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Unity Chan's Adventure

Unity Chan's Adventure, a 3D game made with Unity by Jung. 2024.01.08

English contents translted by ChatGPT.

Story / 故事

In a distant forest filled with various animals coexisting peacefully, a sudden disruption occurred when a ferocious bear appeared, shattering the tranquility. Unity Chan witnessed her fellow companions getting injured and decided to step forward, defending this harmonious home.

在一個遙遠的森林裡,充滿了各種動物,它們和平共處,但有一天,凶猛的熊突然出現,打破了這片寧靜。Unity Chan看到其他同伴受傷,她決定挺身而出,保護這片和諧的家園。

Controls / 控制

  • EN :
    • Movement: W A S D
    • Jump: SPACE
    • Mouse Left/Right: Unity Chan's default settings
    • Attack: E (Launch magic ball), R (Left hook punch), T (Right hook punch) (R, T have no damage to enemies, purely for action)
  • CN :
    • 移動 : W A S D
    • 空白鍵 : 跳
    • 滑鼠左/右 : Unity Chan 原設定
    • 攻擊 : E(發射魔法球)、R(左鉤拳)、T(右鉤拳) (R、T 對敵人無傷,純粹動作)

Mission / 任務

Eliminate all bears and unlock achievements.


Achievements & Conditions / 成就 & 條件

  • EN :
    • The Drowsy Chaperone : Push U Chan into the flower bed (restore HP to 1000).
    • The Hidden one : Discover the Easter egg U Chan (located in the rightmost house in the facial expression forest, accessed by getting stuck in the corner near the broom) (restore Armor to 1000).
    • Destroyer : Launch 15 magic balls within the village area.
    • Destroyer's Paradise : Launch 15 magic balls in the open space behind the village.
    • The Brave : Defeat the largest bear.
  • CN :
    • 半醉的護花使者 : 把 U chan 推進花圃(補血到1000)
    • 隱藏者 : 找出 Easter egg U Chan (面相森林最右側房子(從掃把的角落卡進去))(補甲到1000)
    • 毀滅者 : 在村莊範圍發射15發魔法球
    • 毀滅者的天堂 : 在村莊後面的空地範圍發射15發魔法球
    • 勇者 : 殺掉最大隻的熊

Skills / 技巧

  • EN :
    • NPC Dialogue Box
    • Background Snowy mountains with particle effects.
    • Unity Chan's attacks incorporate classroom-themed animations.
    • Village objects are mostly interactive.
    • Small enemies patrol automatically, detect attacks, and display a death animation when their health reaches zero.
  • CN :
    • NPC有對話框
    • 背景雪山運用粒子效果
    • Unity Chan 攻擊用上課的
    • 村莊的小物件幾乎可動
    • 小怪會自動巡邏並偵測攻擊,血量歸零會出現死掉動畫


新增一球體(或其他),調整到飽含偵測的範圍,將MeshRenderer.SetActuve(false)ColliderIs Trigger打勾


public class littelbear_det : MonoBehaviour
    static public bool p_det = false;
    static public bool det_sth = false;

    void Update()
    public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "iceball") Physics.IgnoreCollision(other.GetComponent<Collider>(), GetComponent<Collider>());
        det_sth = true;
        if (other.tag == "player") p_det = true;
    public void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
        if (other.tag == "iceball") Physics.IgnoreCollision(other.GetComponent<Collider>(), GetComponent<Collider>());
        det_sth = true;
        if (other.tag == "player") p_det = true;
    public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
        det_sth = false;
        p_det = false;


Mesh ColliderConvex打勾,加上RigiBody,可自行調整Mass,調整效果

P.S. / 備註

The scene is meticulously crafted, with each element, including flowers, trees, rocks, houses, and characters, individually placed rather than relying on a pre-made terrain.


Asset / 資源

Reference Materials / 參考資料


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