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Machine Learning with a Heart

This is my submission for the DrivenData competition Machine Learning with a Heart.


I have tried two simple solutions (one using Random Forest and another using Logistic Regression) obtaining a score of ~0.36258 (Log Loss). I want to move on to something a little more exciting!

Problem Description

We must predict the binary class heart_disease_present where:

  • 0 represents no heart disease present
  • 1 represents heart disease present


There are 14 columns. patient_id is the unique and random identifier for a patient. The rest are:

  • slope_of_peak_exercise_st_segment (type: int): the slope of the peak exercise ST segment, an electrocardiography read out indicating quality of blood flow to the heart
  • thal (type: categorical): results of thallium stress test measuring blood flow to the heart, with possible values normal, fixed_defect, reversible_defect
  • resting_blood_pressure (type: int): resting blood pressure
  • chest_pain_type (type: int): chest pain type (4 values)
  • num_major_vessels (type: int): number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy
  • fasting_blood_sugar_gt_120_mg_per_dl (type: binary): fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl
  • resting_ekg_results (type: int): resting electrocardiographic results (values 0,1,2)
  • serum_cholesterol_mg_per_dl (type: int): serum cholestoral in mg/dl
  • oldpeak_eq_st_depression (type: float): oldpeak = ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest, a measure of abnormality in electrocardiograms
  • sex (type: binary): 0: female, 1: male
  • age (type: int): age in years
  • max_heart_rate_achieved (type: int): maximum heart rate achieved (beats per minute)
  • exercise_induced_angina (type: binary): exercise-induced chest pain (0: False, 1: True)

Feature Examples

Field Value
slope_of_peak_exercise_st_segment 2
thal normal
resting_blood_pressure 125
chest_pain_type 3
num_major_vessels 0
fasting_blood_sugar_gt_120_mg_per_dl 1
resting_ekg_results 2
serum_cholesterol_mg_per_dl 245
oldpeak_eq_st_depression 2.4
sex 1
age 51
max_heart_rate_achieved 166
exercise_induced_angina 0


Performance is evaluated using the binary log loss.

Submission Format

Two columns are required: patient_id and heart_disease_present. Because this competition uses a log loss evaluation metric, heart_disease_present should contain the probabilities that patients have heart disease and not the binary label. For example:

patient_id heart_disease_present
olalu7 0.5
z9n6mx 0.5
... ...