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% TPT All script % LBPHacker % 2023-12-24

TPT All script

This script lets you define sets of particles, filter these sets (comparisons, user filters), execute boolean operations on them (union, difference, intersection) and finally manipulate the particles in them en masse. It also lets you access properties of particles through proxy objects.

DO READ THIS. It's worth it. I mean it. You won't know how to use this if you don't. It's really useful at times and better than the legacy console commands.

It does assume a bit of Lua knowledge, but Lua is a language filled to the brim with easy to discover patterns, so don't be afraid of experimenting. The worst that can happen is you get an error.

The script sets up a table named all in the global tpt table, thus it's accessible as tpt.all. All functions defined by the script are in tpt.all.

There are two main concepts in this script that you should wrap your head around: proxies and sets. Proxies are basically particles, or rather, things through which you can access properties of particles. Sets are collections of such proxies.

The properties of particles are the pieces of data you can manipulate with the PROP tool, e.g. ctype, life and dcolour. When you index proxies (that is, use the . or the [] operators on them in Lua) they let you access these properties of the particles they control.

Sets are like boxes with numbered balls in them. You can make your own box with your own selection of numbered balls, and also combine the contents of boxes (union), remove all balls from a box that are present in another box (difference) or only keep balls that are present in another box (intersection).

Proxies for particles are returned by tpt.all.proxy. This function expects a particle ID as a parameter and returns an object that you can index with property names. For performance reasons, no sanity checking is done when accessing a property through such a proxy, so if you try to access a property that doesn't exist, you may get an error. Example:

local proxy = tpt.all.proxy(1337) -- proxy for particle #1337
proxy.ctype = 0xBADC0DE -- sim.partProperty(1337, "ctype", 0xBADC0DE)
-- the above is also equivalent to !set ctype 1337 0xBADCODE
print( -- print(sim.partProperty(1337, "life"))

The property names currently supported are (in version 97.0) type, life, ctype, x, y, vx, vy, temp, flags, tmp, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 and dcolour. Proxies also handle a property called id, which is not an actual particle property but, unsurprisingly enough, the ID of the particle the proxy controls.

Note that a proxy is dumb. If the particle it controls dies, it won't know about it and if you try to access a dead particle through its proxy, you may again get an error. I'm saying you may because another particle may get the ID of the particle that died, in which case you won't get an error but you won't get what you expect either.

Again, no sanity checking is done. For this reason it's best to use the functions in this script while the simulation is paused. To be honest, I can't think of a reason to use them when it's not paused, but I'm sure the community will find one.

The script makes sure that at any given moment at most one proxy exists for any particle ID. This means that if you call tpt.all.proxy multiple times with the same ID, you'll get the same object back. This makes sets easy to implement.

Sets are more fun. They are actually sets of proxies but let's just pretend that they are sets of particles. There are many ways to create such sets:

  • tpt.all() returns a set of all particles in the simulation,
  •, y) returns a set which holds a single particle at coordinates x, y,
  • returns a set which holds no particles,
  • returns a set which holds a single particle whose ID is id,
  • tpt.all.easy(str) is a shorthand for tpt.all():easy(str), see :easy below,
  • tpt.all.array(arr) does the same with the values of arr (a Lua array; the inverse of this operation is set_1:array(), which returns such a table),
  • tpt.all.buffer(func, ...) returns a set of particles created by func (a function which the script calls with the rest of the arguments, the ... thing) by secretly intercepting all sim.partCreate calls (see way below for examples),
  • tpt.all.assoc(tbl) returns a set of particles whose IDs are the keys of tbl (a Lua table; the inverse of this operation is set_1:assoc(), which returns such a table).

In fact you shouldn't use tpt.all.proxy at all. Sets are way better, believe me.

Now that you have sets, it's time to manipulate the particles in them a bit. Below are a bunch of examples of such en masse manipulation. Note the use of : instead of . when calling :set, :count, :kill and :each.

tpt.all():set("dcolour", 0xFFFF0000) -- paint all particles red
tpt.all():set("ctype", 0xBADC0DE) -- set ctype of all particles to 0xBADC0DE
print(tpt.all:count()) -- count particles
tpt.all():kill() -- KILL ALL HUMA-- ehrm, particles
-- exercise: guess what the two examples below do
tpt.all():set("dcolour", math.random(0, 0xFFFFFFFF))
tpt.all():set("dcolour", function() return math.random(0, 0xFFFFFFFF) end)
tpt.all():each(function(p) p.dcolour = math.random(0, 0xFFFFFFFF) end)

The last three examples by no means do the same thing. The first one generates one random colour and assigns that to the dcolour of every particle, while the last two generate and assign a distinct random colour to each particle.

