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Spring Cloud Example

In this Microservice POC, I used Spring Boot and Netflix OSS to implement microservice and try to cover below few core parts of microservice landscape :

  • Service Discovery
  • Config Server
  • Spring Bus to do application config update on the fly
  • Zuul Gate keeper


To get started, please run below command to clone repository on your machine

git clone


You need to install below software on your machine.

  • Java 8
  • Docker
  • Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA

Running Application

You can compile project by running below command

./ 1.0

Above command will compile project and create docker image for it. 1.0 is docker tag.

If you update docker tag then you need to update Docker Image Version info in .env file.

You can run below command in steps to start application:

  • docker-compose up -d rabbitmq-server
  • docker-compose up -d eureka-server
  • docker-compose up -d config-server
  • docker-compose up -d test-service-app
  • docker-compose up -d security-service-app
  • docker-compose up -d api-gateway-service-app

Once application has been started you can run below command to check on which port number the application each service has been started.

docker-compose ps

It will list down each service with their port number information.

Access Application

To see Eureka dashboard you need to type below url in browser:


Enter username as eureka and password as password

It will list down all services that are get register with eureka server.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details