apk_url $second_apk_url" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Download APKs
run: |
for url in ${{ env.apk_urls }}; do
filename=$(basename "$url")
echo "Downloading $filename..."
curl -L -o "$filename" "$url"
- name: Create app directory
run: |
# Create the app directory
mkdir app
- name: Move APKs to app directory
run: |
# Move the APKs to the app directory
mv *.apk app/
- name: Rename APKs
run: |
# Rename the APKs to include the version name and version code
# If the file name contains github, then rename it as github_release_versionName_versionCode.apk
# And, if it contains play, then rename it as play_store_versionName_versionCode.apk
for file in app/*.apk; do
if [[ $file == *"github"* ]]; then
mv $file app/github_${{ env.VERSION_NAME }}.apk
echo "Renamed $file to github_${{ env.VERSION_NAME }}.apk"
if [[ $file == *"play"* ]]; then
mv $file app/play_${{ env.VERSION_NAME }}.apk
echo "Renamed $file to play_${{ env.VERSION_NAME }}.apk"
# List the files in the app directory
ls app
- name: Add APK Paths to Env
run: |
# Add the APK paths to the environment
echo "GITHUB_APK_PATH=$(find app -type f -name "github_*.apk")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PLAY_APK_PATH=$(find app -type f -name "play_*.apk")" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "PLAY_APK_PATH=${{ env.PLAY_APK_PATH }}"
- name: Send Notification Message
uses: appleboy/telegram-action@master
to: ${{ secrets.APP_CHANNEL_ID_FOR_TG_BOT }}
token: ${{ secrets.TG_BOT_KEY }}
message: |
${{ env.VERSION_NAME }} is live on the GitHub and Play Store.
# - name: Send First APK to Telegram
# uses: appleboy/telegram-action@master
# with:
# to: ${{ secrets.APP_CHANNEL_ID_FOR_TG_BOT }}
# token: ${{ secrets.TG_BOT_KEY }}
# document: ${{ env.GITHUB_APK_PATH }}
# message: " "
# - name: Send Second APK to Telegram
# uses: appleboy/telegram-action@master
# with:
# to: ${{ secrets.APP_CHANNEL_ID_FOR_TG_BOT }}
# token: ${{ secrets.TG_BOT_KEY }}
# document: ${{ env.PLAY_APK_PATH }}
# message: " "