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50 Days of Udacity Challenge

13, July 2020
  • D1: Completed Introduction L1
14, July 2020
  • D2: Completed L2 upto 10
15, July 2020
  • D3: Completed L2 up to 16.
16, July 2020
  • D4: L2 up to 25
    • Cloud services for Machine Learning
    • Overview of Azure ML Studio
    • Differences between Model vs Algorithm
    • Learned the basics of Linear Regression
      • Linear Assumption
      • Remove Noise
      • Remove collinearity (correlated features)
      • Gaussian distributions
      • Rescale inputs
    • Lab 1 of LinearRegression complete.
      • Learned about RDP gateway First time in ML/DL, I experienced design studios like Android Studio and XCode, Kudos to the team of @Microsoft Azure to come up with such drag and drop concept that will help the non-coding background people đź‘Ť:clapping-inclusive::clapping-inclusive::clapping-inclusive: Attached: Android Studio's drag and drop design studio for reference. Also learned, how RDP gateway works in the browser. :face_with_monocle: Encouraging: @Aarthi Alagammai @Richa @Pooja Tope-Puranik @Veena @Viji @geax @Harshit Rai :yay::bhangra:
17, July 2020
  • D5: L2 Complete

  • Created Youtube Statistics App


    The app gather the information from Youtube API. The information are stored into .csv files.

    Pandas, Matplotlin and seaborn used to create plot from the availlable data.


    It provides the overall estimate or trend that tells how much people are actively learning on Udacity.


18, July 2020
  • D6: L3 upto 5
  • Zoom meet with #sg_connecting_the_dots_with_ml mates Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
19, July 2020
  • D7: L3 5 to 10
  • Zoom meet with project team to discuss ideas
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
20, July 2020
  • D8: L3 10 to 16
  • Learned the importance of feature engineering and feature selection and completed on lab on it
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
21, July 2020
  • D9: L3 up to 20
  • Learned Data drift and model training process
  • Learned Taxonomy of Azure Machine Learning
  • Attended group meeting of #sg_connecting_the_dots_with_ml on Social
  • Attended last 10 minutes of group meeting of #sg_connecting_the_dots_with_ml on HealthCare
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
22, July 2020
  • D10: L3 up to 25
  • Created one process diagram for Semantic Analysis on text data
  • Learned Model Evaluation techniques. Kick start meeting
  • Diffrentiate between Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) and Area Under the Curve (AUC)
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
23, July 2020
  • D11: Just learned one lecture 3.26 because next chapter is important as that is the thing that we are going to so many times.
  • Meeting with project mates for updates ![Kick start meeting](youtube_statistics/screenshots/Screenshot from 2020-07-23 20-28-58.png)
  • Created one notebook for EDA
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
24, July 2020
  • D12: L3 upto 30 (Ensemble Learning)
  • Created new plots based on historical data collected through daily stats
  • Total Counf of Views On Each Day (Not accurate as I am still on 3rd lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
25, July 2020
  • D13: Completed the pending labs of L3
  • EDA on environ email dataset for our semantic analysis project
    GitHub : Email Semantic Analysis
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
26, July 2020
  • D14: L4 Started and completed upto 3
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
27, July 2020
  • D15: Completed L4 up to 10
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
28, July 2020
  • D16: Completed L4 up to 15
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
29, July 2020
  • D17: Completed L4 up to 20
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
30, July 2020
  • D18: Completed L4 up to 23
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Walked 2.5 km Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
31, July 2020
  • D19: Completed L4
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Walked 4.9 km Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
1, August 2020
  • D20: Completed L5 upto 3
  • Company's friendship day meeting Kick start meeting
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) [Bug: Sorting by date] Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
2, August 2020
  • D21: Completed L5 upto 3
  • HealthCare Project Meeting Kick start meeting
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) [Bug: Sorting by date] Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting
  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
3, August 2020
  • D22: Completed L5 upto 6

  • Learned that groupby and pivot destroys the date sorting so for groupby we have to specify

      sort=False and for pivot, we have to reindex the table by sorting the date columns
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting

  • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 5

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
4, August 2020
  • D23: Consumed with company work and right now may be tired or not feeling well so not going through courses
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) [Bug: Fixed] Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 6

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
5, August 2020
  • D24: Completed L5 up to 10
  • Some EDA on subject of the email Email Semantic Analysis
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 7

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
6, August 2020

Fitness Day: 8

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
7, August 2020
  • D26:
    • Removed stop words in email dataset email semantic analysis project of #sg_connecting_the_dots_with_ml
    • Starting the Forecasting Project for next 25 days udacity views
    • Completed L5 upto 15
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 9

