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Spring backend application template with Hexagonal architecture


The application's architecture is Hexagonal architecture. The following articles will explain the purpose and benefits of it, and how to configure it:

  1. Baeladung Hexagonal architecture
  2. Medium Hands-on Hexagonal architecture



  1. Download and setup JDK 17.
  2. Download Maven dependency manager: Maven Download
  3. Run maven command in the project's root folder: mvn clean install


At first we are using an embedded H2 database without using a schema manager (Liquibase)

After the application starts, H2 developer console is available on the following URL: http://localhost:8080/h2-console
In order to connect, provide the necessary information, which can be find in file.


  1. In run configurations, set Spring active profiles to local (
  2. Run the application from IDEA: hu.isakots.HexagonalTemplateApplication
    or from command-line: mvn spring-boot:run


This template contains the following features:

  • Already arranged hexagonal architecture
  • Implemented token-based authentication
  • Minimalist exception handling (it handles exceptions thrown by validation API as well)
  • OpenAPI configuration (although it's not working, bcz Spring Boot v3 is not supported yet)
  • GitHub workflow to build the project