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Releases: JAM-Software/RibbonFramework


30 Sep 09:36
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 Support for Windows 10 SDK #124


01 Feb 14:18
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Fixed #115


26 Nov 17:42
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27 Dec 13:25
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  • Updated RibbonDesigner.EXE to fix issue #107.


19 Sep 18:04
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  • Bugfix: Possible EFOpenError when trying to load a RibbonSettings file that is currently "blocked" bug
  • Enhancement: Auto-generate CommandID for newly created commands in RibbonDesigner


19 Aug 11:29
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  • Issue #67: Recent files can be added before the command was actually created.
  • Issue #68: Create a standard action for the recent files.
  • Moved code to deal with recent files from TUIRibbon to TUICommandRecentItems.
  • Issue #101: You can now search for commands in the Ribbon Designer.
  • Issue #76: Commands can now be sorted in the Ribbon Designer.
  • Issue #95: Fixed possible exception when setting WindowState to wsMaximmized in TForm.OnCreate event.
  • Issue #73: Add property for RibbonDesigner with path to XML file, to make editing the ribbon easier.
  • Issue #70: Decoupled Visible and Minimized property.
  • Issue #75: Setting Visible to False now works as expected.


08 Oct 19:20
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  • BREAKING CHANGE: Renamed "TUICommandUpdateImageEvent" to "TUICommandUpdatePropertyEvent" and "TUICommand.OnUpdateImage" to "TUICommand.OnUpdateProperty". If assigned, "TUICommand.OnUpdateProperty" is now called in TUICommand.DoUpdate for any "TUIProperty"-parameter (not only images).
  • Fixed issue #54: Add, Delete, Up and Down commands are enabled when no file is loaded.
  • the code to detect the Delphi command line compiler now supports XE3 to 10.3.
  • Fixed issue #65: Changing Scaling Policy size is not applied to the View Tree
  • Fixed #64: Instead of defining own TUIPropertyKey use TPropertyKey from unit "WinApi.ActiveX".
  • Ribbon elements with the exception of button are no longer shown disabled if no OnExecute event handler is assigned to their action.
  • Removed call to "RefreshCommandCollection" during PropertyUpdated. Doing this here could cause a loop.
  • Added another overload of TUICommand.Create, which can be used to create TUICommands at runtime more conveniently. As parameter, one can pass a TCustomAction. The action's image will be applied to the UICommand automatically.
  • Fixed occasional AV that may occur during a call to RecreateWND. The AV would occur in UIRibbon.dll, after a call to FFramework.Destroy(). Setting the ref-counted member FFramework to nil in DestroyWND and re-instantiating it in CreateWnd solves the problem.
  • Improved error handling in TUIRibbon.Load() for issue #62.
  • Improved per-Monitor DPI awareness.
  • Adjusted creation of TUIImage (from imagelist): Draw an empty background on the bitmap first, so that the transparency of the source image is preserved.
  • Fixed AV that occurs when trying to run sample "03 DropDown Color Picker"
  • Several improvemtns for TRibbonCollectionAction:
    • BREAKING CHANGE: TRibbonCollectionAction no longer stores a pair of TCustomAction and category string, but the Category property of the connected action is used.
    • Added another overload of TRibbonCollectionAction.Add() that allows to add simple "text only" items at runtime, that can be used in a combobox.
    • Added possibility to Remove existing actions from a TRibbonCollectionAction at runtime.
    • When adding new actions to a TRibbonCollectionAction, we skip invisible ones.
    • Implemented update-mechansim that removes actions from a TRibbonCollectionAction, as soon as they become invisible.
    • Added TRibbonCollectionAction.GetEnumerator, so that we can iterate it with for-each loops.


04 Sep 12:13
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  • Issue #49: Added functionality to TRibbonCollectionAction that allows to add items to a ribbon collection dynamically, at runtime
  • Issue #53: Recent Items - Random access violation on child form close
  • Added support for Windows 8,1 and Windows 10 SDK
  • On Windows 8 and higher, we now offer the Windows 8.1 SDK for download.


20 Jul 17:12
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Reelased on 20 Jul 2016:

  • Updated RobbonDesigner.exe
  • Fixed issue #48: Recent Items - Random access violation


19 Jul 20:40
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Released on 19 Jul 2016:

  • Implemented #20: Moved code from TUICommand.Assign(TAction) to TUICommandActionLink.Set*() methods so that it is executed not only once.
  • Implemented issue #31: Support dynamically changing images and assigning images from action. The latter can be controlled through a new option TUIRibbonOption.roAssignImagesFromActionManager.
  • Fixed issue #39: Occasional access violation in TUICommandCollection.Destroy() at program termination.
  • Improved code order in TUIRibbon.Destroy(): Keep the framework referenced and so alive as long as possible to avoid strange exceptions.
  • Fixed issue #40: Sample project High Level\05 Font Control raises unhandled exception.
  • Ribbon Designer: Improved error message in case PowerShell could not be found, which is needed for building the ribbon
  • Improved error handling when calling Ribbon compiler and resource compiler in PowerShell script that builds the ribbon resources.