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Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Jason Gray edited this page Jan 21, 2018 · 12 revisions

Bug Reports

This extension is a pretty by the book and very basic MPRIS implementation. Most players should just work. If something doesn't work as expected with your favorite player, I'm sorry, but to put it bluntly, your favorite player is broken. You should file a bug against your favorite player.

  • DO NOT report bugs here against out of date distro packaged versions of this extension. The only developer supported versions of this extension are the current git master and installed from <link coming as soon as it's approved> Once a distro packages and freezes the version of this extension the burden of support falls on the distro. Bugs filed against out of date distro packaged versions will be marked as invalid and closed.

  • Please look though the issues, both open and closed to make sure not to file a duplicate issue.

  • Please include your distro name and version, GNOME Shell version, the name of the player(s) that exhibit the issue, and a concise description of your issue and be prepared to provide additional information upon request. If the creator of an issue does not respond to additional information requests or does not follow up with requests to test fixes in a timely manner it will be assumed that the issue is resolved and the issue will be closed.

  • Please remember that no one gets paid to work on this extension, we do it because we enjoy it, so be patient and kind.

Feature Requests

There are no plans to add additional features to this extension. Feature requests will more than likely be closed.

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