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James Craster edited this page Aug 26, 2018 · 8 revisions


Everyone has a role. Then there are 3 roles in the middle which no one has. Each role does one thing, and they act in the order they appear in the list in game.


Everyone gets to vote for one person to kill.

  • The person with the most votes dies. (If there is a tie, the people with the most votes die.)
  • It takes at least 2 votes to kill someone.

Edge case: if no-one is a werewolf, town wins if they do not kill anyone, and town loses if they kill an innocent person.


Evil team: (Wins if no werewolf dies*)

Werewolf: wakes up and sees who the other werewolves are, if there are any.

Minion: knows who the werewolves are, but they don't see him. His death does not cause a loss for the evil team.

* If the jester is killed, everyone loses, even the evil team.

Town team: (Wins if a werewolf dies)

Doppleganger: looks at someone else's role and becomes that role, then does their action.

Seer: looks at 2 roles in the middle (so knows those 2 roles don't belong to anyone at the start.)

Robber: swaps their role with someone else's and gets to see the role they pick up.

Transporter (3 player games only): swaps two people's roles, possibly including themselves. Doesn't get to see any roles.

Troublemaker: swaps two people's roles, excluding themselves. Doesn't get to see any roles.

Drunk: swaps their own role with a role in the middle that no-one has.

Insomniac: gets to look at their own role after everybody else has acted.

Villager: does nothing.

Mason: wakes up and sees who the other masons are, if there are any.


Jester: wins if they die. If they die, everyone else loses, even the evil team.

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