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🤖 gmap

A simple port scanning demo by Go.

🚀 gmap is a simple port scanning demo by Go. It can scan the ports of a target host and display the open ports.

✨ This project is just a demo project, and there are many features yet to be implemented.

⚗️ Features

  • TCP connection scanning
  • ICMP Ping scanning
  • Scan a single IP address or a range of IP addresses
  • CIDR notation support for scanning IP address range
  • Multithreaded concurrent scanning for better efficiency
  • Save scanning results to a file

📦 Installation

# Clone the repository
git clone
# Enter the project directory and run the test
cd gmap
cd test
go test
cd ..
# Build the project (for windows)
go build -trimpath -gcflags="-l=4" -ldflags="-s -w -extldflags '-static'" -o gmap.exe main.go

🚀 Usage Example

ICMP Ping scan an IP range:

./gmap -m ping -ip

TCP scan a single IP:

./gmap -m tcp -ip -p 80,8080

Specify the output file for results:

./gmap -m tcp -ip -p 10-100 -o result.txt

Multithreaded concurrent scanning:

./gmap -m ping -ip -tc 10 -tm 100 -tt 1000

Set the timeout for scanning (ms):

./gmap -m ping -ip -t 1000

Set log level:

./gmap -m ping -ip -mode info

📢 Announcement

I am a novice programmer, brimming with passion for coding, constantly engaged in learning and advancing. This project is the fruit of my learning journey, albeit possibly containing some imperfections. However, I shall persistently refine it and strive to elevate its excellence.

I wholeheartedly welcome everyone's suggestions, opinions, and critiques concerning this project. Should you have any queries or ideas, feel free to engage in a meaningful exchange with me. Together, we shall progress, learn in unison, and mutually inspire one another!"

🤝 contribute

  1. Contribute to this endeavor, Fork the present undertaking.
  2. Establish your distinctive branch of characteristics. (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Submit your modifications forthwith. (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Propagate your branch to the remote repository with due diligence. (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Submit a formal pull request for consideration.



📞 Contact Information

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the project, please feel free to contact me via the following methods: