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Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Jason Gray edited this page Oct 11, 2019 · 12 revisions

Bug Reports

Most players should just work. If something doesn't work as expected with your favorite player, I'm sorry, but to put it bluntly, your favorite player is probably broken.

When creating a bug report please follow these simple guidelines:

  • DO NOT report bugs here against out of date distro packaged versions of this extension. The only developer supported versions of this extension are the current git master and the most current version here. Once a distro packages and freezes the version of this extension the burden of support falls on the distro. Bugs filed against out of date distro packaged versions will be marked as invalid and closed.

  • DO NOT report bugs here that complain that this extension does not work with whatever out of date GNOME Shell version you happen to be using. This extension makes no claim or effort to work with anything but the most current stable version of GNOME Shell. Older versions may exist and be installable via but bug fixes and features will not be backported. Bugs filed against out of date GNOME Shell versions will be marked as invalid and closed.

  • Please look though the issues, both open and closed and Known Player Bugs to make sure not to file a duplicate issue.

  • Please remember that no one gets paid to work on this extension, we do it because we enjoy it, so be patient and kind. See the code of conduct.

  • Be prepared to help fix the bug you are reporting. That could mean writing some code if you're capable. At the very least it means providing additional info upon request and/or helping testing potential fixes. "Drive by" bug reports will be closed.

Feature Requests

This extension for the most part is considered feature complete. There are no plans to add any additional major features to this extension. Features that require user configuration will not be considered.

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