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Configuration file

Base configurations

  • Config.StartLocation (vector4) - Location where the starting ped is found, 4th value (w) in the vector is heading
  • Config.StartPedModel (string) - Ped model name which will be spawned at Config.StartLocation
  • Config.AddBlip (boolean) - Adds blip to map at Config.StartLocation
  • Config.UseTarget (boolean) - Utilizes the qb-target "third eye" to start the job on ped at Config.StartLocation
  • Config.PayoutMethod (string) - Usually "cash" or "bank"
  • Config.PayoutBasedOnDistance (boolean):
    • True - Calculates and pays out based on GPS shown distance
    • False - Pays out by choosing a random value between "from" and "to" in Config.Destinations

XP configurations

  • Config.JobXP (positive int)- Amount of XP that is paid out on job completed
  • Config.KeepPenalty (negative int) - Amount of XP that is subtracted once decided to keep the vehicle
  • Config.DestroyPenalty (negative int) - Amount of XP that is subtracted once the vehicle is destroyed
  • Config.XpGoals (positive int array) - Amount in XP that has to be reached to go up in rank, you can add as much as you like

Timing configuration

  • Config.VehicleDeleteTimeout (positive int) - Time in milliseconds which forcefully deletes vehicle, if player didn't leave the vehicle in this amount of time
  • Config.MessageReceiveStart (positive int) - Start time in milliseconds for the message on the phone to arrive
  • Config.MessageReceiveEnd (positive int) - End time in milliseconds for the message on the phone to arrive
  • Config.CooldownTime (positive int) - Time in seconds before any another player can start another job

Cop configurations

  • Config.CopModel (string) - Ped model name which will be spawned in Config.VehicleModel at Config.Spawns cop coordinates
  • Config.VehicleModel (string) - Vehicle model name which will be spawned at Config.Spawns cop coordinates
  • Config.SpawnLocalPolice (boolean):
    • True - Spawns a cop with a vehicle and a gun, chases you and shoots
    • False - Nothing happens
  • Config.SpawnLocalPoliceChance (positive int) - Chance for the local police to spawn, 1 = always, 2 = 1/2 times, 3 = 1/3 times, etc.
  • Config.SendRealPoliceNotification (boolean) - Sends a notification to the real police with your current location
  • Config.SendRealPoliceNotificationChance (positive int) - Chance for the notification to be sent, 1 = always, 2 = 1/2 times, 3 = 1/3 times, etc.
  • Config.MinimumCopCount (positive int) - How many cops need to be present in the server for the job to be startable, set to 0 if you want it always to be startable

Command configurations

  • Config.PermissionLevel (string) - Permission level required to change XP, usually "god", "admin" or "user"

Spawn configurations

  • Config.Vehicles (3D string array):
    • Each inside array is for a single rank
    • model (string) - the model name
    • name (string) - pretty version of that car's full name
    • Add as many ranks here as there are at Config.XpGoals
    • Cars inside the rank array are chosen randomly
  • Config.Spawns (2D mixed array):
    • Each inside array is for a single potential spawn location
    • Locations are chosen randomly
    • name (string) - pretty version of that location's name
    • x,y,z (int) - vehicle spawn coordinates
    • heading (int 0-360) - vehicle heading
    • copx, copy, copz (int) - cop spawn coordinates
    • copHeading (int 0-360) - cop spawn heading
  • Config.Destinations (2D mixed array):
    • Each inside array is for a single potential destination location
    • Destinations are chosen randomly
    • name (string) - pretty version of that destination's name
    • x,y,z (int) - destination coordinates
    • from (positive int) - payout amount start value
    • to (positive_int) - payout amount end value

Language file

To translate this script, change the strings inside this file while keeping the %i, %s. %i represents an integer that will be placed inside replacing the "%i", same with %s but for a string