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Building and Installing This Program


A properly install compiler that supports the C++20 Standard such as:

as well as CMake. You will often need a build system for CMake such as:

If your RTL does not support std::format, you will also need the {fmt} library.

MSYS2 now includes efxc2 as a mingw-64 package so you can install it with pacman with the command pacman -S [package name]. You can search for the appropriate "efxc2" package with the command pacman -Ss efxc2.

If you prefer to compile it for yourself, do the following:

  1. Install CMake using pacman -S [package name].
    You can find what versions are available with the command pacman -Ss cmake.
  2. Download the PKGBUILD file and place it in an empty directory named mingw-w64-efxc2.
  3. Change the current directory to where you downloaded the PKGBUILD and enter makepkg-mingw to build efxc2.
  4. Install the packages you created using pacman -U [package name].

MSYS2 Environment

  1. Install CMake using pacman -S cmake.
  2. Download the PKGBUILD file and place it in an empty directory named efxc2.
  3. Change the current directory to where you downloaded the PKGBUILD and enter makepkg to build efxc2.
  4. Install the packages you created using pacman -U efxc2.

For Cygwin, if you are using GCC 11.4.0, you will require the fmt library. If you are using a test version of GNU GCC from the Cygwin setup utility, no extra library is required.

  1. To compile this program for Cygwin, make a directory for building the files then enter:
cmake -GNinja [source directory]
cmake --build .
  1. To run tests on this build, enter the following:
cmake --build . --target test
  1. To install this program, enter the following:
DESTDIR="[installation prefix of your choice]" cmake --install .

Other Environments

To compile this program:

  1. Make a directory where you wish to build the program. This should be separate from the directory where you extracted the source-code.
  2. Change the current directory to this build directory.
  3. Enter commands such as cmake.exe -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[installation path] [source-directory] and cmake.exe --build ..
  4. Install the program to desired path you specified in the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX with a command such as cmake --install.
    Alternatively, you can simply copy the .exe from the "Release" or "Debug" directory to the location you desire.

An example I use on the Intel oneAPI command prompt is this:

cmake ../ -G"Visual Studio 17 2022"
cmake --build .

where I am building from a subdirectory under the source-code.