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Kõnele is an Android app that offers speech-to-text user interfaces to other apps. Its main components are:

The SpeechRecognizer-implementations have been deprecated, we recommend to use the external app Kõnele service to connect to kaldi-gstreamer-server.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play

The diagram below shows Kõnele's main components in dark yellow, while the standard Android interfaces via which other apps can interact with Kõnele are in green. Deprecated parts are crossed out.


The main goals of this project is to offer support for Estonian speech recognition on the Android platform, as well as grammar-based speech recognition for voice command applications.

For documentation, APKs, app store links, news etc. see

Building the APK from source

Clone the source code including the speechutils submodule:

git clone --recursive [email protected]:Kaljurand/K6nele.git

Point to the Android SDK directory by setting the environment variable ANDROID_HOME, e.g.


In order to change your build environment create the file at a location pointed to by the environment variable GRADLE_USER_HOME. This will extend and override the definitions found in the that is part of the release.

Build the Kõnele app

./gradlew assemble

If you have access to a release keystore then

  • point to its location by setting the environment variable KEYSTORE

  • set KEY_ALIAS to the key alias

  • add these lines to your found in GRADLE_USER_HOME:


The (signed and unsigned) APKs will be generated into app/build/outputs/apk/.


The client for was originally based on

Please read through the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.