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Boris Penkov edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 44 revisions

ig add


ig add [template] [name] adds a template by its ID and providing a name.

The add command is supported on existing project created with the Ignite UI CLI. You cannot use the add command before creating a project using the new command or using the step by step guide which is invoked by the ig command. Another way to use the add command is in a project created with the Angular CLI but only after executing ng add igniteui-angular which will add the Ignite UI CLI to the project. The quickstart projects do not support the add command, meaning that you cannot add more components than the predefined ones for the given quickstart project.


module (v2.0.0)

module (alias: -m)

note: module argument is applicable only in Angular projects.

Path to the module.ts file, relative to the /src/app/ folder, for the module where the new component should be registered:

ig add grid newCombo --module=myModule/myModule.module.ts
skip-route (v3.2.0)

--skip-route (alias: -srk)

Don't auto-generate am app navigation route for the new component

Ignite UI for jQuery templates

Following is a table that demonstrates what Ignite UI for jQuery templates are available in the supported frameworks:

Template Code and description jQuery Angular React
grid ig add grid newGrid
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering
grid-custom ig add grid-custom newCustomGrid
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering, Selection, Updating, ColumnMoving, Summaries, Resizing, Hiding, GroupBy
grid-editing ig add grid-editing newGridEditing
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering. Updating is enabled by default.
grid-export ig add grid-export newGridExport
A template for exporting a Grid to Excel.Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering, Summaries, Hiding
grid-templating ig add grid-templating newGridTemplating
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering
Hierarchical Grid
hierarchical-grid ig add hierarchical-grid newHierarchicalGrid
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering
hierarchical-grid-custom ig add hierarchical-grid-custom newCustomHierarchicalGrid
Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering, Selection, Updating, ColumnMoving, Summaries, Resizing, Hiding
hierarchical-grid-editing ig add hierarchical-grid-editing newHierarchicalGridEditing
Sorting, Paging, Filtering. Updating is enabled by default.
hierarchical-grid-export ig add hierarchical-grid-export newHierarchicalGridExport
A template for exporting a Hierarchical Grid to Excel.Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering, Summaries, Hiding
Tree Grid
tree-grid ig add tree-grid newTreeGrid
A basic Tree Grid template.Features choices: Sorting, Paging, Filtering, Summaries, Hiding
tree-grid-custom ig add tree-grid-custom newCustomTreeGrid
A template allowing you to create a Tree Grid with enabled features of your choice.Features choices: Sorting, RowSelectors, Filtering, Updating, ColumnMoving, Resizing, Hiding
tree-grid-editing ig add tree-grid-editing newTreeGridEditing
Features choices: Sorting, Filtering
tree-grid-export ig add tree-grid-export newTreeGridExport
A template for exporting a Tree Grid to Excel.Features choices: Filtering, Summaries, Hiding
tree-grid-file-explorer ig add tree-grid-file-explorer newTreeGridFileExplorer
Features choices: Sorting
🚧 #36
text-editor ig add text-editor newTextEditor
The text editor is a control that renders an input field which can be formatted for single or multiline input.
numeric-editor ig add numeric-editor newNumericEditor
The numeric editor is a control that renders an input field which only accepts numeric digits.
currency-editor ig add currency-editor newCurrencyEditor
The currency editor is a control which renders an input field which only accepts numeric values, formatted as various currency types.
mask-editor ig add mask-editor newMaskEditor
The mask editor is a control that renders an input field enforces input restrictions as determined by a given input mask.
date-picker ig add date-picker newDatePicker
The date picker allows you to have input field with dropdown calendar and specified by developer display date format.
combo ig add combo newCombo
The combo is a combo box control that offers auto-complete, auto-suggest, and rich editing capabilities.
bar-chart ig add bar-chart newBarChart
Bar series template of Data Chart.
column-chart ig add column-chart newColumnChart
Column series template of Data Chart.
doughnut-chart ig add doughnut-chart newDoughnutChart
The Doughnut Chart allows for proportionally illustrating the occurrences of a variable. The inner radius of the control is configurable, and the Doughnut Chart’s series provides a built-in support for selecting and exploding its slices.
financial-chart ig add financial-chart newFinancialChart
Financial series template of Data Chart
funnel-chart ig add funnel-chart newFunnelChart
The Funnel Chart control provides functionality for displaying funnel charts in HTML5 web applications and sites based on the Canvas element and its associated API.
line-chart ig add line-chart newLineChart
Line series template of Data Chart
pie-chart ig add pie-chart newPieChart
The Pie Chart provides functionality for displaying various kinds of charts in web applications based on the HTML5 Canvas element.
radial-chart ig add radial-chart newRadialChart
Radial series template of Data Chart
scatter-chart ig add scatter-chart newScatterChart
Scatter series template of Data Chart

