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Maxwell White edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

Write a tool to navigate in a kinto server without having to craft the HTTP request.

Basically a CLI tool on top of kinto-http.

Dream API

$ kinto --help
  Usage: kinto COMMAND [--server SERVER --auth AUTH] [command-specific-options]

  Primary help topics, type "kinto help TOPIC" for more details:
      login    # login with your kinto credentials
      buckets  # manage buckets
      groups   # manage groups

And we can imagine scenario like:

$ kinto login --server https://mykinto/v1 --auth johndoe:12345
$ kinto buckets
  - blog
  - geophoto
  - formbuilder
$ kinto buckets select blog
> Working on /buckets/blog
$ kinto collections
> Collections for `/buckets/blog`
  - articles
  - comments
$ kinto groups
> Groups for `/buckets/blog`
  - moderators
$ kinto collections select articles
> Working on /buckets/blog/collections/articles
$ kinto records
> Records for `/buckets/blog/collections/articles`
  - abcd
  - efgh