Here's a full list of property manipulation functions that sets support:

  • set_1:set(property, value) sets property (a property string or index) of all particles in the set to value (an adequate value or a function that returns such adequate values; the function gets the proxy as its first parameter),
  • set_1:add(property, value) does the same as set, except it increases or decreases the value of the property by the specified value,
  • set_1:randomise(property, value_array) is the same as set except it randomly chooses one property value from value_array for every particle (yes, you can even have functions in the array),
  • set_1:kill() kills all particles in the set,
  • set_1:reorder() orders all particles in the set the way they would be ordered when they are freshly loaded from a save file,
  • finally there is set_1:each(func, ...) which you can use if no other manipulator does what you want: it calls func for all particles in the set (func gets the proxy as its first parameter and the ... after that).

Note that :each is not strictly a property manipulation function; it does whatever the function you give it does, which may or may not change properties of particles. It's entirely up to you what :each does.

You can of course store sets in variables for later use:

local stuff = tpt.all() -- remove the 'local' if you do this in the console
stuff:set("tmp", function(p) return p.tmp2 + 1 end)
	p.dcolour = (p.x + p.y) % 3 == 0 and 0xFFFFFFFF or 0xFF000000
stuff:randomise("type", { "qrtz", "glas", "tung" })

And since most of these functions return the set they're called on (one exception being :count), you can chain them:

tpt.all():set("tmp", 1):set("ctype", "bray")

Sets also support operations that yield new sets holding different particles. Most of these are boolean operations or filters. Boolean operations take two sets and create a new set from the particles in the first two sets in various ways, while filters yield sets that hold the same particles as the original set except the ones that don't satisfy certain criteria.

Boolean operations are as follows:

  • set_1 + set_2 (union) yields a set that contains the particles that are in either set_1 or set_2,
  • set_1 * set_2 (intersection) yields a set that contains the particles that are in both set_1 and set_2,
  • set_1 - set_2 (difference) yields a set that contains the particles that are in set_1 but not in set_2.

There are many more filters than boolean operations:

  • set_1:eq(property, value) (EQual) yields a set with the particles from set_1 whose property named property has the value value, which may be:
    • a number, e.g. 8 (property values are natively always numbers),
    • an element name, e.g. "dmnd" would be converted to 28, DMND's ID,
    • a string with a number and a trailing C, K or F for Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit, e.g. "777F" or "413.89C" would be converted to 687.04 (TPT uses Kelvin),
  • set_1:neq(property, value) (Not EQual) does the opposite,
  • set_1:lt(property, value) (Lower Than) is similar, but it only leaves a a particle in the new set if its property property is lower than value,
  • set_1:lte(property, value) (Lower Than or Equal) is similar but does <=,
  • set_1:gt(property, value) (Greater Than) is the same with >,
  • set_1:gte(property, value) (Greater Than or Equal) is the same with >=,
-- paint everything red that's to the right of the x = 50 line
tpt.all():gt("x", 50):set("dcolour", 0xFFFF0000)
-- make all CLNE particles emit PHOT
-- equivalent to !set ctype clne phot
tpt.all():eq("type", "clne"):set("ctype", "phot")

All of the above take an optional boolean argument eyeball_xy, which reduces their precision such that x/y readings taken from the HUD can be used with them. For example, a particle may be at x = 8.7, but :gte("x", 9, true) will match it, because 8.7 rounds up to 9.

  • set_1:bbox(left, top, right, bottom) (Bounding BOX) yields a set with the particles from set_1 that also happen to fall in the area defined by the positions left, top, right and bottom. These positions follow the notion of Rectangles in programming, which means that while the left and top positions are inclusive, right and bottom are exclusive. See crappy ASCII drawing:
|x                      (this is the simulation)                               |
| (0,0)     #                                                        #         |
|                                     #                                        |
|                       #                                                      |
|                                                        #                     |
|       #           (25,6)                            #                        |
|                #        x-------@--------+                                   |
|            #            |                |                #              #   |
|                         |    @           @                     #   #         |
|                         |        @       |        #                          |
|   #                     @                |                                   |
|                  #      |              @ |#               #                  |
|                         +----@-----------+       #              #      #     |
|       #                         #         x                                  |
|                                            (43,13)                           |
|                   #                                               #          |
|       #                                       #        #                     |
|                              #                                               |
|                 #                                                            |
|                           #                #                         (77,20) |
|        #                                                     #              x|

The tpt.all():bbox(25, 6, 43, 13) set will contain all particles marked @ (and not #). Note how there are particles that are at x = 43 or y = 13, yet they don't make it into the set because right and bottom are exclusive.

-- same as the previous example, but only affects CLNE particles
-- in the [100, 300) * [200, 400) bounding box
tpt.all():eq("type", "clne"):bbox(100, 200, 300, 400):set("ctype", "phot")

:bbox also takes an optional boolean argument eyeball_xy.