Ignite UI for Angular templates

Following is a table that demonstrates what Ignite UI for Angular templates are available:

Template Code and description
Grids & Lists
grid ig add grid newGrid
Basic template for IgxGrid.
grid-batch-editing ig add grid-batch-editing newGridBatchEditing
Sample IgxGrid with batch editing.
custom-grid ig add custom-grid newCustomGrid
IgxGrid with optional features like sorting, filtering, editing, etc.
grid-summaries ig add grid-summaries newGridSummaries
IgxGrid with summaries feature.
grid-multi-column-headers ig add grid-multi-column-headers newGridMultiColumnHeaders
IgxGrid with multiple header columns.
tree grid ig add custom-tree-grid newCustomTreeGrid
IgxTreeGrid with optional features like sorting, filtering, row editing, etc.
list ig add list newList
Basic IgxList.
combo ig add combo newCombo
Basic IgxCombo with templating.
category chart ig add category-chart newCategoryChart
Basic category chart with chart type selector.
financial chart ig add financial-chart newFinancialChart
Basic financial chart with automatic toolbar and type selection.
bullet graph ig add bullet-graph newBulletGraph
IgxBulletGraph with different animations.
linear gauge ig add linear-gauge newLinearGauge
IgxLinearGauge with different animations.
radial gauge ig add radial-gauge newRadialGauge
IgxRadialGauge with different animations.
accordion ig add accordion newAccordion
Basic IgxAccordion.
dock-manager (v5.2.0) ig add dock-manager newDockManager
A dock-manager with nine content slots.
carousel ig add carousel newCarousel
Basic IgxCarousel.
tabs ig add tabs newTabs
Basic IgxTabs.
bottom-nav ig add bottom-nav newBottomNav
Three item bottom-nav template.
Data Entry & Display
chip ig add chip newChip
Basic IgxChip.
dropdown ig add dropdown newDropDown
Basic IgxDropDown.
select (v4.1.0) ig add select newSelect
Basic IgxSelect.
select (v4.1.0) ig add select-groups newGroupsSelect
Select With Groups.
select (v4.1.0) ig add select-in-form newFormSelect
IgxSelect in a form.
input group ig add input-group newInputGroup
Basic IgxInputGroup form view.
dialog ig add dialog newDialog
Basic IgxDialog.
tooltip ig add tooltip newTooltip
A fully customizable tooltip.
date-picker ig add date-picker newDatePicker
Basic IgxDatePicker.
time-picker ig add time-picker newTimePicker
Basic IgxTimePicker.
calendar ig add calendar newCalendar
IgxCalendar with single selection.


After 13.1.0 and based on the project type (legacy or standalone), the add command will add a standalone component template or module based one.

Ignite UI for React templates (v4.0.0)

Following is a table that demonstrates what Ignite UI for React templates are available:

Template Code and description
Grids & Lists
grid ig add grid newGrid
Basic template for IgxGrid.
category chart ig add category-chart newCategoryChart
Basic category chart.
financial chart ig add financial-chart newFinancialChart
Basic financial chart with automatic toolbar.
doughnut chart ig add doughnut-chart newDoughnutChart
Basic doughnut chart with legend.
pie chart ig add pie-chart newPieChart
Basic pie chart with legend.
bullet graph ig add bullet-graph newBulletGraph
Basic IgrBulletGraph template.
linear gauge ig add linear-gauge newLinearGauge
Basic IgrLinearGauge template.
radial gauge ig add radial-gauge newRadialGauge
Basic IgrRadialGauge template.