  • Walked 3.39 km Kick start meeting
8, August 2020
  • D27:
    • Stemming and Lemmatization on email dataset email semantic analysis project of #sg_connecting_the_dots_with_ml
    • Completed L5 upto 18
    • Weekly Meet about How to improve more through WFH in upcoming months.
  • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
  • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 10

  • Walked 2.36 km Kick start meeting
9, August 2020
  • D28:
    • Completed L5 upto 18
    • Doing some forecasting based on mean_absolute_percentage_error metric on Udacity Azure ML courses. Fore Casting
    • Weekly Meet with Project mates of email semantic analysis and explained the past work and what we will going to do in future.
    • Weekly Meet with Project mates of Skin Cancer Detection and explained the past work and what we will going to in future.
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 11

  • Walked 4.38 km Kick start meeting
10, August 2020
  • D29:
    • Completed L5 upto 21
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 12

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
11, August 2020
  • D30:
    • Completed L5
    • Created some visuals for #visual_challenge_gallery
      1. Udaicty Collage Udacity Collage Udacity Collage

      2. My Face in the eye of Deep Learning My Face

      3. Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Historical Udacity Views Plot

      4. Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Historical Udacity Progress Plot

      5. Progress Animated Video Progress Animated Video

    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 12

  • Walked 3 km Kick start meeting
12, August 2020
  • D31:
    • Completed L6 upto 5 (I will complete other leesons in 7 days now)
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 13

  • Took break due to heavy rain
13, August 2020
  • D32:
    • Completed L6 upto 12
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 13

  • 2.06 km Kick start meeting
14, August 2020
  • D33:
    • Got busy in office's deep learning model troubleshooting in production so had no time for udacity. However creating plots for today's date
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 14

  • 4 km Kick start meeting
15, August 2020
  • D34:
    • Attended Independence Day Meet
    • Attended Discussion about project presentation
    • Paticipated in Study Jam
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 14

  • 4 km Kick start meeting
16, August 2020
  • D35:
    • Completed lessons upto L6-18
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 15

  • 4 km Kick start meeting
17, August 2020
  • D36:
    • Completed L6
    • Overall View Trend Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 16

  • NaN (Due to heavy rain)
18, August 2020
  • D37:
    • Completed Whole Course Work :D :D :D
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 17

  • 6 km Fitness
19, August 2020
  • D38:
    • Involved in MLOps in office. Implementing GEARMAN Worker for machine learning pipeline
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 18

  • 3 KM Fitness
20, August 2020
  • D39:
    • Creating MLOps APIs in office. Implemented GEARMAN Worker for machine learning pipeline GearMan
    • Historical Udacity Views Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Today's stats Kick start meeting
    • LAST CHAPTER VIEWS Last-Chapters

Fitness Day: 19

  • NaN
21, August 2020
  • D40:
    • Working on the automation script to make sure each lesson checked and nothing left
    • Creating last lesson views graph animation to keep track of the completion rate.

Fitness Day: 19

  • 7.11 km Fitness
22, August 2020
  • D41:
    • Completed automate script on lesson 2 Automate

Fitness Day: 20

  • NaN
23, August 2020
  • D42:
    • Involved in email semantic analysis
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting

Fitness Day: 20

  • 3 km Fitness
24, August 2020
  • D43:
    • Created TF-IDF matrix for email semantic analysis project
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
    • Last week progress | Around 1200 students completed last week. Still, 2 weeks to go to achieve 200% :sonic::metroid-running-hurry: Last week progress

Fitness Day: 20

  • Going for cycling :D. I will update this soon
25, August 2020
  • D44:
    • Evaluating K-mean clustering algo on enron dataset
    • Historical Udacity Progress Plot (Grouped by lesson) Kick start meeting
26, August 2020

Fitness Day: 21

  • Walking: 4 km Fitness
27, August 2020
  • D46:
    • Read adaptive learning docs

Fitness Day: 22

  • Going out for biking.. but it had a puncture so started walking

  • Walking: 3 km Fitness

28, August 2020
  • D46:
    • Read adaptive learning docs

Fitness Day: 22

  • Going out for biking.. but it had a puncture so started walking

  • Walking: 3 km Fitness

28, August 2020
  • D47:
    • I had project presentation meeting with @Kum Somi
    • Working on one scraping project to identify the 300
    • Creating one technical architecture to create chatbot on udacity coursework

Fitness Day: 22

  • 1.33 km walking
29, August 2020
  • D48:
    • Preparing for the presentation Presentation{:height="700px" width="400px"}
    • Presented our Email Semantic Analysis Project in ML Fest
30, August 2020
  • D49:
    • Participated in studyjam 2.0
31, August 2020
  • D50:
    • Evaluation the #50daysofudacity challenge
    • 1478 people have taken this challenge

My 50 Days Challenge Completes Here :) \m/