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Introduction of this ReadMe file

This artefact contains the source code for the paper:

Thom Badings, Hasan Poonawala, Marielle Stoelinga & Nils Jansen (2023). Correct-by-construction reach-avoid control of partially observable linear stochastic systems. ArXiv preprint.

This repository contains all code and instructions that are needed to replicate the results presented in the paper. The experiments run single-threaded on a computer with a 4GHz Intel Core i9 CPU and 32 GB of RAM.

Python version: 3.8.3. For a list of the required Python packages, please see the requirements.txt file.

Installation and reproducing experiments

We have tested the artefact on MacOS Ventura 13.4.1, and on Ubuntu 22.04.2.

1. Install dependencies

In addition to Python, a number of dependencies must be installed on your machine:

  1. Git - Can be installed using the command:

    $ sudo apt update 
    $ sudo apt install git
  2. Java Development Kit (required to run PRISM) - Can be installed using the commands:

    $ sudo apt install default-jdk
  3. PRISM 4.8 - In the desired PRISM installation folder, run the following commands:

    $ git clone -b v4.8
    $ cd prism/prism; make

    For more details on using PRISM, we refer to the PRISM documentation on

  4. To compute the error bound by which goal and critical regions are augmented, we rely on semi-definite programming. To this end, the blas+lapack library is required. This library is installed using the following command:

    $ sudo apt install -y libatlas-base-dev
  5. To create the 3D UAV trajectory plots, you may need to install a number of libraries requires for Qt, which can be done using the command:

    $ sudo apt-get install -y libdbus-1-3 libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxcb-icccm4 libxcb-image0 libxcb-keysyms1 libxcb-randr0                          libxcb-render-util0 libxcb-xinerama0 libxcb-xinput0 libxcb-xfixes0

2. Copy artefact files and install packages

Download and extract the artefact files to a desired folder on your machine. Then, run the following command in the folder where you extracted the artefact to install the required packages:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

For a full list of all packages installed, please see requirements.txt.

Note: It can be critical to install the headless version of opencv. This is important because both cv2 (opencv) and pyqt5 come with a version of the XCB plugin, but these versions are incompatible.

3. Set default folders and options

To ensure that PRISM can be found by the script, you need to modify the PRISM folder in the options.txt file. Set the PRISM folder to the one where you installed it (the filename should end with /prism/, such that it points to the folder in which the bin/ folder is located), and save your changes. For example, this line of the options.txt file can look like this:

mdp.prism_olfder = /home/<location-to-prism>/prism-imc/prism/

If desired, you may also make other changes in the configuration of the script in the options.txt file. An overview of the most important settings is given below:

  • mdp.prism_folder : folder where PRISM is located; should end with /prism/ (the folder in which the bin/ folder is located)
  • mdp.mode : if “interval” (default value), an interval MDP is created. If “estimate”, a regular MDP is created
  • mdp.prism_java_memory : the memory allocated to Java when running PRISM. The default value is 2 GB, but when solving large models, this may be increased (the benchmarks in the paper all ran on a machine with 32 GB of memory allocated to Java).
  • plotting.3D_UAV : if True, the 3D plots for the 3D UAV benchmark are created. Note that this plot pauses the script until it is closed. If you do not want this behavior, you need to disable this option.

4. Run the script

The file, which executes the main program, expects a number of arguments. For examples, see the shell scripts in the experiments/ folder. For example, the following commands runs the 2D UAV benchmark, with the two-phase time horizon with a transient phase of length 3:

$ python3 --application UAV_2D --two_phase_transient_length 3 --monte_carlo_iterations -1 --R_size 11 5 11 5 --R_width 2 1.5 2 1.5 --horizon 24 --plot_trajectory_2D 0 2 --noise_strength_w 1 1 1 1 --noise_strength_v 1 --validate_performance 1000;

To reproduce all the results presented in the experiments in the paper, navigate to the experiments/ folder and run the following command:

$ bash

5. Inspect the results

All results are stored in the output/ folder. When running a new benchmark instance, a new folder is created that contains the application name and the current datetime, such as FiAB_<model>_<more options>_<date>/.

Within this folder, all results specific to that single iteration are saved. This includes, for example:

  • The PRISM model files in explicit format (a .lab, .sta, and .tra and .pctl file are created).
  • An Excel file that describes all results, such as the optimal policy, model size, run times, etc., of the current iteration.
  • Various plots, showing the appropriate results for the current iteration.


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