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Old Usage

Knugi edited this page Oct 24, 2022 · 1 revision


A Whatsapp database parser that will give you the history of your Whatsapp conversations in HTML and JSON
If you plan to uninstall WhatsApp or delete your WhatsApp account, please make a backup of your WhatsApp database. You may want to use this exporter again on the same database in the future as the exporter develops


First, clone this repo, and copy all py and html files to a working directory if you want to do so.

git clone

Then, ready your WhatsApp database, place them in the root of working directory.

  • For Android, it is called msgstore.db. If you want name of your contacts, get the contact database, which is called wa.db.
  • For iPhone, it is called 7c7fba66680ef796b916b067077cc246adacf01d (YES, a hash).

Next, ready your media folder, place it in the root of working directory.

  • For Android, copy the WhatsApp directory from your phone directly.
  • For iPhone, run the, and you will get a folder called Message.
python "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\[device id]"

And now, you should have something like this:

Folder structure

Last, run the script regarding the type of phone.

python & :: Android
python & :: iPhone

And you will get these:

Private Message

Private Message

Group Message

Group Message

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