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A Python API for packet processing (create and unpack) based on user-defined format (RFCs).

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This documentation will contain explanation for the serialization API built by Team Gilroy throughout the course of the Spring 2021 semester in CS 158B.

Group members:

  • Alvin Jiang
  • Le Duy Vu
  • Muhammad Umer Sheikh
  • Xochitl Medina Arreola

Table of Contents

  1. What is
  2. Why is designed like this?
  3. How does work?

What is

The file contains the class Serializer which makes networking programs more readable and shorter. This serialization API enables users to create and unpack network packets according to user input format (for example, RFCs).

Why is designed like this?

Since the design was not specified, we tried to be creative with our solution. Obviously, there may be multiple designs with different functionalities which meet this requirement; our design is one of them. After consideration, we decided to make the API essentially a class because all of our group members are familiar with the concept of OOP/OOD.

How does work?

This portion will help users to understand how functions operate based on their functionalities. We tried to make our API simply to understand, but still we highly encourage other users to read through the code and documentation, and ask questions if any portion is not clear. We tried our best to make the documentation concise, and easy to read.

To make it easier, we used one class called

class Serializer:

and inside this class we have all our functions. The Serializer class helps users easily encode and decode binary packets when it is provided the format of a packet in a dictionary.

The class has 2 OrderedDict variables which remembers how the keys were interested. We used OrderedDict() instead of dict() since dict() does not keep track of insertion order, and gives the value in a random order.

The first dictionary fieldLengths is used to remember the name of the fields in the packet together with their lengths in bit. The second dictionary fieldValues stores the actual value of those fields in binary string.

Constructor: __init __(self, format_dict)

__init __ is the only constructor of the class. It initializes fieldLengths with the users predefined dictionary for section or packet format. fieldValues is also initialized based on the format dictionary and its values are filled with 0. The constructor complains if format_dict is not a dictionary.

Note for the predefined format dictionary from users:

  • Field name must be str and field length must be int
  • If field length is not fixed in the RFC but depends on the actual data of that field (for example, the QNAME field of DNS question section), put the length as 0.
     def __init__(self, format_dict):
        if self.validate_format(format_dict):

            self.fieldLengths = OrderedDict()
            self.fieldValues = OrderedDict()

            for field in format_dict:
                self.fieldLengths[field] = format_dict[field]

                self.fieldValues[field] = self.fieldLengths[field] * '0'
            print('Invalid format: {}'.format(format_dict))

Function: update_format(self, format_dict)

Similar to init function it deals with the format. This function allows users to work with a new format without creating another Serializer object. Note that fieldValues keeps its content after this operation.

    def update_format(self, format_dict):
        if self.validate_format(format_dict):
            self.fieldLengths = OrderedDict()
            for field in format_dict:
                self.fieldLengths[field] = format_dict[field]
            print('Invalid format: {}'.format(format_dict))

Function: get_format(self)

get_format retrieves the format of the section/packet, and return the format dictionary.

    def get_format(self):
        return self.fieldLengths

Function: get_data(self)

get_data retrieves the fieldvalues dictionary of the section or packet, and return the data dictionary.

    def get_data(self):
        return self.fieldValues

Function: refresh_field(self)

refresh_field removes the content in the value dictionary, and generate a new value dictionary based on the format dictionary. None is returned.

    def refresh_fields(self):
        for field in self.fieldLengths:
            self.fieldValues[field] = self.fieldLengths[field] * '0'

Function: set_field(self, field_name, value)

set_field sets the value of the specified FIELD_NAME if it exists. field_name is the name of the field being changed, must be a str, and it is also case sensitive. value can only be type int, bitstring, or bytes.
Note: If the field length is not pre-determined, only a bitstring or a bytes is accepted, int does not work for this field.

Type Variable
String field_name
Int/Bitstring/Bytes value
    def set_field(self, field_name, value):
        # argument validity check
        if type(field_name) == str and field_name in self.fieldLengths and (type(value) == bytes or type(value) == int or type(value) == str):
            if self.fieldLengths[field_name] == 0:  # if field length is not predefined
                if type(value) == int:  # this field can't accept type int because of the undefined length
                    print('Invalid type for VALUE (must be bit string or bytes)')
                elif type(value) == str:
                    if self.check_bitstring(value):     # if VALUE is binary string
                        self.fieldValues[field_name] = value
                        print('VALUE must be a bit string.')
                    self.fieldValues[field_name] = self.bytes_to_bits(value)

