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IPEV Model

The integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model accounts the integer property of trip data. The IPEV model is consistent with utility theory and provides a single structural framework for simultaneously modeling the choice of alternatives and quantity decisions with the constraint of the integer value of consumption. This model has a closed-form probability expression. This sample files include the estimation code using closed-form or simulation, the demand prediction, the welfare analysis, and the sample dataset.

Figure1 Figure 1. Continuous and integer demand models.




  • Set the parameters in IPEV.gss (required maxlik) or IPEVmt.gss (required maxlikmt)
    • U_FUNCTION: the utility function
    • For the estimation with closed-form, set SIMULATE = 0
    • For the estimation with simulation, set SIMULATE = 1
  • Run the estimation code in the GAUSS:
>> run IPEV.gss


>> run IPEVmt.gss


  • Set the parameters in DEMAND.gss
    • U_FUNCTION: the utility function
    • B: vector of estimated parameters
    • VCOV: variance-covariance matrix
    • Set secnarios for prediction and welfare analysis.
  • Run the prediction code in the GAUSS:
>> run DEMAND.gss


For the detail, see manual.pdf.


MIT License


Kuriyama, K., Y. Shoji, and T. Tsuge. (2023) The integer programing extreme value (IPEV) model: An application for estimation of the leisure trip demand. NRE Discussion Papers No. 2023-01, Natural Resource Economics, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University.
