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View my favorite projects in either a 2d hub world or a responsive portfolio

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Repository files navigation

Playable Portfolio

By Jacob Wilson

A top-down 2D portfolio navigator and a dynamic github project portfolio.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux-Thunk
  • React-Unity-Webgl
  • UnityEngine
  • GitHub REST API
  • Aseprite and Photopea for artwork


A react application that hosts both a game and a standard portfolio. The top-down 2d portfolio designed in unity. In the Unity Portfolio The player is able to walk around a small setting and view details of a few projects. If the user steps on a fairy ring they are given the open to open the github repository of the project or the deployed application if applicable. In the standard portfolio I grab all of my github projects from the GitHub REST API and filter through them based on topics I have assigned. For new projects I create I have the option to add one of my chosen tags and the project will automatically get added to my portfolio. There is also an about me section, and a contact section with a working email form.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Step1: Clone the project.

  • You can find the github repository here

  • Click the code button, and copy the https link

  • In your in git bash or your preferred git terminal navigate to the directory you would like to store the project

  • Enter: git clone followed by the https link

  • Now that the repository is cloned to your computer, right click on the folder and click open with vs code Step2: Install Dependencies.

  • Now type npm install in your terminal to install the packages used in the project

  • You can now view the project by typing npm run start in your terminal

  • OR

  • You can find the deployed project on gh-pages here

Webpage Endpoints

Rout Description Unity Playable Portfolio Dynamic Github Portfoio About me page A contact page A thank you page, for email submissions



Unity Portfolio

  • Character Controller (Move, jump, open project in new tab if within collision range of project object)
  • Project object with either Iframe or text description
  • Camera Controller
  • Level designed in unity

MVP Resources:

  • React/Redux
  • Jquery
  • Rest Api (github's api)
  • Unity Engine
  • Javascript/Jsx for components
  • C# for unity objects

Further Exploration Objectives

Unity Portfolio

  • Pixel Art Character/Animations and Tiles
  • Audio Manager for Unity Portfolio
  • Alternate level areas for increased project details
  • Puzzles

Standard Portfolio

  • Search bar
  • Sorting by recent


**Final Component Tree**

Final Component Tree

Initial Plans

Webpage Layout Component Tree

Research and Unity log

Open Log * Note: This is in Alaska time


  • 10:45 Start Figma
  • 11:10 - 12 research Rest Api for github
  • 12 12:20 researching Iframes
  • 12:30 sleep (flights to wedding from 12 am to 10 am, so tired)
  • 2:30 - 2:45 more research into Rest api
  • 2:45 - 3 re-familiarizing myself with promises and api calls
  • 3 - 3:45 Looking over unity documentation and previous works for component information
  • 3:45 Done for day 1, off to wedding


  • 7-8:30am Read unity documentation while waiting for wedding to begin/guests to show up, Rigidbody2d, Collider2d, Monobehaviour vs Scriptable Objects, TileMap,


  • 12-1:15 Build project bones
  • 5:30 - 6:10 Add component tree to figma
  • 6:10 - 6:45 Research unity Scriptable Objects
  • 6:45 - 7:10 Adjust project bones
  • 7:10 - 7:30 set up Unity project bones
  • 7:30 8:30- Read Unity WebGl Docs, researching browser control within unity/ trouble shoot unity/vscode intellisense issues


  • 4 - 5 Research react-unity-webgl package 6:30 -7:20 Debug unity object not showing in react, Finally fixed!!!!! Now I just need to resize the unity components, Also my javascript works within unity! I can open a new tab perfectly


  • 8:15 - 9 Setting up routs, was unable to get working
  • 9 Rereading routs in learn to program 9:20 Got routs to work, needed "exact" keyword on home route, going to add changes and commit now that it works

1:30-: 3:45 researching concat, and promise chaining


6:00-8:00 Drawing test art assets


12-2:30 Adding topics to all github projects to be displayed on portfolio, adding readmes to old projects I want to display


2:30 Building character in unity 2:45 creating base animation for testing 3:20 building character controller 3:30 building camera follow 3:45 building repo object 4 building project to test js plugin

4:17 test build success! Unable to test javascript functions within unity, so i had to build the game and place the build files within my react project.


10:30 Modifying repository trigger component to work with key press instead of on player collision.

11-12 Setting up links on repo objects

1:30-2:30 Failing at art, using assets from previous game for now 2:30-3 Adding animations 3-3:30 linking animations to code and testing


3-5 Spritework 5-7 Adding tiles


10:30 - 11 Creating additional tiles 12-12:20 Importing and changing tiles 12:20-12:50 importing font art and creating asset 12:50-1:30 Create dialogue system/Art 1:30-3:45 (except for meeting) Designing level


07:15 Level design 07:50 Updating camera to stay within tilemap bounds. 8:15-9:00 Researching Cinemachine 9-9:30 Setting up cinemachine 9:30 DEI MEETING 10:30-11 Continuing to implement cinemachine/map bounds/pixel perfect camera settings 11 Adjusting dialogue trigger script/current triggers 12 - 1:30 Adding UI Art for keyboard controls 1:45 - 2:10 Ui implementation failed. creating custom ui logos 2:20 - 2-40 Ui animations 2:40 - 3-30 level design


07:15 - 8:05 Create audio manager and sound component. 8:05 Creating art asset for volume UI; 8:30 Building audio volume control / researching logorithimc change 9-10:45 Adjusting volume, adding controls, and adding menu button controls 10:45-11 adjusting build settings 11:45-12:30 styling game component to preserve aspect ratios

03/10 7:45 Final touches to project, Update readme.

Unity commits can be found here. Note: I started commiting here but most of the work is not scripts so my work is mostly logged above


Music By Matt Luker Github

Art Assets by Chloe Nielsen LinkedIn

Ui Assets by Jacob Wilson(author)

Character Sprite Animations by: Authors: Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Johannes Sjölund (wulax)

body/male/human/white.png: by Stephen Challener (Redshrike), Johannes Sjölund (wulax). License(s): CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0.

Character Assets

Known Bugs

  • No known bugs

License - MIT

If you run into any problems or find a bug, would like to reach me for a separate reason, feel free to send me an email @[email protected] with details of your issue.

Copyright (c) 03/10/2022 Jacob Wilson


View my favorite projects in either a 2d hub world or a responsive portfolio







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