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Kwangyeon Kim edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 3 revisions

Hi folks, welcome to our project wiki.

The Hanjp Input Method project(short for Hanjp) is the IME project that enables to type Japanese by type its Hangul pronunciation. That means, the basic pre-editing component in Hanjp is Hangul. This project aims to give UX similar to Korean IME. The main motivation in Hanjp is educational purpose. Building several Engines for some environments, we struggle to assemble Linux and IME useful knowledge in document, write feature rich library(libhanjp) which is portable to many development environment.

  1. Introduction

  2. Project Policy

  3. Build Guide

  4. Debugging Guide

  5. Contribution Guide

  6. Useful Resources

  7. Understand Library

  8. Library API

  9. Understand Engine

  10. Additional Useful Knowledge

  11. Acknowledgement

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