  • set_1:cursor(width, height) is just set_1:bbox(M(width, height)), where M returns the current mouse vector and the same vector offset by [width, height]. In other words, this takes a bounding box whose top left corner is wherever the cursor is, and whose dimensions are specified by width and height.

:cursor also takes an optional boolean argument eyeball_xy.

  • finally set_1:filter(func, ...), which you can use if no other filter does what you want: it calls func for all particles in the set (func gets the proxy as its first parameter and the ... after that); this function must return a truthy value (everything that isn't nil or false in Lua) if it wants to include the particle in the set :filter yields.

And then sets support a few miscellaneous operations that I personally rarely use, but who knows, they might be useful to others:

  • set_1:count() returns the number of particles in the set,
  • set_1:top() is a filter that yields a set in which all particles are on top, i.e. in a stack of particles sharing the same position no particle is above them,
  • set_1:clone() yields a set with the same particles as set_1, if for whatever reason you need a copy (you likely won't),
  • set_1:get(property) tells you the value of the property property of each particle in the set if all of them have the same value for that property, otherwise it says that they don't and returns false,
  • set_1:get_bbox(eyeball_xy) returns the bounding box of the set as four variables: left, top, right, bottom, its eyeball_xy again controls whether it returning HUD-like integer coordinates,
  • set_1:average(property) is the same as get except it returns the average if there are multiple particles in the set (so it never returns false),
  • set_1:rotate(angle, xcenter, ycenter) rotates the set by angle degrees in the clockwise direction around the point specified with xcenter and ycenter, both of which are optional and default to the center of the bounding box (as per set_1:get_bbox) along the appropriate dimension,
  • and set_1:iterate() can be used as an iterator in a Lua for loop:
for id, proxy in set_1:iterate() do = id * 2 -- whatever, do something funny here
  • set_1 == set_2 returns true if set_1 and set_2 are identical in terms of particles,
  • set_1 < set_2 returns true if set_1 is a strict subset of set_2 (i.e. there are particles in set_2 not present in set_1 but not the other way around),
  • set_1 <= set_2 returns true if set_1 is a subset of set_2 (i.e. one of the above two is true).

If Lua syntax seems tedious to you, you can just use :easy, which takes a string reminiscent a collection of legacy console commands and wraps the more important manipulators and filters. Commands in this string consist of an operator, and optionally a property name on the left and a number of property values on the right. The operators are as follows:

  • []x1,y1,x2,y1 is short for :bbox(x1, y1, x2, y1),
  • @width,height is short for :cursor(width, height),
  • name==value is short for :eq(name, value),
  • name!=value is short for :neq(name, value),
  • name<value is short for :lt(name, value),
  • name<=value is short for :lte(name, value),
  • name>value is short for :gt(name, value),
  • name>=value is short for :gte(name, value),
  • ^ is short for :top(),
  • name=value is short for :set(name, value),
  • name=val1,val2,... is short for :randomise(name, { val1, val2, ... }),
  • name+=value is short for :add(name, value),
  • name? is short for :get(name),
  • name?/ is short for :average(name),
  • ! is short for :kill(),
  • $ is short for :count().
  • * is short for :reorder().

You combine these operators by joining them with spaces. As an example, we're going to rewrite an earlier example to use :easy

-- these three commands all do the exact same thing
tpt.all():eq("type", "clne"):bbox(100, 200, 300, 400):set("ctype", "phot")
tpt.all():easy("type==clne []100,200,300,400 ctype=phot")
tpt.all("type==clne []100,200,300,400 ctype=phot")

Sets also have a few low-level methods that operate with single particle IDs (generally you should probably have no reason to use these):

  • set_1:insert(id) inserts the particle with ID id to the set,
  • set_1:remove(id) removes the particle with ID id from the set,
  • set_1:has(id) returns true if the particle with ID id is in the set, false otherwise.

Since a total order is defined over particle IDs, it's possible to order the otherwise unordered sets into ordered sets, which in turn makes it possible to select certain particles based on their index in these ordered sets. The following methods facilitate this:

  • set_1:range(first, last) selects the range [first, last] from the ordered set of particle IDs (first and last follow standard Lua semantics),
  • set_1[n] is an aliases for set_1:range(n, n).

The last example I'd like to show will demonstrate the proper usage of tpt.all.buffer. There's another function called tpt.all.fill(element) that fills the entire screen with element (defaults to DMND) by calling sim.partCreate a lot. This in itself isn't terribly interesting, but like I said, tpt.all.buffer hijacks sim.partCreate and adds every particle to a set that is created while the function passed to tpt.all.buffer is running. In other words, you can easily fill the whole screen with yellow CRMC like this:

tpt.all.buffer(tpt.all.fill, "crmc"):set("dcolour", 0xFFFFFF00)