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cursorkeys edited this page Dec 28, 2021 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the Basic-64/js wiki!

(Short: BJ64)

BJ64 is a javascript implementation of Commodore64 basic, that is intended to run in the browser. It includes the full screen basic editor.

Note: This is NOT a Commodore 64 (full) emulator. What is the difference? Check Here.


  • Runs in any (modern*) browser
  • No need to install
  • Optimized for editing basic programs
  • Screen editor emulation. To get that look-and-feel from a Commodore computer.
  • Vic2 emulation (poke/peek); Sprites, Text mode, full PETSCII character set
  • PETSCII control characters. Example: clear/home. Colors: White, Black, Red, ...
  • Tries to be 99% basic compatible
  • Added modern features
  • Classic look and feel editing environment
  • Storage. Save / Load your programs to browser storage.


Easy examples to copy and paste directly into the basic emulator. Examples


Check here how compatible the emulator is with the Commodore 64. Compatibility


You can either download the package (not yet), or go to the hosted website to use it.

Go to website


Why did I create this implementation of commodore 64 basic?


Mostly because I wanted a website where I could just do cool C64 basic programming, without installing an emulator (such as VICE).


Also, I find Emulators, as fantastic as they are, lacking when it comes to keyboard help. And especially on old computers like the commodore 64, keyboard layout / help, is crucial. Basic coding needs many PETSCII characters, and looking them up in a table again and again is tedious.

Note: I found this out the hard way, when I tried to type in a listing from "Commodore Info" magazine, and found I am constantly trying to figure out which key combo to use.

Text files

Also I want to be able to import / export / C64 basic programs as text files. ".PRG" files are great, but impossible to edit in a modern editor.


I also wanted a way to share commodore 64 basic programs in an easy way, for example on facebook or twitter.

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