            else:   # if a normal field
                if type(value) == int:
                    # check if VALUE is in acceptable range for the field length
                    if -(2 ** (self.fieldLengths[field_name] - 1)) + 1 <= value <= 2 ** self.fieldLengths[field_name] - 1:
                        if value >= 0:  # unsigned VALUE
                            bits = bin(value)[2:]
                            self.fieldValues[field_name] = (self.fieldLengths[field_name] - len(bits)) * '0' + bits
                        else:   # negative VALUE
                            bits = bin(value)[3:]
                            self.fieldValues[field_name] = (self.fieldLengths[field_name] - len(bits)) * '1' + bits
                        print('Error: VALUE is out of range for the specified length of this field')
                elif type(value) == str:
                    if self.check_bitstring(value):     # if VALUE is binary string
                        if len(value) == self.fieldLengths[field_name]:     # check if lengths match
                            self.fieldValues[field_name] = value
                            print('Length of VALUE must equal field length')
                        print('VALUE must be a bit string.')
                else:   # if VALUE type is bytes
                    if len(value) * 8 == self.fieldLengths[field_name]:     # check if lengths match
                        self.fieldValues[field_name] = self.bytes_to_bits(value)
                        print('Length of VALUE in bit must equal field length specified in format')

            print('Invalid argument type or invalid field name')

Function: get_field(self, field_name)

get_field retrieves the value of the specified field if it exists. field_name is a string and it is case sensitive. A string value of field is returned. None is returned if no such field exists.

Type Variable
String field_name
    def get_field(self, field_name):

        if not isinstance(field_name, str):
            print('Invalid field_name type')
            return None

            return self.fieldValues[field_name]
        except KeyError:
            print('Field not found')
            return None

Function: to_byte(self)

to_byte concatenate the values of all fields in the dictionary into a byte object, essentially creating the packet. It returns a bytes object.

    def to_byte(self):
        # initiate byte string
        string = ''
        # iterate through all fields to get values
        for field in self.fieldValues:
            string += self.fieldValues[field]

        if len(string) % 8 == 0:    # if the whole packet length in bit is divisible by 8
            return int(string, 2).to_bytes(len(string) // 8, byteorder='big')
            print('The total length of all fields in this packet are not divisible into whole bytes, please check again.')
            return None

Function: from_byte(self, packet, index)

from_byte takes a bytes object (section/packet) and saves the value of each field into the internal dictionary based on the internal format dictionary. Make sure to update the format of your packet before using this function.
The argument index can be used to specify where in the packet the parsing should begin (counted in byte).

    def from_byte(self, packet, index):
            Takes a bytes object (section/packet) and save the value of each field into the internal dictionary according to the internal format dictionary

            :param packet: (Bytes) A byte string
            :param index: (int) the index of the byte from which the dictionary starts reading (index starts from 0)
            :return: None
        if type(packet) == bytes and type(index) == int:
            bit_index = index * 8   # keeps track of bit index
            bitstring = self.bytes_to_bits(packet)  # the string of bits from packet
            self.fieldValues.clear()    # flush value dictionary

            # Iterate through each field and extract n = field length, number of bits until done
            for field in self.fieldLengths:
                    self.fieldValues[field] = bitstring[bit_index:bit_index+self.fieldLengths[field]]
                except IndexError:  # out of bound index
                    self.fieldValues.clear()  # flush value dictionary
                    print("ERROR: Out of bound index when accessing the packet. Make sure the format dictionary matches the format of the packet.")
                    return None
                bit_index += self.fieldLengths[field]
            print('Invalid argument type')

Function: validate_format(format_dict)

validate_format checks dictionary validity. The criteria for dictionary validity are:

  1. Has to be a dictionary
  2. Dictionary length > 0
  3. No value in the dictionary < 0 Return value is boolean - true or false. True is valid.
    def validate_format(format_dict):

        if isinstance(format_dict, dict) and len(format_dict) > 0:
            for field in format_dict:
                if format_dict[field] < 0:
                    print('Invalid format... Terminating process call: {}'.format(format_dict))
                    return False
            return False

        return True

Function: bytes_to_bits(packet):

bytes_to_bits is used to convert a bytes object to a string of binary. Returns the bitstring representation of the input.

    def bytes_to_bits(packet):

        bitstring = ''
        for i in range(0, len(packet)):
            bits = bin(packet[i])[2:]  # remove prefix '0b'
            bitstring += (8 - len(bits)) * '0' + bits  # add padding 0 in front to make a byte
        return bitstring

Function: check_bitstring(string):

check_bitstring checks if a string is in binary format (only contains 0 and/or 1). Input parameter is a string. True is returned if binary, false if otherwise.

    def check_bitstring(string):
        digits = {'0', '1'}
        s = set(string)
        if s == digits or s == {'0'} or s == {'1'}:  # if only contains 0 and/or 1
            return True
        return False


A Python API for packet processing (create and unpack) based on user-defined format (RFCs).







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