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This is the official repository of the maslo companion web

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Welcome to my repository!

alt text

Getting Started

To Create a new Companion you are going to need:

  • A Github account to download the code
  • A Stroymapr account to edit the conversational tree
  • A firebase account to publish it online.

Make sure you are running node v12.6! Use nvm if you must.

  • In Github Desktop add a new repository to your local files.
  • Fork it and give it a name.
  • Using the command prompt naviguate to your companion-web folder folder with cd
  • Get the Persona
cd dependencies && git clone [email protected]:HeyMaslo/maslo-persona.git persona && cd persona && git fetch --all && git checkout colors-config && cd ../../
  • Install dependencies
yarn install
  • Run the development server:
yarn dev
  • Access your local companion by opening http://localhost:3000/ with Chrome.
  • CONGRATS! You have your own personal companion.

Personalize your Companion

Update the guided conversation with Storymapr

  • Go to

  • Display all the trees and pick an existing companion tree like MasloWebCompanion_greg

  • Clone it. Rename the Dialogue. Edit your tree. Click Share and Publish

  • Note the tree ID in the url: TREE ID /workbench

  • To update the default Storymapr tree go to next.config.js and find the following lines

env: {
        STORY_MAPR_API_URL: '',
        DTR_ID: '5fdaa6cac860c2255f029942',
  • Replace DTR_ID by your tree ID

  • To preview Storymapr actions add your tree id in the URL as follows: http://localhost:3000/?dtreeId=5faeef6bc860c23e30275e36

  • Update the page title in .components/LogoComponent.js

  • Update the tab title in ./pages/_document.js

Change the style, colors and name

  • Go to and create the palette of your choice.
  • Go to ./viewModels/PersonaViewModel.js and replace the following lines with your new parameters:
  • Custom colors go to: and copy the HEX code

  • Then replace colorpalette[ index ] = ' HEX '; then replace the HEX code of the color of your choice (without the hash #)

  • Invert the color palette by enabling the line colorpalette.reverse(); Paiper's thought bubbles are gradients extracted from the color palette in ./components/PaiperComponent.js By default: meta bubbles are of a random color between colorpalette[0] and colorpalette[1], console bubbles are of a random color between colorpalette[2] and colorpalette[3], data bubbles are of a random color between colorpalette[4] and colorpalette[5].

  • Colors of individual element can be edited here ./styles/colors.scss

  • Modify the background in ./styles/components/background/index.scss

  • Set your browser in full screen and take a screenshot. Replace the file ./screenshot.png.

Publish Your Companion

  • Connect to your firebase
  • Select the project that maslo invited you to maslo-377f0
  • Select Hosting on the left panel.
  • Click Add another Site and name your new companion.
  • In your file directory go to ./firebase.json and name your target like so "target": "COMPANIONNAME-stage"
  • Then go to .firebaserc and write:
  "targets": {
    "maslo-377f0": {
      "hosting": {
        "COMPANIONNAME-stage": [
  • Go to ./package.json and in "scripts" add the line
"deploy:COMPANIONNAME": "yarn build && yarn export && firebase deploy --only hosting:COMPANIONNAME-stage"
  • In the cmd line type yarn deploy:COMPANIONNAME
  • In your browser go to
  • CONGRATS! you have deployed your new companion.

Certificate of Computational Birth

Birthdate - 29th of December 2020
Birthplace - Venice, CA
Nursery - [Maslo](


This is the official repository of the maslo companion web






No releases published



Contributors 4
