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Expense Management System Dataset

Click to access Data used for Expense Management System


The "Expense Management System Dataset" serves as the backend data source for the Expense Management System project. It is an Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) containing synthesized expense records used for testing and demonstration purposes. The dataset mimics the structure of real expense data typically encountered in an organization.

Privacy and Security Note: The data used in this project is entirely synthesized and does not capture any financial information or sensitive company data. All privacy and authorization concerns have been diligently considered to ensure the confidentiality of real data is preserved.


Here is a preview of the fields and information available in the dataset:

S/N Date Category Expense name Amount Location (taken from) Comments Submitted by Submitted on
1 30-03-2020 Monthly Salary Salary 409,000 Clinic Sales Clinic Salary Balance IsraelVow 10/11/2021 02:45
2 30-03-2020 Lubricant & Fuel Petrol Purchase 6,250 Petrol 50 Litres For Gen
3 30-03-2020 Lubricant & Fuel Petrol Purchase 4,750 Clinic Sales Petrol in truck IsraelVow 10/11/2021 02:31
4 30-03-2020 Purchases Stationary Purchases 5,000 Advance For Staff ID Cards
5 31-03-2020 Purchases Medical Equipment Purchases 4,000 Intubation Drugs and Tube
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

(Data shown here is a subset for demonstration purposes.)

Data Summary:

  • Number of rows: 1849
  • Number of columns: 9

Data Dictionary

Here's a summary of the data types used in the dataset:

  • S/N (Serial Number): Integer (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...)
  • Date: Date format (e.g., "30-03-2020")
  • Category: Text (e.g., "Monthly Salary", "Lubricant & Fuel", "Purchases", ...)
  • Expense Name: Text (e.g., "Salary", "Petrol Purchase", "Stationary Purchases", ...)
  • Amount: Currency (e.g., 409,000, 6,250, 4,750, ...)
  • Location (taken from): Text (e.g., "Clinic Sales", "", "Clinic Sales", ...)
  • Comments: Text (e.g., "Clinic Salary Balance", "Petrol 50 Litres For Gen", "", ...)
  • Submitted by: Text (e.g., "IsraelVow", "", "IsraelVow", ...)
  • Submitted on: Date and time format (e.g., "10/11/2021 02:45", "", "10/11/2021 02:31", ...)


The Expense Management System Dataset is utilized for the following purposes:

  • Testing and Development: The dataset is used during the development and testing phases of the Expense Management System to validate its functionality and performance with realistic data.

  • Demonstration: It serves as a sample dataset for showcasing the features of the Expense Management System to stakeholders, potential users, and recruiters.

Accessing the Dataset

The dataset is available in the Excel file format (Dataset.xlsx) and can be accessed from the GitHub repository.


The Expense Management System Dataset is open-source and licensed under MIT License.


If you have any feedback, questions, or suggestions regarding the dataset or the Expense Management System project, please feel free to contact us. Your input is highly valuable and helps us improve the project.

By Israel Josiah | LinkedIn: Israel Josiah